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Vavilovskii Zhurnal Genet Selektsii ; 27(4): 316-322, 2023 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37469454


Grapes are one of the most common agricultural crops in the world. Currently, the analysis of genotypes directly at the DNA level is considered to be the most accurate method for studying the plant gene pool. The study of wild vines and ancient varieties in various regions of viticulture is an important direction of research in this field. The purpose of this work was to study the population of wild grapes growing on the territory of the Utrish Nature Reserve on the Black Sea coast of Krasnodar Region. The territory of the reserve is of interest as it is a site of ancient settlements, and the environmental conditions are suitable for the growth of wild grapes. During the survey of the territory, 24 samples of wild grapes were found, which were described according to the main morphological characteristics and analyzed by the molecular genetic method. The found vines were genotyped using 15 DNA markers, including nine commonly used for DNA fingerprinting (VVS2, VVMD5, VVMD7, VVMD25, VVMD27, VVMD28, VVMD32, VrZAG62, VrZAG79) and VVIb23, which allows determining hermaphrodite and dioecious vines. Statistical processing of microsatellite loci polymorphism data was carried out using the GenAlEx 6.5 program. The genetic relationships of the studied vines were evaluated using the PAST 2.17c program. The samples were found to be morphologically and genetically polymorphic. The number of alleles identified in the sample varied from 5 to 18 and averaged 8 alleles per locus. Statistical processing of DNA analysis data made it possible to identify two genetically different populations among the wild discovered vines. An assessment of genetic similarity of the found vines with some local varieties of geographically close viticulture regions, rootstocks and representatives of Vitis sylvestris from other territories was made. One of the populations found in the Utrish Nature Reserve is close to a number of V. sylvestris genotypes, the DNA profiles of which are presented in the Vitis International Variety Catalogue.

Vavilovskii Zhurnal Genet Selektsii ; 25(8): 797-804, 2021 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35083400


Local grape cultivars from different countries of the world are an important part of the gene pool of this culture. Of particular interest are the genotypes of the most ancient regions of viticulture. The territories of the subtropical zone of Georgia and the central part of Abkhazia belong to one of the centers of origin of the cultural grapevine. The purpose of the work was to genotype native Abkhazian grape cultivars, to study their genetic diversity based on DNA profiling data and to compare them with the genotypes of local varieties of other viticultural regions. Samples of plants were taken on the territory of the Republic of Abkhazia in private farmsteads and in the collection of the agricultural firm "Vina i Vody Abkhazii" ("Wines and Waters of Abkhazia"). The genotyping of the Abkhazian cultivars Avasirhva, Agbizh, Azhapsh, Azhizhkvakva, Azhikvaca, Atvizh, Atyrkuazh, Achkykazh, Kachich was carried out using 14 DNA markers, 9 of which are standard microsatellite markers recommended for the identification of grape varieties. To improve our knowledge about the sizes of the identified alleles, we used the DNA of grape cultivars with a known allelic composition at the analyzed loci. Statistical analysis of the data showed that the observed heterozygosity for the analyzed loci exceeded expected values, which indicates a genetic polymorphism of the studied sample of varieties. Evaluation of genetic similarity within the analyzed group based on the results of genotyping at 14 loci showed that the cultivars Kachich and Azhapsh differed from the other Abkhazian varieties. The obtained DNA profiles of the Abkhazian cultivars were checked for compliance with DNA-fingerprints of grape varieties in the Vitis International Variety Catalogue. The Georgian varieties Azhizhkvakva and Tsitska turned out to be synonyms according to DNA profiles, two varieties from the Database (Italian Albana bianca and Georgian Ojaleshi) have differences in DNA-fingerprints from the varieties Atyrkuazh and Azhikvatsa only in one allele, respectively. When comparing the identified Abkhazian grape genotypes, their difference from the sample of Dagestan, Don, Greek, Turkish, Italian, Spanish, and French varieties and genetic similarity with the genotypes of Georgian grapes were shown.