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Int J Surg Case Rep ; 111: 108864, 2023 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37793237


INTRODUCTION AND IMPORTANCE: Stercoral colitis is an urgent complication of fecal impaction that requires aggressive management. The rare complicated with bowel ischemia requires a high index of suspicion for early diagnosis. This case report describes the detection and management of this rare and fatal complication of stercoral colitis. CASE PRESENTATION: An 80-year-old man presented after 3 days of obstipation. Abdominal plain radiography revealed several air-fluid levels in the colon with centralized small bowel gas. Computed tomography revealed fecal impaction and stercoral colitis without evidence of bowel ischemia. CLINICAL DISCUSSION: Fecal impaction and stercoral colitis without evidence of bowel ischemia was suspected. Owing to the development of refractory septic shock, we performed damage control surgery. Definitive surgery with end ileostomy was follow by 48 h later. The patient was discharged home safely. CONCLUSION: Stercoral colitis-induced ischemia is rare but potentially fatal; ischemia should be highly suspected. CT can help diagnosed of stercoral colitis but no single parameters for diagnosed of bowel ischemia. Prompt resuscitation and surgical exploration with damage control surgery are recommended.