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Conserv Biol ; 35(5): 1388-1395, 2021 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33484006


Some conservation prioritization methods are based on the assumption that conservation needs overwhelm current resources and not all species can be conserved; therefore, a conservation triage scheme (i.e., when the system is overwhelmed, species should be divided into three groups based on likelihood of survival, and efforts should be focused on those species in the group with the best survival prospects and reduced or denied to those in the group with no survival prospects and to those in the group not needing special efforts for their conservation) is necessary to guide resource allocation. We argue that this decision-making strategy is not appropriate because resources are not as limited as often assumed, and it is not evident that there are species that cannot be conserved. Small population size alone, for example, does not doom a species to extinction; plants, reptiles, birds, and mammals offer examples. Although resources dedicated to conserving all threatened species are insufficient at present, the world's economic resources are vast, and greater resources could be dedicated toward species conservation. The political framework for species conservation has improved, with initiatives such as the UN Sustainable Development Goals and other international agreements, funding mechanisms such as The Global Environment Facility, and the rise of many nongovernmental organizations with nimble, rapid-response small grants programs. For a prioritization system to allow no extinctions, zero extinctions must be an explicit goal of the system. Extinction is not inevitable, and should not be acceptable. A goal of no human-induced extinctions is imperative given the irreversibility of species loss.

Asignación de Recursos para la Conservación, Resiliencia de Poblaciones Pequeñas y la Falacia del Triaje de Conservación Resumen Algunos métodos de priorización de la conservación están basados en el supuesto de que las necesidades de la conservación superan a los actuales recursos y que no todas las especies pueden ser conservadas; por lo tanto, se necesita un esquema de triaje (esto es, cuando el sistema está abrumado, las especies deben dividirse en tres grupos con base en su probabilidad de supervivencia y los esfuerzos deben enfocarse en aquellas especies dentro del grupo con las mejores probabilidades de supervivencia y a aquellas en el grupo sin probabilidades de supervivencia o aquellas en el grupo que no necesita esfuerzos especializados para su conservación se les deben reducir o negar los esfuerzos de conservación) para dirigir la asignación de recursos. Discutimos que esta estrategia para la toma de decisiones no es apropiada porque los recursos no están tan limitados como se asume con frecuencia y tampoco es evidente que existan especies que no puedan ser conservadas. Por ejemplo, tan sólo un tamaño poblacional pequeño no es suficiente para condenar a una especie a la extinción; contamos con ejemplos en plantas, reptiles, aves y mamíferos. Aunque actualmente todos los recursos dedicados a la conservación de todas las especies amenazadas son insuficientes, los recursos económicos mundiales son vastos y se podrían dedicar mayores recursos a la conservación de especies. El marco de trabajo político para la conservación de especies ha mejorado, con iniciativas como los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sustentable de la ONU y otros acuerdos internacionales, el financiamiento de mecanismos como el Fondo para el Medio Ambiente Mundial, y el surgimiento de muchas organizaciones no gubernamentales mediante programas de subsidios pequeños hábiles y de respuesta rápida. Para que un sistema de priorización no permita las extinciones, las cero extinciones deben ser un objetivo explícito del sistema. La extinción no es inevitable y no debería ser aceptable. El objetivo de cero extinciones inducidas por humanos es imperativo dada la irreversibilidad de la pérdida de especies.

Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Triaje , Animales , Biodiversidad , Especies en Peligro de Extinción , Extinción Biológica , Mamíferos , Asignación de Recursos
Curr Biol ; 25(10): R431-8, 2015 May 18.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25989087


Humans depend on biodiversity in myriad ways, yet species are being rapidly lost due to human activities. The ecosystem services approach to conservation tries to establish the value that society derives from the natural world such that the true cost of proposed development actions becomes apparent to decision makers. Species are an integral component of ecosystems, and the value they provide in terms of services should be a standard part of ecosystem assessments. However, assessing the value of species is difficult and will always remain incomplete. Some of the most difficult species' benefits to assess are those that accrue unexpectedly or are wholly unanticipated. In this review, we consider recent examples from a wide variety of species and a diverse set of ecosystem services that illustrate this point and support the application of the precautionary principle to decisions affecting the natural world.

Biodiversidad , Ecosistema , Animales , Agentes de Control Biológico , Bivalvos , Secuestro de Carbono , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Cultura , Ecología/economía , Humanos , Calidad del Agua , Humedales
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 99(4): 2067-71, 2002 Feb 19.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11854502


Species diversity is unevenly distributed across the globe, with terrestrial diversity concentrated in a few restricted biodiversity hotspots. These areas are associated with high losses of primary vegetation and increased human population density, resulting in growing numbers of threatened species. We show that conservation of these hotspots is critical because they harbor even greater amounts of evolutionary history than expected by species numbers alone. We used supertrees for carnivores and primates to estimate that nearly 70% of the total amount of evolutionary history represented in these groups is found in 25 biodiversity hotspots.

Evolución Biológica , Mutación , Animales , Clasificación , Extinción Psicológica , Filogenia , Primates , Factores de Tiempo
Am J Primatol ; 34(1): 73-80, 1994.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31936987


There are 16 genera with 87 species of Neotropical primates, of which 18 (20.7%) are endangered. Only a handful of Neotropical species are utilized in biomedical research, and, of these, none are currently endangered. The few species utilized in biomedicine that are threatened in the wild are now bred largely from captive colonies. In Madagascar, there are 14 genera and 32 species, none of which are utilized widely in biomedical research. The current position should not induce complacency, as it presents an opportunity. Where knowledge is being gained, in laboratories and zoos, concerning the reproduction, genetics, social organization, behavior, and diseases of primates, it is vital that the relevant knowledge be transferred as far as possible to improve management of the same or related species in the field. Challenges for the future will require action plans for species and for habitats. There is a need for sound scientific knowledge on which to base such plans. In addition, the technological advances developed in laboratories, such as non-invasive assays, assisted reproduction, genetic profiles, and vaccines, are likely to play a growing part in future conservation programs. Finally, knowledge gained from field studies can greatly improve the care and management of species in captivity. Greater cooperation and more efficient mechanisms of communication between laboratory and field, zoos and the wild, and the many scientific disciplines involved are vital to ensure that global primate diversity is maintained. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.