Recent key technological developments, such as super-resolution microscopy and microfabrication, enabled investigation of biological processes, including macroautophagy/autophagy, with unprecedented spatiotemporal resolution and control over experimental conditions. Such disruptive innovations deepened our capability to provide mechanistic understandings of the autophagic process and its causes. This addendum aims to expand the guidelines on autophagy in three key directions: optical methods enabling visualization of autophagic machinery beyond the diffraction-limited resolution; bioengineering enabling accurate designs and control over experimental conditions; and theoretical advances in mechanobiology connecting autophagy and mechanical processes of the cell. Abbreviation: 3D: three-dimensional; SIM: structured illumination microscopy; STORM: stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy.
Mevalonate kinase deficiency (MKD) is an autosomal recessive disorder in humans that causes systemic autoinflammatory problems to children. Previously, we used a yeast model to show that MKD results in mitochondrial malfunctioning that may finally induce mitophagy. Here, we proved that MKD indeed induced general autophagy as well as mitophagy in yeast, but these mechanisms did not go to completion. Therefore, the limitation of mevalonate kinase activity produces dysfunctional mitochondria that might not be recycled, causing metabolic dysfunctions in the cells. Understanding this mechanism may provide a piece in solving the nonspecific autoinflammatory response puzzle observed in MKD patients.