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Environ Microbiol Rep ; 13(2): 77-85, 2021 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33185965


Halomethanes (e.g., CH3 Cl, CH3 Br, CH3 I and CHBr3 ) are ozone-depleting compounds that, in contrast to the human-made chlorofluorocarbons, marine organisms synthesize naturally. Therefore, their production cannot be totally controlled by human action. However, identifying all their natural sources and understanding their synthesis regulation can help to predict their production rates and their impact on the future recovery of the Earth's ozone layer. Here we show that the synthesis of mono-halogenated halocarbons CH3 Cl, CH3 Br, and CH3 I is a generalized process in representatives of the major marine heterotrophic bacteria groups. Furthermore, halomethane production was growth rate dependent in all the strains we studied, implying uniform synthesis regulation patterns among bacterioplankton. Using these experimental observations and in situ halomethane concentrations, we further evaluated the potential production rates associated with higher bacterial growth rates in response to global warming in a coastal environment within the Southern California Bight. Our estimates show that a 3°C temperature rise would translate into a 35%-84% increase in halomethane production rate by 2100. Overall, these data suggest that marine heterotrophic bacteria are significant producers of these climate-relevant gases and that their contribution to the atmospheric halogen budget could increase in the future, impacting the ozone layer recovery.

Ozono , Ozono Estratosférico , Bacterias/genética , Clima , Calentamiento Global , Humanos
Front Microbiol ; 4: 45, 2013.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23483024


In order to identify the biogeochemical parameters controlling pCO2, total chlorophyll a, and dimethyl sulfide (DMS) concentrations during the North East Atlantic Spring Bloom (NASB), we used previously unpublished particulate and dissolved elemental concentrations to construct several linear regression models; first by hypothesis-testing, and then with exhaustive stepwise linear regression followed by leave-one-out cross-validation. The field data was obtained along a latitudinal transect from the Azores Islands to the North Atlantic, and best-fit models (determined by lowest predictive error) of up to three variables are presented. Total chlorophyll a is predicted best by biomass (POC, PON) parameters and by pigments characteristic of picophytoplankton for the southern section of the sampling transect (from the Azores to the Rockhall-Hatton Plateau) and coccolithophores in the northern portion (from the Rockhall-Hatton Plateau to the Denmark Strait). Both the pCO2 and DMS models included variables traditionally associated with the development of the NASB such as mixed-layer depth and with Fe, Si, and P-deplete conditions (dissolved Fe, dissolved and biogenic silica, dissolved PO(3-)4). However, the regressions for pCO2 and DMS also include intracellular V and Mo concentrations, respectively. Mo is involved in DMS production as a cofactor in dimethylsulfoxide reductase. No significant biological role for V has yet been determined, although intracellular V is significantly correlated (p-value <0.05) with biogenic silica (R(2) = 0.72) and total chlorophyll a (R(2) = 0.49) while the same is not true for its biogeochemical analogue Mo, suggesting active uptake of V by phytoplankton. Our statistical analysis suggests these two lesser-studied metals may play more important roles in bloom dynamics than previously thought, and highlights a need for studies focused on determining their potential biological requirements and cell quotas.