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Sci Rep ; 7: 42982, 2017 02 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28218287


The anomalous Hall effect (AHE), which in long-range ordered ferromagnets appears as a voltage transverse to the current and usually is proportional to the magnetization, often is believed to be of negligible size in antiferromagnets due to their low uniform magnetization. However, recent experiments and theory have demonstrated that certain antiferromagnets with a non-collinear arrangement of magnetic moments exhibit a sizeable spontaneous AHE at zero field due to a non-vanishing Berry curvature arising from the quantum mechanical phase of the electron's wave functions. Here we show that antiferromagnetic Mn5Si3 single crystals exibit a large AHE which is strongly anisotropic and shows multiple transitions with sign changes at different magnetic fields due to field-induced rearrangements of the magnetic structure despite only tiny variations of the total magnetization. The presence of multiple non-collinear magnetic phases offers the unique possiblity to explore the details of the AHE and the sensitivity of the Hall effect on the details of the magnetic texture.

Sci Rep ; 5: 13621, 2015 Sep 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26323326


The remote control of the electrical conductance through nanosized junctions at room temperature will play an important role in future nano-electromechanical systems and electronic devices. This can be achieved by exploiting the magnetostriction effects of ferromagnetic materials. Here we report on the electrical conductance of magnetic nanocontacts obtained from wires of the giant magnetostrictive compound Tb0.3Dy0.7Fe1.95 as an active element in a mechanically controlled break-junction device. The nanocontacts are reproducibly switched at room temperature between "open" (zero conductance) and "closed" (nonzero conductance) states by variation of a magnetic field applied perpendicularly to the long wire axis. Conductance measurements in a magnetic field oriented parallel to the long wire axis exhibit a different behaviour where the conductance switches between both states only in a limited field range close to the coercive field. Investigating the conductance in the regime of electron tunneling by mechanical or magnetostrictive control of the electrode separation enables an estimation of the magnetostriction. The present results pave the way to utilize the material in devices based on nano-electromechanical systems operating at room temperature.