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ACS Photonics ; 10(9): 3374-3383, 2023 Sep 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37743941


Effective light extraction from optically active solid-state spin centers inside high-index semiconductor host crystals is an important factor in integrating these pseudo-atomic centers in wider quantum systems. Here, we report increased fluorescent light collection efficiency from laser-written nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers in bulk diamond facilitated by micro-transfer printed GaN solid immersion lenses. Both laser-writing of NV centers and transfer printing of micro-lens structures are compatible with high spatial resolution, enabling deterministic fabrication routes toward future scalable systems development. The micro-lenses are integrated in a noninvasive manner, as they are added on top of the unstructured diamond surface and bonded by van der Waals forces. For emitters at 5 µm depth, we find approximately 2× improvement of fluorescent light collection using an air objective with a numerical aperture of NA = 0.95 in good agreement with simulations. Similarly, the solid immersion lenses strongly enhance light collection when using an objective with NA = 0.5, significantly improving the signal-to-noise ratio of the NV center emission while maintaining the NV's quantum properties after integration.

Opt Express ; 30(7): 11809-11824, 2022 Mar 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35473116


Phase aberrations are introduced when focusing by a high-numerical aperture (NA) objective lens into refractive-index-mismatched (RIM) media. The axial focus position in these media can be adjusted through either optical remote-focusing or mechanical stage translation. Despite the wide interest in remote-focusing, no generalised control algorithm using Zernike polynomials has been presented that performs independent remote-focusing and RIM correction in combination with mechanical stage translation. In this work, we thoroughly review derivations that model high-NA defocus and RIM aberration. We show through both numerical simulation and experimental results that optical remote-focusing using an adaptive device and mechanical stage translation are not optically equivalent processes, such that one cannot fully compensate for the other without additional aberration compensation. We further establish new orthogonal modes formulated using conventional Zernike modes and discuss its device programming to control high-NA remote-focusing and RIM correction as independent primary modes in combination with mechanical stage translation for aberration-free refocusing. Numerical simulations are performed, and control algorithms are validated experimentally by fabricating graphitic features in diamond using direct laser writing.