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Plant Physiol ; 102(1): 173-179, 1993 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12231807


Ethanol has previously been shown to be present in the xylem sap of flooded and nonflooded trees. Because of the constitutive presence of alcohol dehydrogenase in the mature leaves of woody plants, we hypothesized that the leaves and shoots of trees had the ability to metabolize ethanol supplied by the transpiration stream. 1-[14C]Ethanol was supplied to excised leaves and shoots of eastern cottonwood (Populus deltoides Bartr.) in short- and long-term experiments. More than 99% of the radiolabel was incorporated into plant tissue in short-term experiments, with more than 95% of the label remaining in plant tissue after 24 h. In all experiments, less than 5% of the label was transpired as ethanol and less than 1% was emitted as CO2. In excised leaf experiments, less than 0.5% of the radiolabel escaped from the leaf. Fifty percent of the label was incorporated into the petioles of excised leaves; 56% was incorporated into the stems of excised shoots. Very little label reached the leaf mesophyll cells of excised shoots, as revealed by autoradiography. Radiolabel appeared primarily in the water- and chloroform-soluble fractions in short-term experiments, whereas in long-term experiments, label was also incorporated into protein. These results demonstrate that the leaves and stems of trees appear to have substantial ability to scavenge ethanol from the transpiration stream, allowing efficient recovery of ethanol produced elsewhere by hypoxic tissues. When labeled ethanol was supplied to excised petioles in a 5-min pulse, 41% of the label was incorporated into organic acids. Some label was also incorporated into amino acids, protein, and the chloroform-soluble fraction, with very little appearing in neutral sugars, starch, or the insoluble pellet. Labeled organic acids were separated by high performance liquid chromatography and were composed of acetate, isocitrate, [alpha]-ketoglutarate, and succinate. There was no apparent incorporation of label into phosphorylated compounds. We conclude that, in higher plants, ethanol is metabolized to acetaldehyde and then to acetate by alcohol and aldehyde dehydrogenases, and then into general metabolism.

Environ Pollut ; 62(4): 337-51, 1989.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15092337


We measured the frequency with which leaves of trees in the Ohio River Valley produced ethanol aerobically, to determine if aerobic ethanol production might provide a viable field assay for air pollution stress. Leaves were collected from trees during the summers of 1985 and 1986 and ethanol production was determined using headspace GC. Frequency of ethanol production was compared with environmental factors, including air pollution concentrations. We found frequent foliar ethanol production and elevated alcohol dehydrogenase activity in the leaves of several species of trees in the Ohio River Valley, USA. The ethanol concentrations measured were often equivalent to those produced by anaerobic leaves. Ethanol production was associated with hot, hazy weather and elevated NO(2) concentrations. Ethanol production was more frequent in urban and industrialized areas. Ethanol production was not associated with natural stresses such as flooding and herbivory. We propose that aerobic ethanol production is the result of cell acidification due to the accumulation of acidic gases in the cytoplasm. The use of ethanol production as a diagnostic tool for detecting stress imposed by acidic gases is discussed.

Plant Physiol ; 87(3): 693-7, 1988 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16666209


Anaerobic fermentation in plants is usually thought to be a transient phenomenon, brought about by environmental limitations to oxygen availability, or by structural constraints to oxygen transport. The vascular cambium of trees is separated from the air by the outer bark and secondary phloem, and we hypothesized that the cambium may experience sufficient hypoxia to induce anaerobic fermentation. We found high alcohol dehydrogenase activity in the cambium of several tree species. Mean activity of alcohol dehydrogenase in Populus deltoides was 165 micromoles NADH oxidized per minute per gram fresh weight in May. Pyruvate decarboxylase activity was also present in the cambium of P. deltoides, with mean activity of 26 micromoles NADH oxidized per minute per gram fresh weight in May. Lactate dehydrogenase activity was not present in any tree species we examined. Contrary to our expectation, alcohol dehydrogenase activity was inversely related to bark thickness in Acer saccharum and unrelated to bark thickness in two Populus species. Bark thickness may be less important in limiting oxygen availability to the cambium than is oxygen consumption by rapidly respiring phloem and cambium in actively growing trees. Ethanol was present in the vascular cambium of all species examined, with mean concentrations of 35 to 143 nanomoles per gram fresh weight, depending on species. Ethanol was also present in xylem sap and may have been released from the cambium into the transpiration stream. The presence in the cambium of the enzymes necessary for fermentation as well as the products of fermentation is evidence that respiration in the vascular cambium of trees may be oxygen-limited, but other biosynthetic origins of ethanol have not been ruled out.

Plant Physiol ; 84(4): 1210-3, 1987 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16665586


Pyruvate decarboxylase (PDC, EC and alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH, EC are responsible for the anaerobic production of acetaldehyde and ethanol in higher plants. In developing soybean embryos, ADH activity increased upon imbibition and then declined exponentially with development, and was undetectable in leaves by 30 days after imbibition. PDC was not detectable in soybean leaves. In contrast, ADH activity remained high in developing cottonwood seedlings, with no decline in activity during development. ADH activity in the first fully expanded leaf of cottonwood was 230 micromoles NADH oxidized per minute per gram dry weight, and increased with leaf age. Maximal PDC activity of cottonwood leaves was 10 micromoles NADH oxidized per minute per gram dry weight. ADH activity in cottonwood roots was induced by anaerobic stress, increasing from 58 to 205 micromoles NADH oxidized per minute per gram dry weight in intact plants in 48 hours, and from 38 to 246 micromoles NADH oxidized per minute per gram dry weight in detached roots in 48 hours. Leaf ADH activity increased by 10 to 20% on exposure to anaerobic conditions. Crude leaf enzyme extracts with high ADH activity reduced little or no NADH when other aldehydes, such as trans-2-hexenal, were provided as substrate. ADH and PDC are constitutive enzyme in cottonwood leaves, but their metabolic role is not known.

Plant Physiol ; 84(4): 1204-9, 1987 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16665585


Leaves of terrestrial plants are aerobic organs, and are not usually considered to possess the enzymes necessary for biosynthesis of ethanol, a product of anaerobic fermentation. We examined the ability of leaves of a number of plant species to produce acetaldehyde and ethanol anaerobically, by incubating detached leaves in N(2) and measuring headspace acetaldehyde and ethanol vapors. Greenhouse-grown maize and soybean leaves produced little or no acetaldehyde or ethanol, while leaves of several species of greenhouse-grown woody plants produced up to 241 nanograms per milliliter headspace ethanol in 24 hours, corresponding to a liquid-phase concentration of up to 3 milligrams per gram dry weight. When leaves of 50 plant species were collected in the field and incubated in N(2), all higher plants produced acetaldehyde and ethanol, with woody plants generally producing greater amounts (up to 1 microgram per milliliter headspace ethanol concentration). Maize and soybean leaves from the field produced both acetaldehyde and ethanol. Production of fermentation products was not due to phylloplane microbial activity: surface sterilized leaves produced as much acetaldehyde and ethanol as did unsterilized controls. There was no relationship between site flooding and foliar ethanol biosynthesis: silver maple and cottonwood from upland sites produced as much acetaldehyde and ethanol anaerobically as did plants from flooded bottomland sites. There was no relationship between flood tolerance of a species and ethanol biosynthesis rates: for example, the flood intolerant species Quercus rubra and the flood tolerant species Quercus palustris produced similar amounts of ethanol. Cottonwood leaves produced more ethanol than did roots, in both headspace and enzymatic assays. These results suggest a paradox: that the plant organ least likely to be exposed to anoxia or hypoxia is rich in the enzymes necessary for fermentation.

Oecologia ; 72(2): 211-215, 1987 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28311542


The chemical constituency of flowering dogwood (Cornus florida L.) and red maple (Acer rubrum L.) foliage was analyzed over a species compositional gradient to test the hypothesis that over subtle gradients of moisture and nutrient availability production of phenolic compounds will be increased on sites of greatest stress. Calcium and nitrogen concentrations declined along the gradient in both species, while phosphorus showed a significant decline only in red maple. Lignin concentrations in both species were unrelated to the vegetation gradient, but astringent phenolics increased by 156% and 159% in dogwood and red maple, respectively. The correlation between production of polyphenolds and site quality supports previous observations that under conditions of environmental stress production of many secondary compounds is increased, and suggests that this relationship is significant over subtle environmental gradients.

Oecologia ; 71(4): 548-551, 1987 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28312225


Many folivorous insects are selective feeders which consume specific leaf tissues. For specialist herbivores feeding on plants of overall low nutritional quality, selective feeding may allow consumption of a high quality resource. Selective feeding may also allow insects to avoid structural or allelochemical defenses. We examined the structure and chemistry of leaves of American holly, Ilexopaca Aiton, and the feeding site of its principal insect herbivore, the native holly leafminer, Phytomyza ilicicola Loew (Diptera: Agromyzidae), to test the hypothesis that the leafminer consumes tissues which are of greater nutritional quality than the leaf as a whole. Holly leaves have a continuous layer of palisade mesophyll, uninterrupted by fibers or vascular bundles. The leafminer feeds entirely within this layer. The palisade mesophyll contained 196 mg/g dry wt extractable protein, more than twice as much as the leaf as a whole, and 375 mg/g dry wt saponins, more than 9 times that of the leaf as a whole. The water content of the palisade mesophyll was 66% higher than that of the leaf as a whole. The palisade mesophyll is 3-4 cell layers thick in leaves grown in full sun, but only 2 layers thick in shaded leaves. Crystals, probably of calcium oxalate, are abundant in the abaxial cell layer. These may impose mechanical constraints on larval feeding in shade leaves, which are thinner than sun leaves. Selective feeding on the middle palisade mesophyll of sun leaves allows the leafminer to consume a resource which is lacking in mechanical barriers and is rich in protein and water, but which contains large amounts of saponins.

Oecologia ; 74(3): 352-355, 1987 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28312472


The twolined chestnut borer, Agrilus bilineatus (Weber) (Coleoptera: Buprestidae), attacks oaks (Quercus spp.) and is associated with extensive mortality of trees in the eastern deciduous forests of North America. We tested the hypothesis that winter starch reserves of oak roots are an indicator of tree vigor and that only trees low in stored starch would be attacked by A. bilineatus. We measured the levels of stored starch in the roots of 200 non-infested healthy white oaks during the dormant season and determined their correlation with A. bilineatus attacks the following spring. There was a significant increase in A. bilineatus captures on sticky traps with a decrease in winter starch reserves. Trees low in stored starch that were also stressed by phloem-girdling attracted 3.7 times as many beetles as did non-girdled trees that were low in starch. However, non-girdled trees that had low winter starch reserves were also attacked. Only oaks that had had extremely low winter root starch reserves (<5mg/g dry weight of root sapwood tissue) were heavily attacked by A. bilineatus and subsequently died. One third of non-girdled low starch trees and 67% of phloem-girdled low starch trees died, whereas none of the trees with root starch >5 mg/g dry wt died. These results indicate that winter starch reserves are a good predictor of A. bilineatus attack.

Plant Physiol ; 69(4): 840-7, 1982 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16662306


Red pine (Pinus resinosa Ait.) and paper birch (Betula papyrifera Marsh.) seedlings exposed to sulfur dioxide produced acetaldehyde and ethanol, and exhibited increased production of ethylene and ethane. Gas chromatographic measurement of head space gas from incubation tubes containing leaves or seedlings was a simple method of simultaneously measuring all four compounds. Increased ethylene production had two phases, a moderate increase from the beginning of the stress period and a large increase just prior to appearance of leaf lesions. Ethane production in SO(2)-stressed plants did not increase until lesions appeared. Acetaldehyde and ethanol production began within 6 hours at 0.3 microliter per liter SO(2) and 24 hours at 0.1 microliter per liter SO(2) and continued throughout a 6-day fumigation. Production of acetaldehyde and ethanol continued when plants were removed to clean air for up to 2 days. A higher concentration of SO(2) (0.5 microliter per liter) induced acetaldehyde and ethanol production within 2 hours of the start of fumigation of birch and pine seedlings. A number of other stresses, including water deficit, freezing, and ozone exposure induced production of acetaldehyde and ethanol. Production of these compounds was not due to hypoxia, as the O(2) partial pressure in the incubation vessels did not decline. Increasing the O(2) partial pressure to 300 millimeters Hg did not affect production of these compounds. Production of ethylene, acetaldehyde, and ethanol declined when more than 80% of the leaf area became necrotic, while ethane production was linearly related to the percentage of necrosis. A number of woody and herbaceous plant species produced acetaldehyde and ethanol in response to freezing stress, while others did not. Measurement of these four compounds simultaneously in the gas phase may be a valuable method for monitoring plant stress, particularly air pollution stress.

Plant Physiol ; 67(5): 990-5, 1981 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16661807


Plants of five clones of Populus tremuloides Michx. were exposed to 0, 0.2 or 0.5 microliter per liter SO(2) for 8 hours in controlled environment chambers. In the absence of the pollutant, two pollution-resistant clones maintained consistently lower daytime diffusive conductance (LDC) than did a highly susceptible clone or two moderately resistant clones. Differences in LDC among the latter three clones were not significant. At 0.2 microliter per liter SO(2), LDC decreased in the susceptible clone after 8 hours fumigation while the LDC of the other clones was not affected. Fumigation with 0.5 microliter per liter SO(2) decreased LDC of all five clones during the fumigation. Rates of recovery following fumigation varied with the clone, but the LDC of all clones had returned to control values by the beginning of the night following fumigation. Night LDC was higher in the susceptible clone than in the other clones. Fumigation for 16 hours (14 hours day + 2 hours night) with 0.4 microliter per liter SO(2) decreased night LDC by half. Sulfur uptake studies generally confirmed the results of the conductance measurements. The results show that stomatal conductance is important in determining relative susceptibility of the clones to pollution stress.

J Cell Biol ; 60(3): 764-73, 1974 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-4824295


Normal rat liver lysosomes were isolated by the technique of loading with Triton WR-1339. Purity of the preparation was monitored with marker enzymes; a high enrichment in acid hydrolases was obtained in the tritosome fraction. In 0.0145 M NaCl, 4.5% sorbitol, 0.6 mM NaHCO(3), pH 7.2 at 25 degrees C the tritosomes had an electrophoretic mobility of -1.77 +/- 0.02 microm/s/V/cm, a zeta potential of 23.2 mV, a surface charge of 1970 esu/cm(2), and 33,000 electrons per particle surface assuming a tritosome diameter of 5 x 10(-7) m. Treatment of the tritosomes with 50 microg neuraminidase/mg tritosome protein lowered the electrophoretic mobility of the tritosome to -1.23 +/- 0.02 microm/s/V/cm under the same conditions and caused the release of 2.01 microg sialic acid/mg tritosome protein. Treatment of the tritosomes with hyaluronidase did not affect their electrophoretic mobility, while trypsin treatment elevated the net negative electrophoretic mobility of the tritosomes. Tritosome electrophoretic mobilities indicated a homogeneous tritosome population and varied greatly with ionic strength of the suspending media. pH vs. electrophoretic mobility curves indicated the tritosome periphery to contain an acid-dissociable group which likely represents the carboxyl group of N-acetylneuraminic acid; this was not conclusively proven, however, since the tritosomes lysed below a pH of 4 in the present system. Total tritosome carbohydrate (anthrone-positive material as glucose equivalents) was 0.19 mg/mg tritosome protein while total sialic acid was 3.8 microg (11.4 nmol)/mg tritosome protein. A tritosome "membrane" fraction was prepared by osmotic shock, homogenization, and sedimentation. Approximately 25% of the total tritosome protein was present in this fraction. Analysis by gas-liquid chromatography and amino acid analyzer showed the following carbohydrate composition of the tritosome membrane fraction (in microgram per milligram tritosome membrane protein): N-acetylneuraminic acid, 14.8 +/- 3; glucosamine, 24 +/- 3; galactosamine, 10 +/- 2; glucose, 21 +/- 2; galactose, 26 +/- 2; mannose, 31 +/- 5; fucose, 7 +/- 1; xylose, 0; and arabinose, 0. The results indicate that the tritosome periphery is characterized by external terminal sialic acid residues and an extensive complement of glycoconjugates. Essentially all the tritosome N-acetylneuraminic acid is located in the membrane and about 53% of it is neuraminidase susceptible.

Lisosomas/metabolismo , Animales , Carbohidratos/análisis , Bovinos , Centrifugación por Gradiente de Densidad , Electroforesis , Eritrocitos , Humanos , Hialuronoglucosaminidasa , Concentración de Iones de Hidrógeno , Cinética , Hígado/citología , Hígado/metabolismo , Lisosomas/análisis , Masculino , Membranas/análisis , Membranas/metabolismo , Neuraminidasa , Concentración Osmolar , Potenciometría , Ratas , Propiedades de Superficie , Testículo/enzimología , Tritio , Tripsina