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Nanotechnology ; 31(31): 315606, 2020 Jul 31.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32315994


Carbon nanomaterials, such as carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and carbon nanofibers (CNFs), are chemically inert in their highly graphitic forms. Various post processing methods can activate their surfaces to enhance their interactions with a host matrix in a nanocomposite. Chemical surface functionalization is used often. This method however can lead to major strength loss in nanomaterials stemming from induced surface defects (changing sp2 bonds to sp3 bonds). In this manuscript, we have experimentally studied the mechanical properties of the individual, pyrolysis-fabricated CNFs. These CNFs have a highly crosslinked 3D network of C-C bonds. The strength of CNFs has been studied as a function of O/C ratio. The loss in strength due to functionalization has been compared to that of other carbon nanomaterials with layered strcutures (CNT and graphene). Comparisons were also made with carbon microfibers. Fracture strength estimations of the critical flaw size in CNFs, CNTs and graphene were also made. The results revealed that despite having high surface area, carbon nanomaterials with crosslinked microstructure are resilient to flaws as big (deep) as 10-30 nm, while nanomaterials with layered structure (such as CNTs) experience a dramatic loss in strength with much lower flaw sizes. Hence, it seems that graphitic nanomaterials such as graphene and CNT have high strenght that, although higher than CNFs, comes at a cost to flaw tolerance and robustness. Since failure is often progressive, this work demonstrates a benefit that crosslinked nanomaterials have over highly graphitic ones, such as CNTs, in load bearing applications.

Nanotechnology ; 29(11): 115704, 2018 Mar 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29334482


Safe operation and health of structures relies on their ability to effectively dissipate undesired vibrations, which could otherwise significantly reduce the life-time of a structure due to fatigue loads or large deformations. To address this issue, nanoscale fillers, such as carbon nanotubes (CNTs), have been utilized to dissipate mechanical energy in polymer-based nanocomposites through filler-matrix interfacial friction by benefitting from their large interface area with the matrix. In this manuscript, for the first time, we experimentally investigate the effect of CNT alignment with respect to reach other and their orientation with respect to the loading direction on vibrational damping in nanocomposites. The matrix was polystyrene (PS). A new technique was developed to fabricate PS-CNT nanocomposites which allows for controlling the angle of CNTs with respect to the far-field loading direction (misalignment angle). Samples were subjected to dynamic mechanical analysis, and the damping of the samples were measured as the ratio of the loss to storage moduli versus CNT misalignment angle. Our results defied a notion that randomly oriented CNT nanocomposites can be approximated as a combination of matrix-CNT representative volume elements with randomly aligned CNTs. Instead, our results points to major contributions of stress concentration induced by each CNT in the matrix in proximity of other CNTs on vibrational damping. The stress fields around CNTs in PS-CNT nanocomposites were studied via finite element analysis. Our findings provide significant new insights not only on vibrational damping nanocomposites, but also on their failure modes and toughness, in relation to interface phenomena.