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Algorithms Mol Biol ; 19(1): 15, 2024 Apr 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38600518


FM-indexes are crucial data structures in DNA alignment, but searching with them usually takes at least one random access per character in the query pattern. Ferragina and Fischer [1] observed in 2007 that word-based indexes often use fewer random accesses than character-based indexes, and thus support faster searches. Since DNA lacks natural word-boundaries, however, it is necessary to parse it somehow before applying word-based FM-indexing. In 2022, Deng et al. [2] proposed parsing genomic data by induced suffix sorting, and showed that the resulting word-based FM-indexes support faster counting queries than standard FM-indexes when patterns are a few thousand characters or longer. In this paper we show that using prefix-free parsing-which takes parameters that let us tune the average length of the phrases-instead of induced suffix sorting, gives a significant speedup for patterns of only a few hundred characters. We implement our method and demonstrate it is between 3 and 18 times faster than competing methods on queries to GRCh38, and is consistently faster on queries made to 25,000, 50,000 and 100,000 SARS-CoV-2 genomes. Hence, it seems our method accelerates the performance of count over all state-of-the-art methods with a moderate increase in the memory. The source code for PFP - FM is available at .

Res Sq ; 2023 Oct 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37961504


FM-indexes are a crucial data structure in DNA alignment, but searching with them usually takes at least one random access per character in the query pattern. Ferragina and Fischer [1] observed in 2007 that word-based indexes often use fewer random accesses than character-based indexes, and thus support faster searches. Since DNA lacks natural word-boundaries, however, it is necessary to parse it somehow before applying word-based FM-indexing. Last year, Deng et al. [2] proposed parsing genomic data by induced suffix sorting, and showed the resulting word-based FM-indexes support faster counting queries than standard FM-indexes when patterns are a few thousand characters or longer. In this paper we show that using prefix-free parsing-which takes parameters that let us tune the average length of the phrases-instead of induced suffix sorting, gives a significant speedup for patterns of only a few hundred characters. We implement our method and demonstrate it is between 3 and 18 times faster than competing methods on queries to GRCh38, and is consistently faster on queries made to 25,000, 50,000 and 100,000 SARS-CoV-2 genomes. Hence, it seems our method accelerates the performance of count over all state-of-the-art methods with a minor increase in the memory. The source code for PFP-FM is available at

Bioinformatics ; 39(9)2023 09 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37688560


MOTIVATION: The Positional Burrows-Wheeler Transform (PBWT) is a data structure that indexes haplotype sequences in a manner that enables finding maximal haplotype matches in h sequences containing w variation sites in O(hw) time. This represents a significant improvement over classical quadratic-time approaches. However, the original PBWT data structure does not allow for queries over Biobank panels that consist of several millions of haplotypes, if an index of the haplotypes must be kept entirely in memory. RESULTS: In this article, we leverage the notion of r-index proposed for the BWT to present a memory-efficient method for constructing and storing the run-length encoded PBWT, and computing set maximal matches (SMEMs) queries in haplotype sequences. We implement our method, which we refer to as µ-PBWT, and evaluate it on datasets of 1000 Genome Project and UK Biobank data. Our experiments demonstrate that the µ-PBWT reduces the memory usage up to a factor of 20% compared to the best current PBWT-based indexing. In particular, µ-PBWT produces an index that stores high-coverage whole genome sequencing data of chromosome 20 in about a third of the space of its BCF file. µ-PBWT is an adaptation of techniques for the run-length compressed BWT for the PBWT (RLPBWT) and it is based on keeping in memory only a succinct representation of the RLPBWT that still allows the efficient computation of set maximal matches (SMEMs) over the original panel. AVAILABILITY AND IMPLEMENTATION: Our implementation is open source and available at The binary is available at

Bancos de Muestras Biológicas , Haplotipos , Secuenciación Completa del Genoma , Reino Unido
Int Symp String Process Inf Retr ; 14240: 89-101, 2023 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39149146


The positional Burrows-Wheeler Transform (PBWT) was presented as a means to find set-maximal exact matches (SMEMs) in haplotype data via the computation of the divergence array. Although run-length encoding the PBWT has been previously considered, storing the divergence array along with the PBWT in a compressed manner has not been as rigorously studied. We define two queries that can be used in combination to compute SMEMs, allowing us to define smaller data structures that support one or both of these queries. We combine these data structures, enabling the PBWT and the divergence array to be stored in a manner that allows for finding SMEMs. We estimate and compare the memory usage of these data structures, leading to one data structure that is most memory efficient. Lastly, we implement this data structure and compare its performance to prior methods using various datasets taken from the 1000 Genomes Project data.

Proc Data Compress Conf ; 2023: 268-277, 2023 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38818281


MONI (Rossi et al., 2022) can store a pangenomic dataset T in small space and later, given a pattern P, quickly find the maximal exact matches (MEMs) of P with respect to T. In this paper we consider its one-pass version (Boucher et al., 2021), whose query times are dominated in our experiments by longest common extension (LCE) queries. We show how a small modification lets us avoid most of these queries which significantly speeds up MONI in practice while only slightly increasing its size.

Int Symp String Process Inf Retr ; 14240: 143-156, 2023 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39108943


Recently, Conte et al. generalized the longest-common prefix (LCP) array from strings to Wheeler DFAs, and they showed that it can be used to efficiently determine matching statistics on a Wheeler DFA [DCC 2023]. However, storing the LCP array requires O n log n bits, n being the number of states, while the compact representation of Wheeler DFAs often requires much less space. In particular, the BOSS representation of a de Bruijn graph only requires a linear number of bits, if the size of alphabet is constant. In this paper, we propose a sampling technique that allows to access an entry of the LCP array in logarithmic time by only storing a linear number of bits. We use our technique to provide a space-time tradeoff to compute matching statistics on a Wheeler DFA. In addition, we show that by augmenting the BOSS representation of a k -th order de Bruijn graph with a linear number of bits we can navigate the underlying variable-order de Bruijn graph in time logarithmic in k , thus improving a previous bound by Boucher et al. which was linear in k [DCC 2015].

Proc Data Compress Conf ; 2021: 193-202, 2021 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34778549


Computing the matching statistics of patterns with respect to a text is a fundamental task in bioinformatics, but a formidable one when the text is a highly compressed genomic database. Bannai et al. gave an efficient solution for this case, which Rossi et al. recently implemented, but it uses two passes over the patterns and buffers a pointer for each character during the first pass. In this paper, we simplify their solution and make it streaming, at the cost of slowing it down slightly. This means that, first, we can compute the matching statistics of several long patterns (such as whole human chromosomes) in parallel while still using a reasonable amount of RAM; second, we can compute matching statistics online with low latency and thus quickly recognize when a pattern becomes incompressible relative to the database. Our code is available at