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Sch Psychol ; 2024 May 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38753396


We explored associations among teachers' self-reported enjoyment for teaching mathematics, science, and English language arts and their students' self-reported behavioral engagement in each content area, and how these associations varied depending on student sex and socioeconomic status. Participants included 33 fourth-grade teachers and 443 students from 14 schools in the Southwestern United States. Multiple regression models with cluster robust standard errors was used. Models regressed students' content-area engagement on teachers' content-area enjoyment, controlling for students' initial engagement in that content area and other relevant covariates. Teachers' English language arts and mathematics enjoyment were each positively associated with students' engagement in each content area, and an interaction effect was detected in mathematics whereby lower socioeconomic status students with low-mathematics-enjoyment teachers reported lower mathematics engagement. Findings extend recent research highlighting teachers' emotions, and more specifically positive emotions, as factors that can be leveraged to support student learning, as well as provide more nuanced information about the contexts and student groups for whom these processes may be most relevant. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2024 APA, all rights reserved).

Rev. crim ; 52(1): 243-261, ene.-jun. 2010.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-702246


En una investigación reciente sobre violencia escolar en Bogotá, Colombia, el 56% de los estudiantes reportaron haber sido robados en el colegio durante el último año. El presente estudio cualitativo, de corte deductivo, pretendió profundizar en este fenómeno, buscando comprender las dinámicas de robos, así como los mecanismos de desentendimiento moral que podrían estar facilitando que los vinculados sientan menos culpa. El estudio fue realizado en un colegio público de nivel socioeconómico bajo y con altos niveles de criminalidad en su contexto comunitario. Inicialmente, 227 alumnos de sexto y octavo grados respondieron una encuesta de actitudes frente al robo. Con base en sus respuestas, 20 estudiantes con niveles altos de favorabilidad fueron entrevistados, y 40 que tenían niveles bajos o promedio de favorabilidad participaron en grupos focales. Los resultados indicaron que el robo en este colegio presenta un nivel elevado de organización, e involucra con frecuencia planeación, división de labores y amenazas. Además, según los participantes, el robo está muy relacionado con la presencia de pandillas en el colegio y con la falta de respuesta institucional clara y consistente. También se encontró que los involucrados recurren a varios mecanismos de desentendimiento moral, como las comparaciones ventajosas, el desplazamiento o la difusión de la responsabilidad, y la atribución de la culpa, como estrategias para justificar sus acciones. El estudio indica que es urgente implementar y evaluar intervenciones que busquen prevenir tanto el robo como la vinculación a trayectorias delictivas tempranas

In a recent research about school violence in Bogota, Colombia, 56% of the students reported having been robbed in their schools during past year. This qualitative study, of deductive nature, was intended to look at this phenomenon in depth by trying to understand larceny dynamics as well as moral indifference or lack of concern mechanisms likely to help those involved to feel less guilt. This study was carried out in a public, low socioeconomic status school, with high criminality levels in its community context. Initially, 227 sixth and eighth grade students took part in a survey relating to attitude vis-à-vis theft. Based on their answers, 20 students with high favorability levels were interviewed, while 40 having low or average favorability levels took part in focus groups. The results indicated that larceny activities in this school show a high degree of organization often involving elements of planning, task distribution, and threats. Moreover, according to the participants, robbery is strongly related to the presence of juvenile gangs in the school, along with lack of clear and consistent institutional response. It was also found that those involved resort to several moral indifference mechanisms, such as advantageous comparisons as well as displacement, misplacement or diffusion of responsibility and the attribution of guilt as suitable strategies to justify their actions. The study indicates that the implementation and assessment of interventions intended to prevent both larceny and youth involvement in early criminal careers is indeed urgent

Adolescente , Adolescente/legislación & jurisprudencia , Robo/estadística & datos numéricos , Robo/psicología , Robo/tendencias , Violencia/estadística & datos numéricos , Violencia/psicología
Pensam. psicol ; 6(13): 69-86, jul.-dic. 2009.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-545598


La intimidación escolar (bullying), aquella agresión repetida y sistemática que usualmente refleja un desbalance de poder, es frecuente en prácticamente todas las instituciones educativas. Dado que la intimidación tiene consecuencias muy negativas para todos los involucrados, es fundamentalidentificar las mejores maneras para disminuir su prevalencia. Existen diversos programas para prevenir el surgimiento de la intimidación. Sin embargo, es relativamente poco lo que se sabe sobre cuáles son las mejores maneras de manejar la intimidación cuando ya ha surgido. El presente estudio exploratorio evaluó cualitativamente el Método de Preocupación Compartida, una estrategia para el manejo de casos de intimidación escolar basada en una serie de reuniones individuales y grupalescon los involucrados. La evaluación mostró que el Método parece tener mejores efectos para algunosintimidadores que para otros, por lo que más investigación es requerida, incluyendo análisis de posibles variaciones.

Bullying, a repeated and systematic aggression that usually implies power imbalance, is frequent in almost every school. Given that it has very negative consequences for all those involved, it is crucial to identify the best ways to reduce its prevalence. There are several programs that seek to prevent bullying from occurring. However, we know very little about the best ways to manage bullying once it has occurred. The current exploratory study evaluated qualitatively the Shared Concern Method, a strategy for managing cases of bullying based on a series of individual and group meetings with thoseinvolved. Results showed that the method seems to have better results with some of the bullies than with others, which indicates that more research is needed, including analyses of possible variationsto the method.

A intimidação escolar (bullying), aquela agressão repetida e sistemática que usualmente reflete um desequilíbrio de poder, é freqüente em praticamente todas as instituições educativas. Dado que a intimidação tem conseqüências muito negativas para todos os envolvidos, é fundamental identificaras melhores atitudes para diminuir sua prevalência. Existem diversos programas para prevenir o surgimento da intimidação. No entanto, é relativamente pouco o que se sabe sobre quais são as melhores atitudes de conduzir a intimidação quando já surgiu. O presente estudo exploratório avaliouqualitativamente o Método de Preocupação Compartilhada, uma estratégia para o uso de casos deintimidação escolar baseada em uma série de reuniões individuais e grupais com os envolvidos. A avaliação mostrou que o método parece ter melhores efeitos para alguns intimidadores que para outros, por isso mais investigação é requerida, incluindo análise de possíveis variações.

Humanos , Miedo , Instituciones Académicas