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Cureus ; 16(7): e65739, 2024 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39082049


The many advancements in medical technology of the last century have continually sought to improve the sensitivity of testing and the specificity of treatment of human maladies. Conventional physical and pharmaceutical treatment is largely an imprecise process, stimulating the impetus for the advancement of machine learning-enhanced artificial intelligence (AI) medical technologies. Biospectral Emission Sequencing (BES) is a bioregulatory intelligence (BI) technology already in use as an adjunct to conventional testing. Biospectral Emission Sequencing provides a functional system of dynamic real-time adjunctive testing and treatment selection. This paper discusses the parallel technologies of present and future AI and BI technologies in medicine.

Cureus ; 13(11): e20014, 2021 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34873551


The overall failure rate of standard therapeutic options for late/chronic/persistent borreliosis emphasizes the need for novel therapeutic strategies. In this report, we are presenting a novel therapeutic option based on a new technology, Induced Native Phage Therapy (INPT; PhagenCorp, LLC, Sarasota, FL), and its ability to facilitate the elimination of infection more rapidly, efficiently, and with less harm to the patient than conventional treatments. Borrelia species in the environment are themselves always infected by their own type of Borrelia bacteriophages. Both the Borrelia spirochete and the Borrelia bacteriophages are transmitted into humans via the bite of a vector, such as ticks. The Borrelia bacteriophages (phages) are called native phages in that they coexist naturally within the human body, and only infect the specific bacteria host population. Native phages persist in humans only as long as there are host bacteria of the correct type to continue replicating more phages. The purposeful manipulation of native phages to kill their host bacteria is the basis of INPT. INPT is a patent-pending technology that uses a proprietary adjunctive assay called Biospectral Emission Sequencing to identify and isolate the specific complex electromagnetic signatures necessary to induce the native phages to epigenetically revert from their normal quiescent, lysogenic activity to virulent, lytic activity, thereby killing their host bacteria. The strategic subtle, low-frequency/low-energy signatures are imprinted into a proprietary oral formula, Inducen-LD, which serves as a carrier to introduce the signals therapeutically into the body. As a proof-of-concept method validation, a total of 26 patients with post-treatment (antibiotic) Lyme disease syndrome, who initially were found upon Phelix Borrelia-phage testing (R.E.D. Laboratories, Belgium) to have one or more Borrelia species, were submitted to INPT treatment. A total of 20 patients (77%) were found to be negative after two weeks of the total program of care. Six patients who remained positive after the initial therapy received an extended INPT treatment and were retested. Four were subsequently found to be negative for one or more of their previously diagnosed Borrelia strains. Thus a total of 24 out of 26 (92%) patients were successfully treated with INPT. Mild to substantial clinical improvements were reported by all participants without noticeable adverse reactions to the INPT treatments. We have demonstrated a possible mechanism in which native bacteriophages can be induced to epigenetically switch from lysogenic to lytic actions, thereby eliminating the targeted bacteria efficiently, with little to no harm to tissues or the microbiome.