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Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38314980


Background The Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI) is a valuable tool for assessing the quality of life in adult patients with psoriasis. Aims To analyse the reliability and validity of the DLQI to measure the quality of life in patients with mild to moderate-severe psoriasis. Methods This was a secondary validation study nested in a follow-up study. The Rasch-Andrich model was utilised to perform response function, item and person fit, differential item functioning, dimensionality, and reliability analyses. Results A total of 1439 patients were analysed, 52.1% male, mean age of 48.7 years (SD 16.1). Psoriasis vulgaris was the phenotype in 43.1% of patients, and 86% had a mild Psoriasis Area Severity Index (PASI). Adequate adjustment of the response function and the items was observed in the best-fit sample, except for item 7 (work and study). The measure explained 60.9% of the variance and presented a reliability of 0.86. Differential item functioning was identified by age, with a relevant bias in the estimation for older adults. Item-person maps are provided. Limitations This study was performed at a single centre, with most patients presenting a mild PASI score, limiting generalisation of the findings. Conclusion The validity evidence favours the use of the DLQI in moderate-severe psoriasis. However, the instrument biases the estimate of older adults. This population group should consider a specific version of the instrument.

Hepatología ; 5(1): 13-24, ene 2, 2024. fig, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1525303


La piel y sus anexos tienen amplia relación con todos los órganos y sistemas. Los cambios presentes en estos pueden ser el primer hallazgo en un paciente con enfermedad hepática, encontrándose hasta en el 20 % de los casos, por lo que las manifestaciones extrahepáticas adquieren importancia, y aunque muchas de estas no son específicas, algunos marcadores dermatológicos pueden ayudar al diagnóstico de la enfermedad y se pueden correlacionar con su severidad. El desarrollo de las lesiones cutáneas en los pacientes con cirrosis hepática se genera principalmente por hipertensión portal y exceso de estrógenos circulantes, por lo tanto, su tratamiento se basa en el manejo de la patología hepática subyacente. En el presente artículo se hace una revisión de la literatura y se describe un amplio espectro de manifestaciones dermatológicas asociadas a cirrosis hepática, con sus características y etiopatogénesis, siendo las más frecuentes la ictericia, el prurito, los nevus en araña, el eritema palmar, las venas en cabeza de Medusa, y los cambios de uñas y del vello, entre otras.

The skin and its annexes have a broad relationship with all organs and systems. Changes present in these can be the initial finding in a patient with liver disease, occurring in up to 20% of cases, therefore the extrahepatic manifestations become important, and although many of these are not specific, some dermatological markers can help in the diagnosis of the disease and may correlate with its severity. The development of cutaneous lesions in patients with liver cirrhosis is mainly generated by portal hypertension and excess of circulating estrogens, therefore their treatment is based on managing the underlying liver pathology. This article reviews the literature and describes a wide range of dermatological manifestations associated with liver cirrhosis, with their characteristics and etiopathogenesis, being the most frequent jaundice, pruritus, spider nevus, palmar erythema, caput Medusae veins, nail and hair changes, among others.
