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ACS Nano ; 18(37): 25614-25624, 2024 Sep 17.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39244663


Suspended membranes of monatomic graphene exhibit great potential for applications in electronic and nanoelectromechanical devices. In this work, a "hot and dry" transfer process is demonstrated to address the fabrication and patterning challenges of large-area graphene membranes on top of closed, sealed cavities. Here, "hot" refers to the use of high temperature during transfer, promoting the adhesion. Additionally, "dry" refers to the absence of liquids when graphene and target substrate are brought into contact. The method leads to higher yields of intact suspended monolayer chemical vapor deposition (CVD) graphene and artificially stacked double-layer CVD graphene membranes than previously reported. The yield evaluation is performed using neural-network-based object detection in scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images, ascertaining high yields of intact membranes with large statistical accuracy. The suspended membranes are examined by Raman tomography and atomic force microscopy (AFM). The method is verified by applying the suspended graphene devices as piezoresistive pressure sensors. Our technology advances the application of suspended graphene membranes and can be extended to other two-dimensional materials.

ACS Appl Electron Mater ; 6(7): 4883-4890, 2024 Jul 23.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39070088


Graphene has been extensively studied for a variety of electronic and optoelectronic applications. The reported contact resistance between metal and graphene, or rather its specific contact resistance (R C), ranges from a few tens of Ω µm up to a few kΩ µm. Manufacturable solutions for defining ohmic contacts to graphene remain a subject of research. Here, we report a scalable method based on laser irradiation of graphene to reduce the R C in nickel-contacted devices. A laser with a wavelength of l = 532 nm is used to induce defects at the contact regions, which are monitored in situ using micro-Raman spectroscopy. Physical damage is observed using ex situ atomic force and scanning electron microscopy. The transfer length method (TLM) is used to extract R C from back-gated graphene devices with and without laser treatment under ambient and vacuum conditions. A significant reduction in R C is observed in devices where the contacts are laser irradiated, which scales with the laser power. The lowest R C of about 250 Ω µm is obtained for the devices irradiated with a laser power of 20 mW, compared to 900 Ω µm for the untreated devices. The reduction is attributed to an increase in defect density, which leads to the formation of crystallite edges and in-plane dangling bonds that enhance the injection of charge carriers from the metal into the graphene. Our work suggests laser irradiation as a scalable technology for R C reduction in graphene and potentially other two-dimensional materials.