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J Acoust Soc Am ; 107(2): 808-18, 2000 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-10687690


Resonant Ultrasound Spectroscopy (RUS) of a spherical sample in a pressurizing gas atmosphere was investigated experimentally and theoretically. Measurements were made on a fused silica sphere in He, Ar, and N2 gases up to pressures of 120 bar. The pressure-dependent shift in the resonant frequency, delta f, and the Q-factor were measured for the S00, S11, and T02 modes. A theoretical model based on acoustic radiation impedance was used to calculate delta f and the radiation-resistance component, Qr, of the Q-factor. Agreement between theory and experiment was good for Qr, but there were discrepancies for delta f. It was found that the theoretical delta f due to gas-loading effects associated with acoustic radiation was very small and consistent with the observed dependence on pressure and gas species for the T02 mode but not for the S00 and S11 modes. We conclude that the T02 mode is the most reliable of these modes to use in measuring third-order elastic constants by RUS.

Science ; 275(5300): 654-7, 1997 Jan 31.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-9005849


Magnetic collapse in transition metal ions is predicted from first-principles computations at pressures reached in the Earth's lower mantle and core. Magnetic collapse would lead to marked changes in geophysically important properties, such as elasticity and conductivity, and also to different geochemical behavior, such as element partitioning, than estimated by extrapolating low-pressure data, and thus change the understanding of Earth's structure and evolution. Magnetic collapse results from band widening rather than from changes in crystal field splitting under pressure. Seismic anomalies in the outer core and the lowermost mantle may be due to magnetic collapse of ferrous iron, dissolved in iron liquid in the outer core, and in solution in magnesiowustite in the lowermost mantle.
