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J CME ; 12(1): 2166717, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36969489


The main goal of continuing medical education (CME) is to help healthcare providers (HCP) improve their knowledge and levels of competency with an ultimate enhancement of their performance in practice. Despite the long and well-intentional history of CME, the proof of success (based on improved clinical outcomes) is difficult to obtain objectively. In the past several years, the traditional CME world has been disrupted by replacing multiple-choice questions with virtual simulation. We utilised an innovative, next-generation virtual patient simulation (VPS) platform to develop objective measures to assess the success of educational activities that can be applied to the CME. This VPS platform was used at five distinct educational events designed to assess learners' knowledge and competency in the guideline-driven management of Type 2 diabetes, hyperlipidaemia, and hypertension. A total of 432 learners (medical doctors, nurse practitioners, and clinical pharmacists) participated in these educational events of whom 149 went through two consecutive cases with a similar clinical picture and educational goals. Their ability to achieve glycaemic, lipid, and blood pressure control improved significantly as they moved from the first to the second case. The participants improved their test performance in all categories - between 5 and 38%, achieving statistically significant increases in the many goals examined. In conclusion, this study employed the pioneering application of technology to produce, collect and analyse the VPS data to evaluate objectively educational activities. This VPS platform allows not only an objective assessment of the effectiveness of the CME activity but also provides timely and helpful feedback to both learners and providers of a given educational event.

J Eur CME ; 10(1): 1993430, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34868735


As any other aspect of contemporary life, an old and established field of CME undergoes a transformation into a "digital age." Virtual patient simulation (VPS) has shown to be an interactive and efficient way of engaging healthcare professionals (HCP) in continuing medical education. VPS can identify gaps in knowledge and improve competence, using engaging, online tools. The Edocate VPS Platform has been developed by a group of physicians, education experts, and computer specialists. In this communication, we report the experience of several hundreds of HCP using the Edocate VPS application in the fields of type 2 diabetes (T2DM) and hyperlipidemia. The Edocate VPS application, displaying both simple and complex clinical situations, was presented to an international group of HCPs who had the task to perform physical exams, order lab and imaging tests, update the medical record with the right diagnoses, prescribe medications, and perform long-term follow-up through multiple visits. The HCPs received personalized, guideline-based, feedback on their actions. The analytical capabilities of the Edocate VPS platform run very deep and allow in-depth analysis of learners' competence in achieving the best outcomes, while teaching to apply a personalized approach, avoiding side effects of medications, and providing instantaneous access to the most current references in the field. The data collected from the program has shown significant gaps in knowledge and adherence to guidelines in the areas of management of T2DM and hyperlipidemia. Only about 50% of all participants achieved guideline-compatible glycemic control - namely HbA1c below 7%. Furthermore, only 41% of practicing physicians and 23% of family medicine residents achieved levels of LDL below 70 mg/dl in their virtual patients. In conclusion, the data presented in this communication strongly suggests that this novel simulation platform can enable medical organizations to create immersive VPS cases for their primary educational and CME efforts.