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Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM (Pacífico Occidental) | ID: wpr-975604


AbstractIntroduction: In recent years, researchers have paid attention to the biological active products fromraw materials of animal origin. Lyophilized bovine bile and bovine liver hydrolyze and varieties ofplants have been used for increase secretion of bile in traditional systems of medicine of variouscountries. We investigated that beneficial effects of new product particularly its treatment liverdamage, improve regeneration process of damaged liver cell, effects on bile secretion, bile bilirubin,and bile cholesterol and plasma cholesterol levels. Moreover, we investigate physical, chemicalcapacity and drafted a MNS document.Goal: To complete pharmacological, technological and standardization study of Sillichol biologicalactive product.Material and MethodsSeveral biochemical methods were used for determination of chemical compounds in liverhydrolysate and lyophilized bile. The product was formed in combined powder form by dried stirringmethod and it was capsuled by NJP-1200 capsule machine. Litchfield-Wilcoxon’s method was usedto study the acute toxicity effect. The median lethal dose (LD50) value was calculated using themethod of Pearson and toxicity level of was determined according to classification of Sidorov K.K(1973). Human equivalent dose (effective dose) was calculated with according to FDA guidancefor drug-dose conversion. Acute hepatitis – Carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) induced liver damage inrats (Skakun et al, 1984); Bile secretion effect was determined by method of Rozuet Jousse, 1980.All value expressed as mean S.E obtained from n number of experiments. The Student’s t-testfor unpaired observation between control and experimental samples was carried out for statisticalevaluation of a difference; p values of 0.05 or less were considered as statistically significant.ResultsTotal nitrogen, amino nitrogen, fat, ash and solution index were measured in liver hydrolysate.The results were accepted standard requirements of MNS 6484:2014. Bovine bile was dried byLabconco freezone L12 freeze drier in Drug Research Institute. The product named Sillichol wasformed combined powder form and capsuled №0 capsule. From the result of preclinical study, ourinvestigational new product is included in practically non-toxic class according to toxicity classificationby Sidorov (1750 mg/kg). Sillichol biological active product was increase bile level which is producedin liver cells and decreased bile cholesterol levels by 2.3-8.0% in the test group compared with thecontrol and reference groups.Conclusion: The biological active product was improving regeneration process of liver cells,normalize cell structure, effect to the anti-inflammatory in damaged liver cells.

Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM (Pacífico Occidental) | ID: wpr-975682


BackgroundMonos Pharm LLC has been started production of Dentamon which is an elixir medicine for gumtissues and a oral cavity inflammation and consumer product has been under appreciated today since1998. Now days, as the technology develops, improved levels of consumer demand for consumptionand they want the product easier to use. In this study, sustainable refers to both the technology andstandardization characteristics of gel medicine for a new Dentamon or Dentos gels were prepared using20% ethanol extract for mixture of Chamaenerion angustifolium L, Stellera chamajasme L and Oxytropispseudoglandulosa which are pharmacological active for gum tissues and a oral cavity inflammation.GoalThe aim of this work was to standardize of Dentamon elixir gel medicine and make technological studyof Dentamon.Materials and MethodsThe present study included plant species which were Chamaenerion angustifolium L, Stellerachamajasme L and Oxytropis pseudoglandulosa. Those three medicinal plants were collected fromdifferent regions of Mongolia and samples their upper part of ground. The plants were used for thepurpose of their phytochemical analysis and technological study of gel formulation. For the contentof flavonoids, total coumarin and tannin in the gel and extract of those plants were determined byspectrophotometric method. The direct measurement of the microbiological climacteric was determinedin extract by according to Mongolian National Pharmacopeia and the viscosity property of gel medicinewas identified using viscometer.ResultsThis study has revealed the presence of photochemical considered as active medicinal chemicalconstituents. Chemical tests of the screening and identification of main active components in the plantsunder study were carried out in the ethanol extract (20, 40, 70%) and aqueous extract using generalextraction method. The tannin content of the upper part in water and three different concentrated ethanolextract was found to be (2.16±0.04%, 1.73±0.04%, 2.58±0.04% and 1.74±0.02%), respectively. Thetannin content of upper part in 40% of ethanol extract of the plants was 7.40±0.21% and coumarin contentwas 3.01+0.09% and the total flavanoids content were 0.70+0.03%. There were not detected Esherichiacoli, Salmonella, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus in plant extracts. The gelmedicine was prepared from concentrated plant extract using dispersion method and and gel formingmaterial selection using 0.5%, 1%, 1.5% and 2% of carbomer. The results from gel formulation assay,the 0.5% of the gel was turbid liquid state, and 1% of the gel was a colorless, clear liquid state, 1.5% gelwas colorless, created very clear and 2% gel was colorless but it was very dense. The pH condition ofthe 1% of Dentos gel was 7.6 and the viscosity property was 7400000 mPa/sec, the flavonoid contentwas 0.165%, the total coumarin content was 0.69 and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcusaureus, Enterobacteriaceae did not detected. Dentos 1% gel was compared its pharmacological trialwith Hi Ora gel which is produced by Himalaya LLC. On the treatment 14 days, Dentos gel more reduced45.9% of wound area index than Hi Ora gel.ConclusionThe 40% ethanolic extracts of the studied plants contained many bioactive chemical constituentsincluding alkoloids, flavonoids, tannin and coumarin. The 1.5% of carbomer was most effectivefor make a new Dentos gel and also new generated gel was most effective against Pseudomonasaeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, Enterobacteriaceae. The new generated gel was standardizedby its appearance, viscosity property and content of coumarin, alkaliod, flavonoids and microbiologicalpurity characteristics.

Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM (Pacífico Occidental) | ID: wpr-975835


BackgroundThe works done during the research include: conducting photochemical study on the surface of the piece of land on which the medicinal herbs chosen as samples for the research grow; extracting dry infusion from plants; identifying main substance and antibacterial activity of dry infusion; conducting pilot pharmacological experiment with mineral samples.GoalBased on the results of these experiments, we aimed at finding out wound healing functions of Chelidonium majus. L, Stellerae chamaejasme.L etc, widely used in both conventional and modern medicine as well as of such minerals as Sinder, Zeolite, Tormohon, Baragshun after selecting from them.Materials and MethodsAlkaloid, a biologically active substance found in surface of plant land and dry infusion, was determined by titration method, alkaloids such as protopine and berberine by high performance liquid chromatography, coumarin and flavonoid by spectrophotometric method, the amount of infusible substance by scale method. The methodologies of Gatsura.N and Avtandilov.G.G were adopted to make artificial wound on skin and to heal a wound respectively.ResultsAs the research result shows, the surface of the area where Stellerae chamaejasme.L grow, contains 0.33% ±0.004 total coumarin, 0.19 % ±0.002 flavonoid and 37.14 % ±0.61 infusible substance while that of Chelidonium majus.L contains 0.19% ±0.003 total alkaloid, 0.12 % ±0.004 flavonoid, 0.09 % ±0.002 coumarin and 36.27%±0.74 infusible substance. After the infusion was extracted from Stellerae chamaejasme.L and Chelidonium majus.L through method of percolation with mixer, there were 16% and 14.5% dry substance remained in the infusions respectively. These figures were reduced to 12.6% and 11.4% after freezing them in -500C for 72 hours in dry freezing. The fact that total coumarin contained in dry infusion of Stellerae chamaejasme.L is 2.95% and protopine and berberine in that of Chelidonium majus.L, is 28 мг,% and 3.7 мг,% respectively meets the requirements for medicinal plant extracts. It was found during the pharmacological experiment of preparing 25% oil ointment composed of minerals including Sinder, Tormohon, Zeolite, Baragshun that zeolite was the highest effective mineral in healing a wound by wound index. Therefore, we chose zeolite as an ingredient of the wound ointment. Oil ointments of 6 variations with 5% and 10% content were prepared from the dry infusion as well as minerals of the study plants, and pilot pharmacological experiment was conducted on an experimental mouse that had an artificial wound. The result of the experiment proved that oil ointments with 5% content of Stellerae chamaejasme.L, Chelidonium majus.L and zeolite were more effective in healing the wound than others.ConclusionBy photochemical analysis, the chosen plants proved to be meeting the requirements for medicinal plants. Pilot pharmacological experiment showed that zeolite was the one that accelerated a wound healing process more efficiently than others. Oil ointments with 5% content of dry infusion and 5% of zeolite were effective in healing a wound quickly.