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PeerJ ; 9: e11985, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34631309


BACKGROUND: The importance of organic farming has increased through the years to promote food security allied with minimal harm to the ecosystem. Besides the environmental benefits, a recurring problem associated with organic management is the unsatisfactory yield. A possible solution may rely on the soil microbiome, which presents a crucial role in the soil system. Here, we aimed to evaluate the soil bacterial community structure and composition under organic and conventional farming, considering the tropical climate and tropical soil. METHODOLOGY: Our organic management treatments were composed by composted poultry manure and green manure with Bokashi. Both organic treatments were based on low nitrogen inputs. We evaluated the soil bacterial community composition by high-throughput sequencing of 16S rRNA genes, soil fertility, and soil enzyme activity in two organic farming systems, one conventional and the last transitional from conventional to organic. RESULTS: We observed that both organic systems evaluated in this study, have higher yield than the conventional treatment, even in a year with drought conditions. These yield results are highly correlated with changes in soil chemical properties and enzymatic activity. The attributes pH, Ca, P, alkaline phosphatase, and ß- glucosidase activity are positively correlated with organic systems, while K and Al are correlated with conventional treatment. Also, our results show in the organic systems the changes in the soil bacteria community, being phyla Acidobacteria, Firmicutes, Nitrospirae, and Rokubacteria the most abundant. These phyla were correlated with soil biochemical changes in the organic systems, helping to increase crop yields. CONCLUSION: Different organic management systems, (the so-called natural and organic management systems, which use distinct organic sources), shift the soil bacterial community composition, implying changes in their functionalities. Also, our results contributed to the identification of target bacterial groups and changes in soil chemical properties and enzymatic activity in a trophic organic farming system, which may contribute to higher crop yields.

PeerJ ; 8: e9152, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32547860


Divergences between agricultural management can result in different types of biological interactions between plants and microorganisms, which may affect food quality and productivity. Conventional practices are well-established in the agroindustry as very efficient and lucrative; however, the increasing demand for sustainable alternatives has turned attention towards agroecological approaches. Here we intend to explore microbial dynamics according to the agricultural management used, based on the composition and structure of these bacterial communities on the most environmentally exposed habitat, the phyllosphere. Leaf samples were collected from a Citrus crop (cultivated Orange) in Mogi-Guaçu (SP, Brazil), where either conventional or ecological management systems were properly applied in two different areas. NGS sequencing analysis and quantitative PCR allowed us to comprehend the phyllosphere behavior and µ-XRF (micro X-ray fluorescence) could provide an insight on agrochemical persistence on foliar tissues. Our results demonstrate that there is considerable variation in the phyllosphere community due to the management practices used in the citrus orchard, and it was possible to quantify most of this variation. Equally, high copper concentrations may have influenced bacterial abundance, having a relevant impact on the differences observed. Moreover, we highlight the intricate relationship microorganisms have with crop production, and presumably with crop yield as well.