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Front Mol Neurosci ; 15: 868089, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35431800


Small heat shock protein 27 is a critically important chaperone, that plays a key role in several essential and varied physiological processes. These include thermotolerance, apoptosis, cytoskeletal dynamics, cell differentiation, protein folding, among others. Despite its relatively small size and intrinsically disordered termini, it forms large and polydisperse oligomers that are in equilibrium with dimers. This equilibrium is driven by transient interactions between the N-terminal region, the α-crystallin domain, and the C-terminal region. The continuous redistribution of binding partners results in a conformationally dynamic protein that allows it to adapt to different functions where substrate capture is required. However, the intrinsic disorder of the amino and carboxy terminal regions and subsequent conformational variability has made structural investigations challenging. Because heat shock protein 27 is critical for so many key cellular functions, it is not surprising that it also has been linked to human disease. Charcot-Marie-Tooth and distal hereditary motor neuropathy are examples of neurodegenerative disorders that arise from single point mutations in heat shock protein 27. The development of possible treatments, however, depends on our understanding of its normal function at the molecular level so we might be able to understand how mutations manifest as disease. This review will summarize recent reports describing investigations into the structurally elusive regions of Hsp27. Recent insights begin to provide the required context to explain the relationship between a mutation and the resulting loss or gain of function that leads to Charcot-Marie Tooth disease and distal hereditary motor neuropathy.

Front Mol Biosci ; 7: 159, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32766281


Several neurological disorders have been linked to mutations in chaperonin genes and more specifically to the HSPD1 gene. In humans, HSPD1 encodes the mitochondrial Heat Shock Protein 60 (mtHsp60) chaperonin, which carries out essential protein folding reactions that help maintain mitochondrial and cellular homeostasis. It functions as a macromolecular complex that provides client proteins an environment that favors proper folding in an ATP-dependent manner. It has been established that mtHsp60 plays a crucial role in the proper folding of mitochondrial proteins involved in ATP producing pathways. Recently, various single-point mutations in the mtHsp60 encoding gene have been directly linked to neuropathies and paraplegias. Individuals who harbor mtHsp60 mutations that negatively impact its folding ability display phenotypes with highly compromised muscle and neuron cells. Carriers of these mutations usually develop neuropathies and paraplegias at different stages of their lives mainly characterized by leg stiffness and weakness as well as degeneration of spinal cord nerves. These phenotypes are likely due to hindered energy producing pathways involved in cellular respiration resulting in ATP deprived cells. Although the complete protein folding mechanism of mtHsp60 is not well understood, recent work suggests that several of these mutations act by destabilizing the oligomeric stability of mtHsp60. Here, we discuss recent studies that highlight key aspects of the mtHsp60 mechanism with a focus on some of the known disease-causing point mutations, D29G and V98I, and their effect on the protein folding reaction cycle.