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Animals (Basel) ; 14(16)2024 Aug 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39199863


Two experiments evaluated the impact of the reduction in the percentage of corn oil remaining in distillers grains plus solubles (DGS) after the ethanol plant de-oiling process or by adding corn oil back to DGS following de-oiling on finishing cattle performance and nutrient digestion. Experiment 1 utilized 320 yearling steers (initial BW = 413 kg; SD = 25 kg) fed in 32 pens (10 steers/pen) and assigned to one of four treatments (n = 8 pens/treatment). The four treatments consisted of a blended DRC:HMC corn control diet (CON), de-oiled modified distillers grains plus solubles included at 40% of diet DM (DODGS), de-oiled modified distillers grains plus solubles included at 38% of diet DM plus 2% added corn oil (DODGS + Oil), and full-fat modified distillers grains plus solubles included at 40% of diet DM (FFDGS). The DODGS product contained 8.9% fat while the FFDGS product contained 11.6% fat. Dry matter intake (DMI) was impacted by treatment (p = 0.01) with steers fed DODGS having the greatest DMI and steers fed CON, DODGS + Oil, and FFDGS having lower DMI. Dietary treatment tended to impact ADG (p = 0.06) with steers fed DODGS and DODGS + Oil having greater gains than CON, with FFDGS being an intermediate. As a result of increased ADG, G:F differed between treatments (p < 0.01) with the greatest feed efficiency observed for steers fed DODGS + Oil and FFDGS. Including MDGS in the diet improved G:F by 6 to 11% compared to feeding DRC:HMC corn blend, with an improvement in G:F of 4.9 and 1.2% for DODGS + Oil and FFDGS, respectively, compared to DODGS. Hot carcass weight was impacted by dietary treatment (HCW; p = 0.05), with DODGS- and DODGS + Oil-fed steers having the heaviest HCW, CON steers having the lightest HCW, and FFDGS being an intermediate. Experiment 2 was a 5 × 4 unbalanced Latin rectangle digestion experiment with four diets, five ruminally cannulated steers, and five periods that utilized the same treatments as Exp. 1. Dietary fat measured 4.2, 6.0, 7.9, and 7.1% for CON, DODGS, DODGS + Oil, and FFDGS, respectively. Intakes of DM, OM, and energy as well as total tract fat digestibility and DE (Mcal/d) were not impacted by dietary treatment (p ≥ 0.46). When corn oil was added back to de-oiled MDGS, there was a negative impact on digestibility of OM (p < 0.01) and NDF (p = 0.07) compared with DODGS, FFDGS, and CON. Partially removing oil from modified distillers grains plus solubles did not significantly impact cattle performance, carcass traits, energy content, or digestibility when MDGS was included at approximately 40% of diet DM.

Transl Anim Sci ; 6(4): txac147, 2022 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36452316


Three experiments evaluated the effects of three corn silage hybrids, inclusion, and nutrient digestibility in growing and finishing diets. The three hybrids tested included a control (CON), a hybrid containing a brown midrib (bm3) trait (BM3), and an experimental bm3 hybrid with the soft endosperm trait (BM3-SOFT). Experiment 1 utilized 360 crossbred steers (body weight [BW] = 334; SD = 25 kg) to evaluate inclusion of silage in a finishing diet at (15% or 45% of diet dry matter [DM]) and silage hybrid (CON, BM3, or BM3-SOFT). Experiment 2 and 3 utilized 216 crossbred steers (BW = 324; SD = 10 kg) and six ruminally fistulated steers (BW = 274; SD = 27 kg), respectively, to evaluate effects of either CON, BM3, or BM3-SOFT silage hybrids on performance and nutrient digestibility in growing diets. In Exp. 1, there was a silage inclusion × hybrid interaction for average daily gain (ADG) and gain-to-feed ratio (G:F). All treatments with 15% silage had greater (P ≤ 0.04) ADG and G:F compared with 45% silage. Cattle fed BM3-SOFT had greater ADG and G:F than cattle fed CON or BM3 when silage was included at 15% of the diet. When silage was fed at 45% of the diet DM, ADG did not differ between cattle fed either bm3 hybrid. Cattle fed BM3 had the greatest G:F (P < 0.01), with no difference between BM3-SOFT and CON. At 15% silage inclusion, hot carcass weight (HCW) was greater (P < 0.01) for cattle fed BM3-SOFT compared with cattle fed CON and BM3 but did not differ between cattle fed BM3 and CON. At 45% silage inclusion, steers fed either bm3 hybrid did not differ in HCW but were both heavier (P < 0.01) compared with cattle fed CON. In Exp. 2, ending BW, dry matter intake (DMI), and ADG were greater (P < 0.01) for steers fed either bm3 hybrid compared to steers fed the CON, but not different between steers fed the bm3 hybrids. There were no differences (P = 0.26) in G:F between the silage hybrids. In Exp. 3, steers fed either bm3 had greater (P < 0.01) neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and acid detergent fiber (ADF) digestibility than steers fed the CON. Ruminal pH was lower (P < 0.01), and total volatile fatty acid (VFA) concentration was greater (P < 0.01) for steers fed bm3 hybrids compared to steers fed CON. Feeding silage with the bm3 trait improved fiber digestibility, which increased DMI and subsequent ADG in high-forage growing diets. Feeding corn silage with the bm3 trait improved performance compared to non-bm3 corn silage when included above typical roughage concentration.

Transl Anim Sci ; 4(4): txaa186, 2020 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33241190


Growing crossbred steers [n = 80, initial body weight (BW) = 274 kg, SD = 21] were used to evaluate the effect of ad libitum and limit-fed intakes on methane (CH4) production. Two treatments with four pens per treatment (10 steers per pen) were evaluated in a randomized block designed experiment, with BW as a blocking factor. Treatments included feeding the same diet at ad libitum intake or limit fed at 75% of ad libitum intakes. Diet consisted of 45% alfalfa, 30% sorghum silage, 22% modified distillers grains plus solubles, and supplement at 3% on a dry matter (DM) basis. This trial was followed by a finishing trial (n = 80; initial BW = 369 kg; SD = 25) to evaluate the effects of dietary corn oil on CH4 production. Two treatments with four pens per treatment (10 steers per pen) were used in a randomized complete block designed experiment. Cattle were rerandomized and blocked by BW within the previous treatment. Treatments consisted of a control diet (CON) containing 66% corn, 15% wet distillers grains plus solubles, 15% corn silage, and 4% supplement (DM basis). Corn oil treatment (OIL) displaced 3% corn by adding corn oil. Methane was collected in two pen-scale chambers by collecting air samples continuously from pens by rotating every 6 min with an ambient sample taken between pen measurements. Steers fed ad libitum had greater DM intake (DMI) by design and greater average daily gain (ADG; P < 0.01) compared to limit-fed cattle; however, feed efficiency was not different between treatments (P = 0.40). Cattle fed ad libitum produced 156 g/d of CH4, which was greater (P < 0.01) than limit-fed cattle (126 g per steer daily). In the finishing trial, BW, gains, and carcass traits were not impacted by treatment (P ≥ 0.14). Feed efficiency (P = 0.02) improved because intakes decreased (P = 0.02) by feeding OIL compared to CON. Daily CH4 production was less (P = 0.03) for OIL-fed cattle (115 g per steer daily) compared to CON-fed cattle (132 g per steer daily). Methane was reduced (P < 0.01) by 17% for OIL-fed cattle compared to CON-fed cattle when expressed as grams of CH4 per kilogram of ADG. Feeding corn oil at 3% of diet DM reduced enteric CH4 production (grams per day) by 15%, which was only partially explained by a 3% decrease in DMI. Overall, a decrease in CH4 was observed when intake is limited in growing cattle and when corn oil is added in finishing diets.

Transl Anim Sci ; 3(1): 51-59, 2019 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32704777


The amount of rumen undegradable protein (RUP) in corn silage and the extent to which it is digested in the small intestine are uncertain. Three studies were conducted to determine RUP content of corn silage, and the effects of supplementing increasing concentrations of RUP on the growing performance of calves fed a corn silage diet. Experiments 1 and 2 used in situ methods to evaluate the RUP content of corn silage. In experiment 1, corn silages harvested at 37% or 42% dry matter (DM) were compared. In experiment 2, dry-rolled corn (89.4% DM) was reconstituted to 75%, 70%, 65%, and 50% DM and ensiled in mini-silos (2,265 cm3) for 30, 90, 180, or 270 d to simulate the corn grain within corn silage, dry-rolled corn is more mature than corn grain harvested in corn silage. Experiment 3 used 60 steers (275 kg initial body weight, SD = 18) in an 83-d growing study to evaluate the effects of supplementing 0.4%, 1.7%, 3.0%, 4.2%, or 5.5% RUP (% of diet DM) on performance. In experiment 1, RUP as a % of DM was not different between the two corn silages (P ≥ 0.12), averaging 0.59% for samples refluxed in a neutral detergent solution (NDS) and 1.8% for samples not refluxed in NDS. Dry matter digestibility (DMD) also did not differ (P ≥ 0.19), averaging 67.4%. In experiment 2, as moisture content of the corn grain increased, DMD increased linearly (P < 0.01) and RUP content decreased linearly (P < 0.01). The DMD increased quadratically (P = 0.02), whereas RUP content decreased linearly (P < 0.01) as days of ensiling increased. In experiment 3, there were no differences in DM intake (DMI; P ≥ 0.33) among treatments for period 1 (d 1 to 37). However, average daily gain (ADG) and gain-to-feed ratio (G:F) both linearly increased (P < 0.01) as RUP supplement inclusion increased. There were no differences in DMI (P ≥ 0.16), ADG (P ≥ 0.11), or G:F (P ≥ 0.64) in period 2 (d 38 to 83). For the overall growing period (d 1 to 83), a linear increase was observed for ending body weight (P = 0.01), ADG (P < 0.01), and G:F (P < 0.01) as RUP supplement inclusion increased from 0.4% to 5.5% of diet DM. The RUP content of corn silage is lower than previously reported. Data collected suggest the crude protein within corn silage is 13% RUP, and approximately 1/2 is digestible. The moisture content of corn silage at the time of harvest and the amount of time corn silage is stored continually impact protein availability. Supplementing growing calves fed corn silage with RUP will improve performance.

Transl Anim Sci ; 3(2): 761-774, 2019 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32704844


Three experiments evaluated delaying corn silage harvest, silage concentration, and source of supplemental protein on performance and nutrient digestibility in growing and finishing diets. Experiment 1 used 180 crossbred yearling steers (body weight [BW] = 428; SD = 39 kg) to evaluate corn silage dry matter (DM) (37% or 43%) and replacing corn with silage (15% or 45% of diet DM) in finishing diets containing 40% modified distillers grains with solubles. Experiment 2 used 60 crossbred steers (BW = 271; SD = 32 kg) to evaluate corn silage harvest DM (37% or 43%) and response to rumen undegradable protein (RUP) supplementation (0.5%, 1.4%, 2.4%, 3.3%, or 4.2% of diet DM) in silage growing diets. Experiment 3 used 9 crossbred lambs (BW = 30.1; SD = 4.1 kg) to evaluate nutrient digestibility of 37% or 43% DM corn silage in silage growing diets fed ad libitum or restricted to 1.5% of BW. In experiment 1, as corn silage concentration increased from 15% to 45%, average daily gain (ADG) and gain-to-feed ratio (G:F) decreased (P ≤ 0.04). Carcass-adjusted final BW and hot carcass weight (HCW) were lower (P ≤ 0.04) for steers fed 45% corn silage compared to 15% when fed for equal days. As DM of corn silage was increased from 37% to 43%, no differences (P ≥ 0.30) in dry matter intake (DMI), ADG, G:F, or HCW were observed. In experiment 2, as DM of corn silage increased from 37% to 43%, ADG and G:F decreased (P ≤ 0.04). Increasing supplemental RUP in the diet increased (P ≤ 0.05) ending BW, DMI, ADG, and G:F linearly as supplemental RUP increased from 0.5% to 4.2%. In experiment 3, there were no differences (P ≥ 0.56) in DM digestibility and organic matter digestibility between silage harvest DM and intake level. Neutral detergent fiber (NDF) intake was reduced (P < 0.01) for lambs fed the delayed harvest corn silage compared to earlier corn silage harvest. As silage harvest was delayed from 37% to 43% DM, NDF digestibility decreased (P < 0.01) from 64.39% to 53.41%. Although increasing corn silage concentration in place of corn in finishing diets reduced ADG and G:F, delayed silage harvest did not affect performance of finishing cattle. Delayed silage harvest in growing cattle resulted in lower ADG and G:F, possibly due to increased starch or maturity leading to decreased NDF digestibility. The addition of RUP to silage-based, growing diets improves performance by supplying more metabolizable protein and suggests RUP of corn silage is limiting.