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Entropy (Basel) ; 21(2)2019 Jan 26.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33266829


Emergent quantum mechanics (EmQM) explores the possibility of an ontology for quantum mechanics. The resurgence of interest in realist approaches to quantum mechanics challenges the standard textbook view, which represents an operationalist approach. The possibility of an ontological, i.e., realist, quantum mechanics was first introduced with the original de Broglie-Bohm theory, which has also been developed in another context as Bohmian mechanics. This Editorial introduces a Special Issue featuring contributions which were invited as part of the David Bohm Centennial symposium of the EmQM conference series ( Questions directing the EmQM research agenda are: Is reality intrinsically random or fundamentally interconnected? Is the universe local or nonlocal? Might a radically new conception of reality include a form of quantum causality or quantum ontology? What is the role of the experimenter agent in ontological quantum mechanics? The Special Issue also includes research examining ontological propositions that are not based on the Bohm-type nonlocality. These include, for example, local, yet time-symmetric, ontologies, such as quantum models based upon retrocausality. This Editorial provides topical overviews of thirty-one contributions which are organized into seven categories to provide orientation.

Entropy (Basel) ; 20(5)2018 May 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33265443


The claim of Kocsis et al. to have experimentally determined "photon trajectories" calls for a re-examination of the meaning of "quantum trajectories". We will review the arguments that have been assumed to have established that a trajectory has no meaning in the context of quantum mechanics. We show that the conclusion that the Bohm trajectories should be called "surreal" because they are at "variance with the actual observed track" of a particle is wrong as it is based on a false argument. We also present the results of a numerical investigation of a double Stern-Gerlach experiment which shows clearly the role of the spin within the Bohm formalism and discuss situations where the appearance of the quantum potential is open to direct experimental exploration.

Entropy (Basel) ; 20(5)2018 May 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33265457


There has been a recent revival of interest in the notion of a 'trajectory' of a quantum particle. In this paper, we detail the relationship between Dirac's ideas, Feynman paths and the Bohm approach. The key to the relationship is the weak value of the momentum which Feynman calls a transition probability amplitude. With this identification we are able to conclude that a Bohm 'trajectory' is the average of an ensemble of actual individual stochastic Feynman paths. This implies that they can be interpreted as the mean momentum flow of a set of individual quantum processes and not the path of an individual particle. This enables us to give a clearer account of the experimental two-slit results of Kocsis et al.

Entropy (Basel) ; 20(8)2018 Jul 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33265654


A method for measuring the weak value of spin for atoms is proposed using a variant of the original Stern-Gerlach apparatus. A full simulation of an experiment for observing the real part of the weak value using the impulsive approximation has been carried out. Our predictions show a displacement of the beam of helium atoms in the metastable 23S1 state, Δw, that is within the resolution of conventional microchannel plate detectors indicating that this type of experiment is feasible. Our analysis also determines the experimental parameters that will give an accurate determination of the weak value of spin. Preliminary experimental results are shown for helium, neon and argon in the 23S1 and 3P2 metastable states, respectively.

Phys Lett A ; 377(42): 3005-3008, 2013 Dec 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24319313


We begin by giving correct expressions for the short-time action following the work Makri-Miller. We use these estimates to derive an accurate expression modulo [Formula: see text] for the quantum propagator and we show that the quantum potential is negligible modulo [Formula: see text] for a point source, thus justifying an unfortunately largely ignored observation of Holland made twenty years ago. We finally prove that this implies that the quantum motion is classical for very short times.