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J Phys Chem A ; 125(41): 9115-9127, 2021 Oct 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34614356


We report the spectroscopic observation of the jet-cooled para-ethynylbenzyl (PEB) radical, a resonance-stabilized isomer of C9H7. The radical was produced in a discharge of p-ethynyltoluene diluted in argon and probed by resonant two-color two-photon ionization (R2C2PI) spectroscopy. The origin of the D0(2B1)-D1(2B1) transition of PEB appears at 19,506 cm-1. A resonant two-color ion-yield scan reveals an adiabatic ionization energy (AIE) of 7.177(1) eV, which is almost symmetrically bracketed by CBS-QB3 and B3LYP/6-311G++(d,p) calculations. The electronic spectrum exhibits pervasive Fermi resonances, in that most a1 fundamentals are accompanied by similarly intense overtones or combination bands of non-totally symmetric modes that would carry little intensity in the harmonic approximation. Under the same experimental conditions, the m/z = 115 R2C2PI spectrum of the p-ethynyltoluene discharge also exhibits contributions from the m-ethynylbenzyl and 1-phenylpropargyl radicals. The former, like PEB, is observed herein for the first time, and its identity is confirmed by measurement and calculation of its AIE and D0-D1 origin transition energy; the latter is identified by comparison with its known electronic spectrum (J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2008, 130, 3137-3142). Both species are found to co-exist with PEB at levels vastly greater than might be explained by any precursor sample impurity, implying that interconversion of ethynylbenzyl motifs is feasible in energetic environments such as plasmas and flames, wherein resonance-stabilized radicals are persistent.

J Phys Chem A ; 125(29): 6420-6436, 2021 Jul 29.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34260230


The D0(2A″)-D1(2A″) electronic transition of resonance-stabilized radical C9H9 isomers cis- and trans-meta-vinylbenzyl (MVB) has been investigated using resonant two-color two-photon ionization (R2C2PI) and laser-induced fluorescence. The radicals were produced in a discharge of m-vinyltoluene diluted in Ar and probed under jet-cooled conditions. The origin bands of the cis and trans conformers are at 19 037 and 18 939 cm-1, respectively. Adiabatic ionization energies near 7.17 eV were determined for both conformers from two-color ion-yield scans. Dispersed fluorescence (DF) was used to conclusively identify the cis-conformer: ground-state cis-MVB eigenvalues calculated for a Fourier series fit of a computed vinyl torsion potential are in excellent agreement with torsional transitions in the 19 037 cm-1 DF spectrum. R2C2PI features arising from cis- or trans-MVB were distinguished by optical-optical hole-burning spectroscopy and vibronic assignments were made with guidance from density functional theory (DFT) and time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT) calculations. There is a notable absence of mirror symmetry between excitation and emission spectra for several totally symmetric modes, whereby modes that are conspicuous in emission are nearly absent in excitation, and vice versa. This effect is largely ascribed to interference between Franck-Condon and Herzberg-Teller contributions to the electronic transition moment, and its pervasiveness a consequence of the low symmetry (Cs) of the molecule, which permits intensity borrowing from several relatively bright electronic states of A″ symmetry.

J Chem Phys ; 148(18): 184304, 2018 May 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29764130


The single-conformation ultraviolet and infrared spectroscopy of three short-chain para-dialkylbenzenes (para-diethylbenzene, para-dipropylbenzene, and para-dibutylbenzene) is reported for the jet-cooled, isolated molecules. The present study builds off previous work on single-chain n-alkylbenzenes, where an anharmonic local mode Hamiltonian method was developed to account for stretch-bend Fermi resonance in the alkyl CH stretch region [D. P. Tabor et al., J. Chem. Phys. 144, 224310 (2016)]. The jet-cooled molecules are interrogated using laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) excitation, fluorescence dip infrared spectroscopy, and dispersed fluorescence. The LIF spectra in the S1 ← S0 origin region show a dramatic increase in the number of resolved transitions with increasing length of the alkyl chains, reflecting an explosion in the number of unique low-energy conformations formed when two independent alkyl chains are present. Since the barriers to isomerization of the alkyl chain are similar in size, this results in an "egg carton" shaped potential energy surface. A combination of electronic frequency shift and alkyl CH stretch infrared spectra is used to generate a consistent set of conformational assignments. Using these experimental techniques in conjunction with computational methods, subsets of origin transitions in the LIF excitation spectrum can be classified into different conformational families. Two conformations are resolved in para-diethylbenzene, seven in para-dipropylbenzene, and about nineteen in para-dibutylbenzene. These chains are largely independent of each other as there are no new single-chain conformations induced by the presence of a second chain. A cursory LIF excitation scan of para-dioctylbenzene shows a broad congested spectrum at frequencies consistent with interactions of alkyl chains with the phenyl π cloud.

J Phys Chem Lett ; 8(21): 5296-5300, 2017 Nov 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28994601


An ultraviolet-infrared (UV-IR) double-resonance method for recording conformation-specific excited-state infrared spectra is described. The method takes advantage of an increase in fluorescence signal in phenylalkanes produced by infrared excitation of the S1 origin levels of different conformational isomers. The shorter lifetimes of these IR-excited molecules, combined with their red-shifted emission, provides a way to discriminate the fluorescence due to the infrared-excited molecules from the S1 origin fluorescence, resulting in spectra with high signal-to-noise ratios. Spectra for a series of phenylalkanes and a capped phenylalanine derivative (Ac-Phe-NHMe) demonstrate the potential of the method. The excited-state spectrum in the alkyl CH stretch region of ethylbenzene is well-fit by an anharmonic model developed for the ground electronic state, which explicitly takes into account stretch-bend Fermi resonance.

Chem Sci ; 8(8): 5305-5318, 2017 Aug 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30510673


The conformational preferences of pentyl- through decylbenzene are studied under jet-cooled conditions in the gas phase. Laser-induced fluorescence excitation spectra, fluorescence-dip infrared spectra in the alkyl CH stretch region, and Raman spectra are combined to provide assignments for the observed conformers. Density functional theory calculations at the B3LYP-D3BJ/def2TZVP level of theory provide relative energies and normal mode vibrations that serve as inputs for an anharmonic local mode theory introduced in earlier work on alkylbenzenes with n = 2-4. This model explicitly includes anharmonic mixing of the CH stretch modes with the overtones of scissors/bend modes of the CH2 and CH3 groups in the alkyl chain, and is used to assign and interpret the single-conformation IR spectra. In octylbenzene, a pair of LIF transitions shifted -92 and -78 cm-1 from the all-trans electronic origin have unique alkyl CH stretch transitions that are fit by the local model to a g1g3g4 conformation in which the alkyl chain folds back over the aromatic ring π cloud. Its calculated energy is only 1.0 kJ mol-1 above the all-trans global minimum. This fold is at an alkyl chain length less than half that of the pure alkanes (n = 18), consistent with a smaller energy cost for the g1 dihedral and the increased dispersive interaction of the chain with the π cloud. Local site frequencies for the entire set of conformers from the local mode model show 'edge effects' that raise the site frequencies of CH2(1) and CH2(2) due to the phenyl ring and CH2(n - 1) due to the methyl group. The g1g3g4 conformer also shows local sites shifted up in frequency at CH2(3) and CH2(6) due to interaction with the π cloud.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 18(36): 25512-25527, 2016 Sep 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27711552


The conformational preferences of a series of capped peptides containing the helicogenic amino acid aminoisobutyric acid (Aib) (Z-Aib-OH, Z-(Aib)2-OMe, and Z-(Aib)4-OMe) are studied in the gas phase under expansion-cooled conditions. Aib oligomers are known to form 310-helical secondary structures in solution and in the solid phase. However, in the gas phase, accumulation of a macrodipole as the helix grows could inhibit helix stabilization. Implementing single-conformation IR spectroscopy in the NH stretch region, Z-Aib-OH and Z-(Aib)2-OMe are both observed to have minor conformations that exhibit dihedral angles consistent with the 310-helical portion of the Ramachandran map (ϕ, ψ = -57°, -30°), even though they lack sufficient backbone length to form 10-membered rings which are a hallmark of the developed 310-helix. For Z-(Aib)4-OMe three conformers are observed in the gas phase. Single-conformation infrared spectroscopy in both the NH stretch (Amide A) and C[double bond, length as m-dash]O stretch (Amide I) regions identifies the main conformer as an incipient 310-helix, having two free NH groups and two C10 H-bonded NH groups, labeled an F-F-10-10 structure, with a calculated dipole moment of 13.7 D. A second minor conformer has an infrared spectrum characteristic of an F-F-10-7 structure in which the third and fourth Aib residues have ϕ, ψ = 75°, -74° and -52°, 143°, Ramachandran angles which fall outside of the typical range for 310-helices, and a dipole moment that shrinks to 5.4 D. These results show Aib to be a 310-helix former in the gas phase at the earliest stages of oligomer growth.

J Chem Phys ; 144(22): 224310, 2016 Jun 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27306010


Conformation-specific UV-IR double resonance spectra are presented for ethyl, n-propyl, and n-butylbenzene. With the aid of a local mode Hamiltonian that includes the effects of stretch-scissor Fermi resonance, the spectra can be accurately modeled for specific conformers. These molecules allow for further development of a first principles method for calculating alkyl stretch spectra. Across all chain lengths, certain dihedral patterns impart particular spectral motifs at the quadratic level. However, the anharmonic contributions are consistent from molecule to molecule and conformer to conformer. This transferability of anharmonicities allows for the Hamiltonian to be constructed from only a harmonic frequency calculation, reducing the cost of the model. The phenyl ring alters the frequencies of the CH2 stretches by about 15 cm(-1) compared to their n-alkane counterparts in trans configurations. Conformational changes in the chain can lead to shifts in frequency of up to 30 cm(-1).