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PNAS Nexus ; 1(1): pgac015, 2022 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36712802


Pallasites are mixtures of core and mantle material that may have originated from the core-mantle boundary of a differentiated body. However, recent studies have introduced the possibility that they record an impact mix, in which case an isotopic difference between metal and silicates in pallasites may be expected. We report a statistically significant oxygen isotope disequilibrium between olivine and chromite in main group pallasites that implies the silicate and metal portions of these meteorites stem from distinct isotopic reservoirs. This indicates that these meteorites were formed by impact mixing, during which a planetary core was injected into the mantle of another body. The impactor likely differentiated within ∼1-2 Myr of the start of the Solar System based on Hf-W chronology of pallasite metal, and we infer the age of the impact based on Mn-Cr systematics and cooling rates at between ∼1.5 and 9.5 Myr after Ca-Al-rich inclusions (CAIs). When combined with published slow subsolidus cooling rates for these meteorites and considering that several pallasite groups exist, our results indicate that such impacts may be an important stage in the evolution of planetary bodies.

Geochim Cosmochim Acta ; 245: 556-576, 2019 Jan 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30846885


The abundances of highly siderophile elements (HSE: Re, Os, Ir, Ru, Pt, Pd), as well as 187Re-187Os and 182Hf-182W isotopic systematics were determined for separated metal, slightly magnetic, and nonmagnetic fractions from seven H4 to H6 ordinary chondrites. The HSE are too abundant in nonmagnetic fractions to reflect metal-silicate equilibration. The disequilibrium was likely a primary feature, as 187Re-187Os data indicate only minor open-system behavior of the HSE in the slightly and non-magnetic fractions. 182Hf-182W data for slightly magnetic and nonmagnetic fractions define precise isochrons for most meteorites that range from 5.2 ± 1.6 Ma to 15.2 ± 1.0 Ma after calcium aluminum inclusion (CAI) formation. By contrast, 182W model ages for the metal fractions are typically 2-5 Ma older than the slope-derived isochron ages for their respective, slightly magnetic and nonmagnetic fractions, with model ages ranging from 1.4 ± 0.8 Ma to 12.6 ± 0.9 Ma after CAI formation. This indicates that the W present in the silicates and oxides was not fully equilibrated with the metal when diffusive transport among components ceased, consistent with the HSE data. Further, the W isotopic compositions of size-sorted metal fractions from some of the H chondrites also differ, indicating disequilibrium among some metal grains. The chemical/isotopic disequilibrium of siderophile elements among H chondrite components is likely the result of inefficient diffusion of siderophile elements from silicates and oxides to some metal and/or localized equilibration as H chondrites cooled towards their respective Hf-W closure temperatures. The tendency of 182Hf-182W isochron ages to young from H5 to H6 chondrites may indicate derivation of these meteorites from a slowly cooled, undisturbed, concentrically-zoned parent body, consistent with models that have been commonly invoked for H chondrites. Overlap of isochron ages for H4 and H5 chondrites, by contrast, appear to be more consistent with shallow impact disruption models. The W isotopic composition of metal from one CR chondrite was examined to compare with H chondrite metals. In contrast to the H chondrites, the CR chondrite metal is characterized by an enrichment in 183W that is consistent with nucleosynthetic s-process depletion. Once corrected for the correlative nucleosynthetic effect on 182W, the 182W model age for this meteorite of 7.0 ± 3.6 Ma is within the range of model ages of most metal fractions from H chondrites. The metal is therefore too young to be a direct nebular condensate, as proposed by some prior studies.