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Behav Ecol ; 35(1): arad103, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38144905


The hierarchical model of provisioning posits that parents employ a strategic, sequential use of three provisioning tactics as offspring demand increases (e.g., due to increasing brood size and age). Namely, increasing delivery rate (reducing intervals between provisioning visits), expanding provisioned diet breadth, and adopting variance-sensitive provisioning. We evaluated this model in an Arctic breeding population of Peregrine falcons (Falco peregrinus tundrius) by analyzing changes in inter-visit-intervals (IVIs) and residual variance in IVIs across 7 study years. Data were collected using motion-sensitive nest camera images and analyzed using Bayesian mixed effect models. We found strong support for a decrease in IVIs (i.e., increase in delivery rates) between provisioning visits and an increase in residual variance in IVIs with increasing nestling age, consistent with the notion that peregrines shift to variance-prone provisioning strategies with increasing nestling demand. However, support for predictions made based on the hierarchical model of tactics for coping with increased brood demand was equivocal as we did not find evidence in support of expected covariances between random effects (i.e., between IVI to an average sized brood (intercept), change in IVI with brood demand (slope) or variance in IVI). Overall, our study provides important biological insights into how parents cope with increased brood demand.

Ambio ; 49(3): 784-785, 2020 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31965558


While collating contributions and comments from 36 researchers, the coordinating authors accidentally omitted Dr. Suzanne Carrière from the list of contributing co-authors. Dr. Carrière's data are described in Tables 1 and 3, Figure 2 and several places in the narrative.The new author list is thus updated in this article.

Ambio ; 49(3): 762-783, 2020 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31858488


The peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus) and the gyrfalcon (Falco rusticolus) are top avian predators of Arctic ecosystems. Although existing monitoring efforts are well established for both species, collaboration of activities among Arctic scientists actively involved in research of large falcons in the Nearctic and Palearctic has been poorly coordinated. Here we provide the first overview of Arctic falcon monitoring sites, present trends for long-term occupancy and productivity, and summarize information describing abundance, distribution, phenology, and health of the two species. We summarize data for 24 falcon monitoring sites across the Arctic, and identify gaps in coverage for eastern Russia, the Arctic Archipelago of Canada, and East Greenland. Our results indicate that peregrine falcon and gyrfalcon populations are generally stable, and assuming that these patterns hold beyond the temporal and spatial extents of the monitoring sites, it is reasonable to suggest that breeding populations at broader scales are similarly stable. We have highlighted several challenges that preclude direct comparisons of Focal Ecosystem Components (FEC) attributes among monitoring sites, and we acknowledge that methodological problems cannot be corrected retrospectively, but could be accounted for in future monitoring. Despite these drawbacks, ample opportunity exists to establish a coordinated monitoring program for Arctic-nesting raptor species that supports CBMP goals.

Ecosistema , Falconiformes , Animales , Canadá , Groenlandia , Estudios Retrospectivos , Federación de Rusia