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Expert Opin Drug Discov ; 1(6): 585-94, 2006 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23506068


Cell-based screening allows identification of biologically active compounds, for example, potential anticancer drugs. In this review, various screening assays are discussed in terms of what they measure and how this affects interpretation and relevance. High-throughput (HT) assays of viability based on the reduction of exogenous substrates do not always reflect viability or cell number levels. Membrane integrity assays can be used for HT quantification of cell death, but are non-specific as to the death mode. Several HT assays monitor end point apoptosis. Screening libraries at a single concentration (micromolar) can prevent detection of potent apoptosis inducers, as high concentrations may induce mainly necrosis. Using monolayer cultures limits the significance of cell-based screening as the properties of monolayer cells differ from tumours in vivo. Spheroid cultures are more physiological, but are impractical for screening by conventional methods. The authors have developed an assay quantifying accumulation of a caspase-cleaved protein specific for epithelial cells. It provides an integrated measure of apoptosis in two- and three-dimensional cultures and can be used as a blood biomarker assay for tumour apoptosis in vivo.