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Front Comput Neurosci ; 15: 760561, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35153708


The goal of this study was to investigate the effect of audio listened to through headphones on subjectively reported human focus levels, and to identify through objective measures the properties that contribute most to increasing and decreasing focus in people within their regular, everyday environment. Participants (N = 62, 18-65 years) performed various tasks on a tablet computer while listening to either no audio (silence), popular audio playlists designed to increase focus (pre-recorded music arranged in a particular sequence of songs), or engineered soundscapes that were personalized to individual listeners (digital audio composed in real-time based on input parameters such as heart rate, time of day, location, etc.). Audio stimuli were delivered to participants through headphones while their brain signals were simultaneously recorded by a portable electroencephalography headband. Participants completed four 1-h long sessions at home during which different audio played continuously in the background. Using brain-computer interface technology for brain decoding and based on an individual's self-report of their focus, we obtained individual focus levels over time and used this data to analyze the effects of various properties of the sounds contained in the audio content. We found that while participants were working, personalized soundscapes increased their focus significantly above silence (p = 0.008), while music playlists did not have a significant effect. For the young adult demographic (18-36 years), all audio tested was significantly better than silence at producing focus (p = 0.001-0.009). Personalized soundscapes increased focus the most relative to silence, but playlists of pre-recorded songs also increased focus significantly during specific time intervals. Ultimately we found it is possible to accurately predict human focus levels a priori based on physical properties of audio content. We then applied this finding to compare between music genres and revealed that classical music, engineered soundscapes, and natural sounds were the best genres for increasing focus, while pop and hip-hop were the worst. These insights can enable human and artificial intelligence composers to produce increases or decreases in listener focus with high temporal (millisecond) precision. Future research will include real-time adaptation of audio for other functional objectives beyond affecting focus, such as affecting listener enjoyment, drowsiness, stress and memory.

Front Comput Neurosci ; 12: 57, 2018.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30087604


Visual perception involves continuously choosing the most prominent inputs while suppressing others. Neuroscientists induce visual competitions in various ways to study why and how the brain makes choices of what to perceive. Recently deep neural networks (DNNs) have been used as models of the ventral stream of the visual system, due to similarities in both accuracy and hierarchy of feature representation. In this study we created non-dynamic visual competitions for humans by briefly presenting mixtures of two images. We then tested feed-forward DNNs with similar mixtures and examined their behavior. We found that both humans and DNNs tend to perceive only one image when presented with a mixture of two. We revealed image parameters which predict this perceptual dominance and compared their predictability for the two visual systems. Our findings can be used to both improve DNNs as models, as well as potentially improve their performance by imitating biological behaviors.