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J Conserv Dent Endod ; 27(2): 175-179, 2024 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38463479


Context: Esthetic appearance of the face is a major concern in self-image among the majority of the population. The dimensions, anatomy, and arrangement of maxillary anterior are the key factors in the esthetic appearance of the face. Aim: The present study aimed to measure the mesiodistal dimensions of maxillary anterior teeth and analyzing the golden proportion in the representative North Indian population. Materials and Methods: Subjects were seated in the upright position in a dental clinical chair. A digital Vernier caliper was used to record the mesiodistal dimensions of central incisors (CIs), lateral incisor (LI), and canine (C) teeth in maximum smile position. A total of three sets of recordings were made by a single observer to avoid the measurement bias of both left and right sides of teeth. Digital images were also captured. Obtained measurements were used for the calculation of ratios and statistical analysis was done. Results: The prevalence of golden ratio between right CI/LI was observed in 3.1% males and 3.2% females. The calculated median ratio was 1.2 for males and 1.3 for females which differs significantly (P > 0.05) from the golden ratio. The divine proportion between visible portion of right C/LI was seen in 39.5% males and 32.3% females with calculated median value for males being 0.6 and that for females was 0.7. Conclusion: The prevalence of golden proportion between the CI/LI in esthetically pleasing smiles was too small (mean-3.9 in males and 2.75 in females) while the golden ratio of 0.6 was found in the majority of the population irrespective of the gender.

J Conserv Dent ; 26(3): 271-274, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37398852


Aim: Four bonding agents and a composite restorative resin were evaluated in patients having noncarious cervical defects. Materials and Methods: This clinical trial was conducted in patients having at least 4 noncarious cervical defects in posterior teeth evaluating the clinical effectiveness in relation to retention, discoloration at margins, and postoperative sensitivity of 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th generations of bonding agents over a period of baseline, 3, 6, 12, and 24 months. Statistical Analysis: Data were recorded and put into statistical analysis using Chi-square tests. Results: At 24 months, retention rate was found out to be 92.6% for the 7th generation which was better than 5th (66.7%) and 6th (70.4%) generation whereas significant marginal discoloration was seen at 6 months follow-up in which 5th generation showed maximum results. However, all the four generations have an equal score of postoperative sensitivity at all the time intervals. Conclusions: The 7th generation adhesives performed better than other generations in terms of retention. Changes in marginal discoloration were detected at 6 months with maximum score in 5th generation adhesives.

J Pharm Bioallied Sci ; 14(Suppl 1): S214-S216, 2022 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36110748


Purpose: The aim of the study was to emphasize the compressive strength and flexural strength of glass-ionomer cement (GIC)-gold hybrid, conventional GIC, and resin-modified GIC (RMGIC). Methodology: Three GIC materials were used in the study: group A: GC-gold hybrid (Gold Label hybrid Universal Restorative), group B: type II conventional GIC, and group C: RMGIC. A total of 120 cylindrical test specimens of dimensions 4 mm diameter × 6 mm height were prepared from a custom-made Teflon mold according to respective study groups. The specimens prepared were then stored in 20 mL of deionized water at 37°C for 3 h daily for 30 days, and the solutions were changed every week, after which they were tested for compressive strength and flexural strength by using a universal force testing machine. All the results were analyzed by SPSS software and were subjected to statistical analysis using ANOVA followed by the Bonferroni post-hoc test. Results: The mean compressive strength was the highest for group A and lowest for group B. Similarly, the mean flexural strength was the highest for group A and lowest for group B. Conclusion: The conclusions can be drawn from this in-vitro study that the compressive strength and flexural strength of GC-gold hybrid were greater than those of RMGIC and conventional GIC.

Contemp Clin Dent ; 9(Suppl 1): S107-S111, 2018 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29962774


BACKGROUND: Calcifications can occur in the dental pulp as discrete bodies known as pulp stones. Their etiology remains obscure. They were believed to be formed as a result of local irritating factors within the pulp; however, a few authors now suggest that they may be a part of systemic biomineralization process that affects many body parts such as kidneys, gall bladder, joints, arteries as well as pulp leading to formation of stones. AIM: This retrospective case-control study was taken up to (i) determine the prevalence of pulp stones as well as pulp chamber narrowing in patients with gallbladder stones as well as the controls (ii) whether any correlation exists between the prevalence of pulp stones and gallbladder stones so as to test the hypothesis that pulp stones and gallbladder stones may be a part of a common systemic calcification process. SETTING AND DESIGN: This retrospective case-control study was conducted in the Department of Gastroenterology and Department of Radiodiagnosis, Sri Guru Ram Das Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, Amritsar. A total of 200 individuals were taken up for the study. Group I consisted of 100 patients (cases) with confirmed diagnosis of gallbladder stones. Group II included the control group in which individuals who were the close relatives of the patients with gall bladder stones were taken (n = 100), so as to eliminate the common confounding factors in these two groups such as diet, air, water, environment, genes, and age, which could affect the formation of pulp stones could not be the reason for the formation of pulp stones. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Standard bitewing radiographs were taken for all the patients in each group and presence or absence of pulp chamber narrowing and pulp stones were observed. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS USED: McNemar's statistical test was used to find the difference between the two groups, and the P value was determined. Coefficient of association using the Phi coefficient was used to determine if there was any association between the two groups. RESULTS: In Group I, 37% of the patients with gallbladder stones showed the presence of pulp stones; whereas in the Group II which was the control, 57% of individuals showed the presence of pulp stones. McNemar's test of significance calculated with one-degree freedom (1-df) showed that P = 0.01, thereby showing that there was a significant difference between these two groups. CONCLUSION: According to the study, a negative correlation between pulp stones and gallbladder stones was found and they are not related to each other.

Contemp Clin Dent ; 8(3): 411-415, 2017.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29042727


BACKGROUND: The process of cleaning and shaping the canal is not an easy goal to obtain, as canal curvature played a significant role during the instrumentation of the curved canals. AIM: The present in vivo study was conducted to evaluate procedural errors during the preparation of curved root canals using hand Nitiflex and rotary K3XF instruments. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Procedural errors such as ledge formation, instrument separation, and perforation (apical, furcal, strip) were determined in sixty patients, divided into two groups. In Group I, thirty teeth in thirty patients were prepared using hand Nitiflex system, and in Group II, thirty teeth in thirty patients were prepared using K3XF rotary system. The evaluation was done clinically as well as radiographically. The results recorded from both groups were compiled and put to statistical analysis. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS: Chi-square test was used to compare the procedural errors (instrument separation, ledge formation, and perforation). RESULTS: In the present study, both hand Nitiflex and rotary K3XF showed ledge formation and instrument separation. Although ledge formation and instrument separation by rotary K3XF file system was less as compared to hand Nitiflex. No perforation was seen in both the instrument groups. CONCLUSION: Canal curvature played a significant role during the instrumentation of the curved canals. Procedural errors such as ledge formation and instrument separation by rotary K3XF file system were less as compared to hand Nitiflex.