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Cureus ; 12(9): e10250, 2020 Sep 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33042689


Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is a social phenomenon that is deeply rooted in African socio-cultural and religious facets. It covers a sequence of procedures carried out on the genitals of females of different ages, including total or partial removal of the female external genitalia or other injuries to the female genital organs for non-medical reasons. Several studies have shown beyond a reasonable doubt that FGM is more of a detriment than benefit to the mutilated women. Hence, this review comprehensively presents the narratives and experience of African women about FGM with a focus on whether they are beneficiaries or victims of the practice. The method adopted involved searching for relevant studies through PubMed and Google Scholar databases coupled with some prominent internet materials. This method was done majorly to identify and utilize the best quality published studies on FGM in Africa. Having lent due credence to the relevant studies pooled together, it was established that the practice of FGM in the African continent is highly undesirable. It creates numerous health complications coupled with psychosocial, psychological, and psychosexual issues for the mutilated women. Prominent among these repercussions are infection, the formation of scarring and keloid, monthly menstrual difficulties, urinary symptoms, infertility, obstetric complications during pregnancy and labor, depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder. Despite these complications, it was revealed that FGM is still extant in many African countries. However, the fear of becoming a social outcast is the biggest hindrance facing anti-FGM campaigners. FGM is unequivocally a cankerworm that has eaten the freedom and wellbeing of African women, making them choiceless victims. Therefore, it is quite pertinent for governments and community leaders to provide medical support to the victims and fight the prevalence of FGM in their jurisdictions. This can be achieved through increased awareness about its adverse effects, women's education, and community shunning of the practice coupled with appropriate sanctioning of the erring members.