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Contrib Mineral Petrol ; 179(7): 69, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38898919


Rutile inclusions in almandine-spessartine garnet from a peraluminous pegmatoid from the Moldanubian zone (Bohemian Massif, AT) show distinct changes in aspect ratio, shape preferred orientations (SPO) and crystallographic orientation relationships (COR) along the transition between microstructurally different growth zones in the garnet core and rim. For identification of the COR characteristics we pool specific CORs based on their common axial relationship into three COR groups: Group 103R/111G, Group 001R/111G and Group 001R/100G. The rutile inclusions in the garnet core domains are elongated along the four Grt ⟨ 111 ⟩ directions and are dominated by COR Group 103R/111G. The garnet rim zone additionally contains rutile needles elongated along Grt ⟨ 100 ⟩ . Here, Group 001R/111G and 001R/100G are more abundant than in the garnet core. Needle-shaped rutile in the rim shows a systematic correlation between SPOs and CORs as needles elongated parallel to Grt ⟨ 111 ⟩ are dominated by Group 103R/111G and 001R/111G, whereas those needles elongated parallel to Grt ⟨ 100 ⟩ exclusively pertain to CORs of 001R/100G. Furthermore, the frequency of each particular SPO in the garnet rim clearly depends on the local growth direction of the particular Grt{112} sector. Facet-specific variations in rutile SPO frequencies in different sectors and growth zones of garnet were observed even between equivalent directions, indicating that the microstructures and textures of rutile inclusions reflect varying parameters of garnet growth. The characteristic differences in COR groups of different garnet growth zones are referred to compositional changes in the bulk melt or compositional boundary layer, associated with magmatic fractional crystallisation. Supplementary Information: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s00410-024-02146-9.

Phys Chem Miner ; 49(5): 14, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35535269


A system of edge cracks was applied to polished (010) surfaces of K-rich gem-quality alkali feldspar by diffusion-mediated cation exchange between oriented feldspar plates and a Na-rich NaCl-KCl salt melt. The cation exchange produced a Na-rich layer at and beneath the specimen surface, and the associated strongly anisotropic lattice contraction lead to a tensile stress state at the specimen surface, which induced fracturing. Cation exchange along the newly formed crack flanks produced Na-enriched diffusion halos around the cracks, and the associated lattice contraction and tensile stress state caused continuous crack growth. The cracks nucleated with non-uniform spacing on the sample surface and quickly attained nearly uniform spacing below the surface by systematic turning along their early propagation paths. In places, conspicuous wavy cracks oscillating several times before attaining their final position between the neighboring cracks were produced. It is shown that the evolution of irregularly spaced towards regularly spaced cracks including the systematic turning and wavyness along the early propagation paths maximizes the rate of free energy dissipation in every evolutionary stage of the system. Maximization of the dissipation rate is suggested as a criterion for selection of the most probable evolution path for a system undergoing chemically induced diffusion mediated fracturing in an anisotropic homogeneous brittle material. Supplementary Information: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s00269-022-01183-9.

Mineral Petrol ; 115(1): 1-19, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33519095


A multi-methodological study was conducted in order to provide further insight into the structural and compositional complexity of rare earth element (REE) fluorcarbonates, with particular attention to their correct assignment to a mineral species. Polycrystals from La Pita Mine, Municipality de Maripí, Boyacá Department, Colombia, show syntaxic intergrowth of parisite-(Ce) with röntgenite-(Ce) and a phase which is assigned to B 3 S 4 (i.e., bastnäsite-3-synchisite-4; still unnamed) fluorcarbonate. Transmission electron microscope (TEM) images reveal well-ordered stacking patterns of two monoclinic polytypes of parisite-(Ce) as well as heavily disordered layer sequences with varying lattice fringe spacings. The crystal structure refinement from single crystal X-ray diffraction data - impeded by twinning, complex stacking patterns, sequential and compositional faults - indicates that the dominant parisite-(Ce) polytype M 1 has space group Cc. Parisite-(Ce), the B 3 S 4 phase and röntgenite-(Ce) show different BSE intensities from high to low. Raman spectroscopic analyses of parisite-(Ce), the B 3 S 4 phase and röntgenite-(Ce) reveal different intensity ratios of the three symmetric CO3 stretching bands at around 1100 cm-1. We propose to non-destructively differentiate parisite-(Ce) and röntgenite-(Ce) by their 1092 cm-1 / 1081 cm-1 ν1(CO3) band height ratio.

Phys Chem Miner ; 47(7): 30, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32624637


We used atom probe tomography to complement electron microscopy for the investigation of spinodal decomposition in alkali feldspar. To this end, gem-quality alkali feldspar of intermediate composition with a mole fraction of a K = 0.43 of the K end-member was prepared from Madagascar orthoclase by ion-exchange with (NaK)Cl molten salt. During subsequent annealing at 550 ∘ C and close to ambient pressure the ion-exchanged orthoclase unmixed producing a coherent lamellar intergrowth of Na-rich and K-rich lamellae. The chemical separation was completed, and equilibrium Na-K partitioning between the different lamellae was attained within four days, which was followed by microstructural coarsening. After annealing for 4 days, the wavelength of the lamellar microstructure was ≈ 17 nm and it increased to ≈ 30 nm after annealing for 16 days. The observed equilibrium compositions of the Na-rich and K-rich lamellae are in reasonable agreement with an earlier experimental determination of the coherent solvus. The excess energy associated with compositional gradients at the lamellar interfaces was quantified from the initial wavelength of the lamellar microstructure and the lamellar compositions as obtained from atom probe tomography using the Cahn-Hilliard theory. The capability of atom probe tomography to deliver quantitative chemical compositions at nm resolution opens new perspectives for studying the early stages of exsolution. In particular, it helps to shed light on the phase relations in nm scaled coherent intergrowth.

RSC Adv ; 10(14): 8224-8232, 2020 Feb 24.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35497871


Nanocrystalline diamond (NCD) films grown on Si substrates by microwave plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (MWPECVD) were subjected to Ni-mediated graphitization to cover them with a conductive layer. Results of transmission electron microscopy including electron energy-loss spectroscopy of cross-sectional samples demonstrate that the oxide layer on Si substrates (∼5 nm native SiO2) has been damaged by microwave plasma during the early stage of NCD growth. During the heat treatment for graphitizing the NCD layer, the permeability or absence of the oxide barrier allow Ni nanoparticles to diffuse into the Si substrate and cause additional solid-state reactions producing pyramidal crystals of NiSi2 and SiC nanocrystals. The latter are found impinged into the NiSi2 pyramids but only when the interfacial oxide layer is absent, replaced by amorphous SiC. The complex phase morphology of the samples is also reflected in the temperature dependence of electrical conductivity, where multiple pathways of the electronic transport dominate in different temperature regions. We present models explaining the observed cascade of solid-state reactions and resulting electronic transport properties of such heterostructures.

Front Microbiol ; 10: 1492, 2019.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31312192


The tungsten-microbial interactions and microbial bioprocessing of tungsten ores, which are still underexplored, are the focus of the current study. Here we show that the biotransformation of tungsten mineral scheelite performed by the extreme thermoacidophile Metallosphaera sedula leads to the breakage of scheelite structure and subsequent tungsten solubilization. Total soluble tungsten is significantly higher in cultures containing M. sedula grown on scheelite than the abiotic control, indicating active bioleaching. Advanced analytical electron microscopy was used in order to achieve nanoscale resolution ultrastructural studies of M. sedula grown on tungsten bearing scheelite. In particular, we describe that M. sedula mediated the biotransformation of scheelite, which was accompanied by the release of tungsten into solution and tungsten biomineralization of the cell surface. Furthermore, we observed intracellular incorporation of redox heterogenous Mn- and Fe-containing nano-clusters. Our results highlight unique metallophilic life in hostile environments extending the knowledge of tungsten biogeochemistry. Based on these findings biohydrometallurgical processing of tungsten ores can be further explored. Importantly, biogenic tungsten carbide-like nanolayers described herein are potential targets for developing nanomaterial biotechnology.

ACS Nano ; 13(4): 4621-4630, 2019 Apr 23.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30883098


Aberration-corrected transmission electron microscopy of the atomic structure of diamond-graphite interface after Ni-induced catalytic transformation reveals graphitic planes bound covalently to the diamond in the upright orientation. The covalent attachment, together with a significant volume expansion of graphite transformed from diamond, gives rise to uniaxial stress that is released through plastic deformation. We propose a comprehensive model explaining the Ni-mediated transformation of diamond to graphite and covalent bonding at the interface as well as the mechanism of relaxation of uniaxial stress. We also explain the mechanism of electrical transport through the graphitized surface of diamond. The result may thus provide a foundation for the catalytically driven formation of graphene-diamond nanodevices.

Phys Chem Miner ; 45(9): 855-871, 2018.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30294066


Lamellae of 1.5 µm thickness, prepared from well-crystallised monazite-(Ce) and zircon samples using the focused-ion-beam technique, were subjected to triple irradiation with 1 MeV Au+ ions (15.6% of the respective total fluence), 4 MeV Au2+ ions (21.9%) and 10 MeV Au3+ ions (62.5%). Total irradiation fluences were varied in the range 4.5 × 1012 - 1.2 × 1014 ions/cm2. The highest fluence resulted in amorphisation of both minerals; all other irradiations (i.e. up to 4.5 × 1013 ions/cm2) resulted in moderate to severe damage. Lamellae were subjected to Raman and laser-induced photoluminescence analysis, in order to provide a means of quantifying irradiation effects using these two micro-spectroscopy techniques. Based on extensive Monte Carlo calculations and subsequent defect-density estimates, irradiation-induced spectroscopic changes are compared with those of naturally self-irradiated samples. The finding that ion irradiation of monazite-(Ce) may cause severe damage or even amorphisation, is in apparent contrast to the general observation that naturally self-irradiated monazite-(Ce) does not become metamict (i.e. irradiation-amorphised), in spite of high self-irradiation doses. This is predominantly assigned to the continuous low-temperature damage annealing undergone by this mineral; other possible causes are discussed. According to cautious estimates, monazite-(Ce) samples of Mesoproterozoic to Cretaceous ages have stored only about 1% of the total damage experienced. In contrast, damage in ion-irradiated and naturally self-irradiated zircon is on the same order; reasons for the observed slight differences are discussed. We may assess that in zircon, alpha decays create significantly less than 103 Frenkel-type defect pairs per event, which is much lower than previous estimates. Amorphisation occurs at defect densities of about 0.10 dpa (displacements per lattice atom).

Ultramicroscopy ; 184(Pt A): 310-317, 2018 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29096249


Focused ion beam (FIB) sample preparation technique in plan-view geometry allows direct correlations of the atomic structure study via transmission electron microscopy with micrometer-scale property measurements. However, one main technical difficulty is that a large amount of material must be removed underneath the specimen. Furthermore, directly monitoring the milling process is difficult unless very large material volumes surrounding the TEM specimen site are removed. In this paper, a new cutting geometry is introduced for FIB lift-out sample preparation with plan-view geometry. Firstly, an "isolated" cuboid shaped specimen is cut out, leaving a "bridge" connecting it with the bulk material. Subsequently the two long sides of the "isolated" cuboid are wedged, forming a triangular prism shape. A micromanipulator needle is used for in-situ transfer of the specimen to a FIB TEM grid, which has been mounted parallel with the specimen surface using a simple custom-made sample slit. Finally, the grid is transferred to the standard FIB grid holder for final thinning with standard procedures. This new cutting geometry provides clear viewing angles for monitoring the milling process, which solves the difficulty of judging whether the specimen has been entirely detached from the bulk material, with the least possible damage to the surrounding materials. With an improved success rate and efficiency, this plan-view FIB lift-out specimen preparation technique should have a wide application for material science.

Beilstein J Nanotechnol ; 8: 1115-1126, 2017.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28685112


Molybdenum disulphide (MoS2) thin films have received increasing interest as device-active layers in low-dimensional electronics and also as novel catalysts in electrochemical processes such as the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) in electrochemical water splitting. For both types of applications, industrially scalable fabrication methods with good control over the MoS2 film properties are crucial. Here, we investigate scalable physical vapour deposition (PVD) of MoS2 films by magnetron sputtering. MoS2 films with thicknesses from ≈10 to ≈1000 nm were deposited on SiO2/Si and reticulated vitreous carbon (RVC) substrates. Samples deposited at room temperature (RT) and at 400 °C were compared. The deposited MoS2 was characterized by macro- and microscopic X-ray, electron beam and light scattering, scanning and spectroscopic methods as well as electrical device characterization. We find that room-temperature-deposited MoS2 films are amorphous, of smooth surface morphology and easily degraded upon moderate laser-induced annealing in ambient conditions. In contrast, films deposited at 400 °C are nano-crystalline, show a nano-grained surface morphology and are comparatively stable against laser-induced degradation. Interestingly, results from electrical transport measurements indicate an unexpected metallic-like conduction character of the studied PVD MoS2 films, independent of deposition temperature. Possible reasons for these unusual electrical properties of our PVD MoS2 thin films are discussed. A potential application for such conductive nanostructured MoS2 films could be as catalytically active electrodes in (photo-)electrocatalysis and initial electrochemical measurements suggest directions for future work on our PVD MoS2 films.

Nat Commun ; 8: 15647, 2017 06 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28589935


In various shocked meteorites, low-pressure silica polymorph α-cristobalite is commonly found in close spatial relation with the densest known SiO2 polymorph seifertite, which is stable above ∼80 GPa. We demonstrate that under hydrostatic pressure α-cristobalite remains untransformed up to at least 15 GPa. In quasi-hydrostatic experiments, above 11 GPa cristobalite X-I forms-a monoclinic polymorph built out of silicon octahedra; the phase is not quenchable and back-transforms to α-cristobalite on decompression. There are no other known silica polymorphs, which transform to an octahedra-based structure at such low pressures upon compression at room temperature. Further compression in non-hydrostatic conditions of cristobalite X-I eventually leads to the formation of quenchable seifertite-like phase. Our results demonstrate that the presence of α-cristobalite in shocked meteorites or rocks does not exclude that materials experienced high pressure, nor is the presence of seifertite necessarily indicative of extremely high peak shock pressures.

J Phys Chem C Nanomater Interfaces ; 120(39): 22571-22584, 2016 Oct 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27746852


Nanocomposite thin films comprised of metastable metal carbides in a carbon matrix have a wide variety of applications ranging from hard coatings to magnetics and energy storage and conversion. While their deposition using nonequilibrium techniques is established, the understanding of the dynamic evolution of such metastable nanocomposites under thermal equilibrium conditions at elevated temperatures during processing and during device operation remains limited. Here, we investigate sputter-deposited nanocomposites of metastable nickel carbide (Ni3C) nanocrystals in an amorphous carbon (a-C) matrix during thermal postdeposition processing via complementary in situ X-ray diffractometry, in situ Raman spectroscopy, and in situ X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. At low annealing temperatures (300 °C) we observe isothermal Ni3C decomposition into face-centered-cubic Ni and amorphous carbon, however, without changes to the initial finely structured nanocomposite morphology. Only for higher temperatures (400-800 °C) Ni-catalyzed isothermal graphitization of the amorphous carbon matrix sets in, which we link to bulk-diffusion-mediated phase separation of the nanocomposite into coarser Ni and graphite grains. Upon natural cooling, only minimal precipitation of additional carbon from the Ni is observed, showing that even for highly carbon saturated systems precipitation upon cooling can be kinetically quenched. Our findings demonstrate that phase transformations of the filler and morphology modifications of the nanocomposite can be decoupled, which is advantageous from a manufacturing perspective. Our in situ study also identifies the high carbon content of the Ni filler crystallites at all stages of processing as the key hallmark feature of such metal-carbon nanocomposites that governs their entire thermal evolution. In a wider context, we also discuss our findings with regard to the much debated potential role of metastable Ni3C as a catalyst phase in graphene and carbon nanotube growth.

J Hazard Mater ; 221-222: 298-302, 2012 Jun 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22551637


The investigation of solid speciation of metals and metalloids is required for accurate assessment of the hazardous properties of solid waste materials from high-temperature technologies (slag, bottom ash, fly ash, air-pollution-control residues). This paper deals with the problem of reliability of microanalyses using a combination of electron microprobe analysis (EPMA) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) only. These methods do not permit to detect nanophases in host-crystals and lead to erroneous interpretation of analytical results, considering the elements of nanophases as belonging to the crystal structure of the main phase. More detailed analysis using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) on foils prepared by focused ion beam (FIB) can be used to solve this analytical problem. In this study, lamellar aggregates of potassium-rich clinopyroxenes were detected in copper smelting slags by a combination of SEM and EPMA. However, FIB-TEM indicated the presence of leucite inclusions (tens to hundreds nm in size) within the clinopyroxene lamellae. Based on examples from smelting slags and other solid waste materials, recommendations for standard SEM and EPMA applications and the need for methods with higher resolution for mineralogical investigation of waste materials are discussed.

Sustancias Peligrosas/análisis , Microanálisis por Sonda Electrónica , Microscopía Electrónica de Rastreo , Microscopía Electrónica de Transmisión , Reproducibilidad de los Resultados , Difracción de Rayos X