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J Phys Chem Lett ; 13(3): 864-871, 2022 Jan 27.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35045261


We present measurements of the product-channel branching ratios of the reactions (i) HD+ + HD forming H2D+ + D (38.1(30)%) and HD2+ + H (61.9(30)%), (ii) HD+ + D2 forming HD2+ + D (61.4(35)%) and D3+ + H (38.6(35)%), and (iii) D2+ + HD forming HD2++ D (60.5(20)%) and D3+ + H (39.5(20)%) at collision energies Ecoll near zero, i.e., below kB × 1 K. These branching ratios are compared with branching ratios predicted using three simple models: a combinatorial model (M1), a model (M2) describing the reactions as H-, H+-, D-, and D+-transfer processes, and a statistical model (M3) that relates the reaction rate coefficients to the translational and rovibrational state densities of the HnD3-n+ + H/D (n = 0, 1, 2 or 3) product channels. The experimental data are incompatible with the predictions of models M1 and M2 and reveal that the branching ratios exhibit clear correlations with the product state densities.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 23(4): 2676-2685, 2021 Feb 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33480928


The fully state-selected reactions between H2+ molecules in the X+ 2Σg+(v+ = 0, N+ = 0) state and HD molecules in the X 1Σg+(v = 0, J = 0) state forming H3+ + D and H2D+ + H have been studied at collision energies Ecoll between 0 and kB·30 K with a resolution of about 75 mK at the lowest energies. H2 molecules in a supersonic beam were prepared in Rydberg-Stark states with principal quantum number n = 27 and merged with a supersonic beam of ground-state HD molecules using a curved surface-electrode Rydberg-Stark decelerator and deflector. The reaction between H2+ and HD was studied within the orbit of the Rydberg electron to avoid heating of the ions by stray electric fields. The reaction was observed for well-defined and adjustable time intervals, called reaction-observation windows, between two electric-field pulses. The first pulse swept all ions away from the reaction volume and its falling edge defined the beginning of the reaction-observation window. The second pulse extracted the product ions toward a charged-particle detector located at the end of a time-of-flight tube and its rising edge defined the end of the reaction-observation window. Monitoring and analysing the time-of-flight distributions of the H3+ and H2D+ products in dependence of the duration of the reaction-observation window enabled us to obtain information on the kinetic-energy distribution of the product ions and determine branching ratios of the H3+ + D and H2D+ + H reaction channels. The mean product-kinetic-energy release is 0.46(5) eV, representing 27(3)% of the available energy, and the H3+ + D product branching ratio is 0.225(20). The relative reaction rates correspond closely to Langevin capture rates down to the lowest energies probed experimentally (≈kB·50 mK).

Chemphyschem ; 17(22): 3596-3608, 2016 Nov 18.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27860125


Studies of ion-molecule reactions at low temperatures are difficult because stray electric fields in the reaction volume affect the kinetic energy of charged reaction partners. We describe a new experimental approach to study ion-molecule reactions at low temperatures and present, as example, a measurement of the H2++H2→H3++H reaction with the H2+ ion prepared in a single rovibrational state at collision energies in the range Ecol /kB =5-60 K. To reach such low-collision energies, we use a merged-beam approach and observe the reaction within the orbit of a Rydberg electron, which shields the ions from stray fields. The first beam is a supersonic beam of pure ground-state H2 molecules and the second is a supersonic beam of H2 molecules excited to Rydberg-Stark states of principal quantum number n selected in the range 20-40. Initially, the two beams propagate along axes separated by an angle of 10°. To merge the two beams, the Rydberg molecules in the latter beam are deflected using a surface-electrode Rydberg-Stark deflector. The collision energies of the merged beams are determined by measuring the velocity distributions of the two beams and they are adjusted by changing the temperature of the pulsed valve used to generate the ground-state H2 beam and by adapting the electric-potential functions applied to the electrodes of the deflector. The collision energy is varied down to below Ecol /kB =10 K, that is, below Ecol ≈1 meV, with an energy resolution of 100 µeV. We demonstrate that the Rydberg electron acts as a spectator and does not affect the cross sections, which are found to closely follow a classical Langevin-capture model in the collision energy range investigated. Because all neutral atoms and molecules can be excited to Rydberg states, this method of studying ion-molecule reactions is applicable to other reactions involving singly charged cations.

J Chem Phys ; 145(24): 244316, 2016 Dec 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28049336


The energy dependence of the rate coefficient of the H2++H2→H3++H reaction has been measured in the range of collision energies between kB⋅10K and kB⋅300mK. A clear deviation of the rate coefficient from the value expected on the basis of the classical Langevin-capture behavior has been observed at collision energies below kB⋅1K, which is attributed to the joint effects of the ion-quadrupole and Coriolis interactions in collisions involving ortho-H2 molecules in the j = 1 rotational level, which make up 75% of the population of the neutral H2 molecules in the experiments. The experimental results are compared to very recent predictions by Dashevskaya et al. [J. Chem. Phys. 145, 244315 (2016)], with which they are in agreement.