Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) have become important resources in educational environments worldwide because they have a positive impact on teaching and learning processes. Nevertheless, the way they are designed is crucial to properly address the requirements of special needs people in educational processes. Thus, this paper proposes a methodology for designing and developing MOOCs for Deaf or hard-of-hearing individuals. This exploratory and descriptive study adopted an inclusive education approach based on a literature review and expert consultation. The results highlight the importance of four aspects in MOOC development for these special needs individuals: (i) designing and incorporating elements that meet the needs of Deaf or hard-of-hearing people so that they can use MOOCs effectively; (ii) combining different methodologies and resources; (iii) properly planning and sequencing the design stages; and (iv) using appropriate tools, contents, and times for the process. The findings show that MOOCs should be adequately designed to address the demands of the Deaf community by considering their characteristics and requirements and incorporating current tools, practices, and resources.
This study analyzes the abstracts and titles of 33,454 business finance, economics, management, and business articles published in ISI (frequently cited) journals during 2013-14. The sample represents 46.4 percent of all papers published in ISI journals in those years, and 52.7 percent of the articles published in the selected categories. The journals were ranked in four Q categories according to their impact factors. The analysis revealed that some topics persisted in all Q groups, but others gained frequency by Q, which suggests that Q1 journals (those with higher impact factors) create trends that are followed by other publications. All Q groups have a methodological approach that is predominantly empirical rather than theoretical. In addition, while the business and management categories privileged case studies, economics studies emphasized panel data analyses. Finally, our study confirms the relevance of the English language in academia.