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J Invasive Cardiol ; 9(2): 96-108, 1997 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-10762881


The use of electronic ÒfilmlessÓ media for long-term archiving of coronary angiograms has been impeded by the problems of image storage and data transfer among institutions. Although long-term analogue storage of the images is presently feasible, and much less costly than digital storage, processing has been limited to a 625 lines video format, not optimal for high quality images. We developed a bi-directional 1249/625 lines converter, able to store and to replay high resolution (1249 lines) video images, from Component Record Video (CRV) Optical Laser (Analogue) Videodisks. Image quality and medical relevance were evaluated five ways: 1) Outside experts compared 593 static images stored on CRV discs to the same images stored in a high-resolution digital format blinded to source of image. The four experts found no visual or medical difference in 98% of evaluated images and minor differences in the remainder. The differences in the remaining images were not consistent among experts. 2) Two of the experts also compared the enhanced CRV optically stored image to the image obtained on simultaneously recorded 35mm cine film, and found the enhanced CRV stored image to be superior or similar, but never inferior to the film image. 3) 90 representatives from 63 outside institutions compared images from both a digital hard drive and the enhanced CRV optical (analogue) storage displayed at a Windows based digital workstation. During the test they were blinded as to the source of the images. The representatives found no difference in image resolution, quality, diagnostic accuracy, and medical relevance. 4) We evaluated quantitative coronary angiography (QCA) on standard coronary test phantoms using enhanced CRV stored images digitally processed. The correlation of the enhanced CRV image to the actual size of the phantom vessels was similar to the results obtained in the literature from digitally stored images. 5) 78 arterial measurements ranging 0.65 to 4.85 mm were evaluated both from the digital hard disc (D) and the CRV optical disc (CRV), using the same QCA analytical package. The correlation coefficient and the Standard Error of the Estimate between D and CRV values were respectively 0.997 and 0.076, no systematic over or underestimation occurred, and the mean variability was inferior to 0.1 mm. CONCLUSION: High-Resolution CRV-optical storage represents a cost-effective solution for excellent image quality equivalent to digitally stored images, permitting permanent electronic archiving inside the cath-lab, and allowing digital image processing and digital image communication.