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ACS Omega ; 9(26): 27987-27997, 2024 Jul 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38973853


Metal nanoparticles are widely used as heterogeneous catalysts to activate adsorbed molecules and reduce the energy barrier of the reaction. Reaction product yield depends on the interplay between elementary processes: adsorption, activation, desorption, and reaction. These processes, in turn, depend on the inlet gas composition, temperature, and pressure. At a steady state, the active surface sites may be inaccessible due to adsorbed reagents. Periodic regime may thus improve the yield, but the appropriate period and waveform are not known in advance. Dynamic control should account for surface and atmospheric modifications and adjust reaction parameters according to the current state of the system and its history. In this work, we applied a reinforcement learning algorithm to control CO oxidation on a palladium catalyst. The policy gradient algorithm was trained in the theoretical environment, parametrized from experimental data. The algorithm learned to maximize the CO2 formation rate based on CO and O2 partial pressures for several successive time steps. Within a unified approach, we found optimal stationary, periodic, and nonperiodic regimes for different problem formulations and gained insight into why the dynamic regime can be preferential. In general, this work contributes to the task of popularizing the reinforcement learning approach in the field of catalytic science.

J Am Chem Soc ; 146(11): 7456-7466, 2024 Mar 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38447178


Ti-based molecules and materials are ubiquitous and play a major role in both homogeneous and heterogeneous catalytic processes. Understanding the electronic structures of their active sites (oxidation state, local symmetry, and ligand environment) is key to developing molecular-level structure-property relationships. In that context, X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) offers a unique combination of elemental selectivity and sensitivity to local symmetry. Commonly, for early transition metals such as Ti, K-edge XAS is applied for in situ characterization and subsequent structural analysis with high sensitivity toward tetrahedral species. Ti L2,3-edge spectroscopy is in principle complementary and offers specific opportunities to interrogate the electronic structure of five-and six-coordinated species. It is, however, much more rarely implemented because the use of soft X-rays implies ultrahigh vacuum conditions. Furthermore, the interpretation of the data can be challenging. Here, we show how Ti L2,3-edge spectroscopy can help to obtain unique information about both homogeneous and heterogeneous epoxidation catalysts and develop a molecular-level relationship between spectroscopic signatures and electronic structures. Toward this goal, we first establish a spectral library of molecular Ti reference compounds, comprising various coordination environments with mono- and dimeric Ti species having O, N, and Cl ligands. We next implemented a computational methodology based on multiplet ligand field theory and maximally localized Wannier orbitals benchmarked on our library to understand Ti L2,3-edge spectroscopic signatures. We finally used this approach to track and predict the spectra of catalytically relevant intermediates, focusing on Ti-based olefin epoxidation catalysts.

Inorg Chem ; 62(17): 6608-6616, 2023 May 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37058157


Application of machine learning (ML) algorithms to spectroscopic data has a great potential for obtaining hidden correlations between structural information and spectral features. Here, we apply ML algorithms to theoretically simulated infrared (IR) spectra to establish the structure-spectrum correlations in zeolites. Two hundred thirty different types of zeolite frameworks were considered in the study whose theoretical IR spectra were used as the training ML set. A classification problem was solved to predict the presence or absence of possible tilings and secondary building units (SBUs). Several natural tilings and SBUs were also predicted with an accuracy above 89%. The set of continuous descriptors was also suggested, and the regression problem was also solved using the ExtraTrees algorithm. For the latter problem, additional IR spectra were computed for the structures with artificially modified cell parameters, expanding the database to 470 different spectra of zeolites. The resulting prediction quality above or close to 90% was obtained for the average Si-O distances, Si-O-Si angles, and volume of TO4 tetrahedra. The obtained results provide new possibilities for utilization of infrared spectra as a quantitative tool for characterization of zeolites.

J Am Chem Soc ; 143(19): 7326-7341, 2021 May 19.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33974429


Unveiling the nature and the distribution of surface sites in heterogeneous catalysts, and for the Phillips catalyst (CrO3/SiO2) in particular, is still a grand challenge despite more than 60 years of research. Commonly used references in Cr K-edge XANES spectral analysis rely on bulk materials (Cr-foil, Cr2O3) or molecules (CrCl3) that significantly differ from actual surface sites. In this work, we built a library of Cr K-edge XANES spectra for a series of tailored molecular Cr complexes, varying in oxidation state, local coordination environment, and ligand strength. Quantitative analysis of the pre-edge region revealed the origin of the pre-edge shape and intensity distribution. In particular, the characteristic pre-edge splitting observed for Cr(III) and Cr(IV) molecular complexes is directly related to the electronic exchange interactions in the frontier orbitals (spin-up and -down transitions). The series of experimental references was extended by theoretical spectra for potential active site structures and used for training the Extra Trees machine learning algorithm. The most informative features of the spectra (descriptors) were selected for the prediction of Cr oxidation states, mean interatomic distances in the first coordination sphere, and type of ligands. This set of descriptors was applied to uncover the site distribution in the Phillips catalyst at three different stages of the process. The freshly calcined catalyst consists of mainly Cr(VI) sites. The CO-exposed catalyst contains mainly Cr(II) silicates with a minor fraction of Cr(III) sites. The Phillips catalyst exposed to ethylene contains mainly highly coordinated Cr(III) silicates along with unreduced Cr(VI) sites.

J Phys Chem A ; 124(29): 6111-6118, 2020 Jul 23.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32551621


We present an extension of an ab initio numerical tool calculating X-ray absorption spectroscopies and crystal orbital overlap populations at the same time. Density functional theory is used to calculate the electronic structure in both occupied (valence to core X-ray emission spectroscopy) and nonoccupied states (i.e., X-ray absorption near the edge structure and X-ray magnetic circular dichroism) and to evaluate the orbital overlap typifying the covalency between neighboring atoms. We show how the different features in the experimental spectra can be correlated to the chemical bonds around the absorbing atoms in several examples including acrylonitrile molecules, rutile TiO2, Li2RuO3 high-energy density cathode, ZnO, and anti-ferromagnetic V2O3.

J Chem Theory Comput ; 14(2): 973-980, 2018 Feb 13.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29272111


We present an ab initio numerical tool to simulate surface resonant X-ray diffraction experiments. The crystal truncation rods and the spectra around a given X-ray absorption edge are calculated at any position of the reciprocal space. Density functional theory is used to determine the resonant scattering factor of an atom within its local environment and to calculate the diffraction peak intensities for surfaces covered with a thin film or with one or several adsorbed layers. Besides the sample geometry, the collected data also depend on several parameters, such as beam polarization and incidence and exit angles. In order to account for these factors, a numerical diffractometer mimicking the experimental operation modes has been created. Finally two case studies are presented in order to compare our simulations with experimental spectra: (i) a magnetite thin film deposited on a silver substrate and (ii) an electrochemical interface consisting of bromine atoms adsorbed on copper.

J Chem Theory Comput ; 13(5): 2172-2177, 2017 May 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28430428


We present a new ab initio way to calculate X-ray Raman scattering spectra within the independent electron approximation. Our approach avoids any approximation about the shape of the used potential and leads to good agreement between experiment and theory. We show that the momentum transfer dependence in two typical cases, the F K-edge in LiF and the B and N K-edges in hexagonal BN, is well-reproduced. A more in-depth analysis of the electronic states and of the local atomic structure around the absorbing atoms is at hand.

J Chem Theory Comput ; 11(9): 4512-21, 2015 Sep 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26575941


Accurate modeling of the X-ray absorption near-edge spectra (XANES) is required to unravel the local structure of metal sites in complex systems and their structural changes upon chemical or light stimuli. Two relevant examples are reported here concerning the following: (i) the effect of molecular adsorption on 3d metals hosted inside metal-organic frameworks and (ii) light induced dynamics of spin crossover in metal-organic complexes. In both cases, the amount of structural models for simulation can reach a hundred, depending on the number of structural parameters. Thus, the choice of an accurate but computationally demanding finite difference method for the ab initio X-ray absorption simulations severely restricts the range of molecular systems that can be analyzed by personal computers. Employing the FDMNES code [Phys. Rev. B, 2001, 63, 125120] we show that this problem can be handled if a proper diagonalization scheme is applied. Due to the use of dedicated solvers for sparse matrices, the calculation time was reduced by more than 1 order of magnitude compared to the standard Gaussian method, while the amount of required RAM was halved. Ni K-edge XANES simulations performed by the accelerated version of the code allowed analyzing the coordination geometry of CO and NO on the Ni active sites in CPO-27-Ni MOF. The Ni-CO configuration was found to be linear, while Ni-NO was bent by almost 90°. Modeling of the Fe K-edge XANES of photoexcited aqueous [Fe(bpy)3](2+) with a 100 ps delay we identified the Fe-N distance elongation and bipyridine rotation upon transition from the initial low-spin to the final high-spin state. Subsequently, the X-ray absorption spectrum for the intermediate triplet state with expected 100 fs lifetime was theoretically predicted.