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Sci Rep ; 12(1): 10013, 2022 Jun 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35705604


This work deals with wave absorption in reciprocal asymmetric scattering problem by addressing the acoustic problem of compact absorbers for perfect unidirectional absorption, flush mounted to the walls of wide ducts. These absorbers are composed of several side-by-side resonators that are usually of different geometry and thus detuned to yield an asymmetric acoustic response. A simple lumped-element model analysis is performed to link the dependence of the optimal resonators surface impedance, resonance frequency, and losses to the duct cross-sectional area and resonator spacing. This analysis unifies those of several specific configurations into a unique problem. In addition, the impact of the potential evanescent coupling between the resonators, which is usually neglected, is carefully studied. This coupling can have a strong impact especially on the behavior of compact absorbers lining wide ducts. To reduce the evanescent coupling, the resonators should be relatively small and therefore their resonances should be damped, and not arranged by order of increasing or decreasing resonant frequency. Finally, such an absorber is designed and optimized for perfect unidirectional absorption to prove the relevance of the analysis. The absorber is 30 cm long and 5 cm thick and covers a single side of a 14.8 × 15 cm2 rectangular duct. A mean absorption coefficient of 99% is obtained experimentally between 700 and 800 Hz.

Sci Adv ; 8(20): eabm4206, 2022 May 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35584217


By using a structured tungsten-polyurethane composite that is impedance matched to water while simultaneously having a much slower longitudinal sound speed, we have theoretically designed and experimentally realized an underwater acoustic absorber exhibiting high absorption from 4 to 20 kHz, measured in a 5.6 m by 3.6 m water pool with the time-domain approach. The broadband functionality is achieved by optimally engineering the distribution of the Fabry-Perot resonances, based on an integration scheme, to attain impedance matching over a broad frequency range. The average thickness of the integrated absorber, 8.9 mm, is in the deep subwavelength regime (~λ/42 at 4 kHz) and close to the causal minimum thickness of 8.2 mm that is evaluated from the simulated absorption spectrum. The structured composite represents a new type of acoustic metamaterials that has high acoustic energy density and promises broad underwater applications.

Sci Rep ; 11(1): 10217, 2021 May 13.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33986336


In this work, we show that scattered acoustic vortices generated by metasurfaces with chiral symmetry present broadband unusual properties in the far-field. These metasurfaces are designed to encode the holographic field of an acoustical vortex, resulting in structures with spiral geometry. In the near field, phase dislocations with tuned topological charge emerge when the scattered waves interference destructively along the axis of the spiral metasurface. In the far field, metasurfaces based on holographic vortices inhibit specular reflections because all scattered waves also interfere destructively in the normal direction. In addition, the scattering function in the far field is unusually uniform because the reflected waves diverge spherically from the holographic focal point. In this way, by triggering vorticity, energy can be evenly reflected in all directions except to the normal. As a consequence, the designed metasurface presents a mean correlation-scattering coefficient of 0.99 (0.98 in experiments) and a mean normalized diffusion coefficient of 0.73 (0.76 in experiments) over a 4 octave frequency band. The singular features of the resulting metasurfaces with chiral geometry allow the simultaneous generation of broadband, diffuse and non-specular scattering. These three exceptional features make spiral metasurfaces extraordinary candidates for controlling acoustic scattering and generating diffuse sound reflections in several applications and branches of wave physics as underwater acoustics, biomedical ultrasound, particle manipulation devices or room acoustics.

Materials (Basel) ; 13(20)2020 Oct 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33081129


The design of graded and anisotropic materials has been of significant interest, especially for sound absorption purposes. Together with the rise of additive manufacturing techniques, new possibilities are emerging from engineered porous micro-structures. In this work, we present a theoretical and numerical study of graded and anisotropic porous materials, for optimal broadband and angular absorption. Through a parametric study, the effective acoustic and geometric parameters of homogenized anisotropic unit cells constitute a database in which the optimal anisotropic and graded material will be searched for. We develop an optimization technique based on the simplex method that is relying on this database. The concepts of average absorption and diffuse field absorption coefficients are introduced and used to maximize angular acoustic absorption. Numerical results present the optimized absorption of the designed anisotropic and graded porous materials for different acoustic targets. The designed materials have anisotropic and graded effective properties, which enhance its sound absorption capabilities. While the anisotropy largely enhances the diffuse field absorbing when optimized at a single frequency, graded properties appear to be crucial for optimal broadband diffuse field absorption.

Polymers (Basel) ; 12(9)2020 Sep 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32942690


Nowadays, fibrous polyester materials are becoming one of the most important alternatives for controlling reverberation time by absorbing unwanted sound energy in the automobile and construction fields. Thus, it is worthy and meaningful to characterize their acoustic behavior. To do so, non-acoustic parameters, such as tortuosity, viscous and thermal characteristic lengths and thermal permeability, must be determined. Representative panels of polyester fibrous material manufactured by perpendicular laying technology are thus tested via the Bayesian reconstruction procedure. The estimated porosity and airflow resistivity are found in good agreement with those tested via direct measurements. In addition, the homogeneity of polyester fibrous panels was characterized by investigating the mean relative differences of inferred non-acoustic parameters from the direct and reverse orientation measurements. Some parameters, such as tortuosity, porosity and airflow resistivity, exhibit very low relative differences. It is found that most of the panels can be assumed homogeneous along with the panel thickness, the slight inhomogeneity mostly affecting the thermal characteristic length.

J Acoust Soc Am ; 146(5): 3400, 2019 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31795708


This work deals with the sound wave propagation modeling in anisotropic and heterogeneous media. The considered scattering problem involves an infinite layer of finite thickness containing an anisotropic fluid whose properties can vary along the layer depth. The specular transmission and reflection of an acoustic plane wave by such a layer is modeled through the state vector formalism for the acoustic fields. This is solved using three different numerical techniques, namely, the transfer matrix method, Peano series, and transfer Green's function. These three methods are compared to demonstrate the convergence of the numerical solutions. Moreover, the implemented numerical procedures allow the authors to retrieve the internal acoustic fields and show their dependency along with the fluid anisotropic properties. Results are presented to illustrate the changes in absorption that can be achieved by tuning the fluid anisotropy as well as the variation of these properties across the depth of the layer. The results presented are in very good agreement across the different methods. Given that many porous materials can be modeled as equivalent fluids, the results presented show the potential offered by such numerical techniques, and can further give more insight into inhomogeneous anisotropic porous materials.

J Acoust Soc Am ; 146(4): 2596, 2019 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31671978


The estimation of poroelastic material parameters based on ultrasound measurements is considered. The acoustical characterisation of poroelastic materials based on various measurements is typically carried out by minimising a cost functional of model residuals, such as the least squares functional. With a limited number of unknown parameters, least squares type approaches can provide both reliable parameter and error estimates. With an increasing number of parameters, both the least squares parameter estimates and, in particular, the error estimates often become unreliable. In this paper, the estimation of the material parameters of an inhomogeneous poroelastic (Biot) plate in the Bayesian framework for inverse problems is considered. Reflection and transmission measurements are performed and 11 poroelastic parameters, as well as 4 measurement setup-related nuisance parameters, are estimated. A Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm is employed for the computational inference to assess the actual uncertainty of the estimated parameters. The results suggest that the proposed approach for poroelastic material characterisation can reveal the heterogeneities in the object, and yield reliable parameter and uncertainty estimates.

J Acoust Soc Am ; 145(4): 2210, 2019 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31046375


This paper reports a theoretical study of the sound propagation in a rectangular waveguide loaded by closely-spaced elongated side-branch resonators forming a simple low-frequency broadband reactive silencer. Semi-analytical calculations account for the evanescent modes both in the main waveguide and side-branch resonators and for the viscothermal losses in the silencer elements. Reasonable accuracy is maintained in the evaluation of transmission, reflection, and absorption coefficients, while the calculation time is reduced by a few hundred times in comparison with the finite element method. Therefore, the proposed method is particularly suitable for optimization procedure. The lengths of the individual equally spaced side-branch resonators are optimized by a heuristic evolutionary algorithm that maximizes the minimum transmission loss (TL) over a pre-defined frequency range. Numerical results indicate that the minimum TL of the optimized silencers is reduced due to the destructive effect of the evanescent coupling from the resonators of the nearest side-branches. In the opposite, the TL increases linearly with the number of the side-branch resonators.

J Acoust Soc Am ; 145(4): 2512, 2019 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31046383


Many models for the prediction of the acoustical properties of porous media require non-acoustical parameters few of which are directly measurable. One popular prediction model by Johnson, Champoux, Allard, and Lafarge [J. Appl. Phys. 70(4), 1975-1979 (1991)] (459 citations, Scopus, April 2019) requires six non-acoustical parameters. This paper proves that the use of more than three parameters in the Johnson-Champoux-Allard-Lafarge model is not necessary at all. Here the authors present theoretical and experimental evidence that the acoustical impedance of a range of porous media with pore size distribution close to log-normal (granular, fibrous, and foams) can be predicted through the knowledge of the porosity, median pore size, and standard deviation in the pore size only. A unique feature of this paper is that it effectively halves the number of parameters required to predict the acoustical properties of porous media very accurately. The significance of this paper is that it proposes an unambiguous relationship between the pore microstructure and key acoustical properties of porous media with log-normal pore size distribution. This unique model is well suited for using acoustical data for measuring and inverting key non-acoustical properties of a wider range of porous media used in a range of applications which are not necessarily acoustic.

Sci Rep ; 7(1): 13595, 2017 10 19.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29051627


Perfect, broadband and asymmetric sound absorption is theoretically, numerically and experimentally reported by using subwavelength thickness panels in a transmission problem. The panels are composed of a periodic array of varying crosssection waveguides, each of them being loaded by Helmholtz resonators (HRs) with graded dimensions. The low cut-off frequency of the absorption band is fixed by the resonance frequency of the deepest HR, that reduces drastically the transmission. The preceding HR is designed with a slightly higher resonance frequency with a geometry that allows the impedance matching to the surrounding medium. Therefore, reflection vanishes and the structure is critically coupled. This results in perfect sound absorption at a single frequency. We report perfect absorption at 300 Hz for a structure whose thickness is 40 times smaller than the wavelength. Moreover, this process is repeated by adding HRs to the waveguide, each of them with a higher resonance frequency than the preceding one. Using this frequency cascade effect, we report quasi-perfect sound absorption over almost two frequency octaves ranging from 300 to 1000 Hz for a panel composed of 9 resonators with a total thickness of 11 cm, i.e., 10 times smaller than the wavelength at 300 Hz.

Sci Rep ; 7(1): 5389, 2017 07 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28710374


We present deep-subwavelength diffusing surfaces based on acoustic metamaterials, namely metadiffusers. These sound diffusers are rigidly backed slotted panels, with each slit being loaded by an array of Helmholtz resonators. Strong dispersion is produced in the slits and slow sound conditions are induced. Thus, the effective thickness of the panel is lengthened introducing its quarter wavelength resonance in the deep-subwavelength regime. By tuning the geometry of the metamaterial, the reflection coefficient of the panel can be tailored to obtain either a custom reflection phase, moderate or even perfect absorption. Using these concepts, we present ultra-thin diffusers where the geometry of the metadiffuser has been tuned to obtain surfaces with spatially dependent reflection coefficients having uniform magnitude Fourier transforms. Various designs are presented where, quadratic residue, primitive root and ternary sequence diffusers are mimicked by metadiffusers whose thickness are 1/46 to 1/20 times the design wavelength, i.e., between about a twentieth and a tenth of the thickness of traditional designs. Finally, a broadband metadiffuser panel of 3 cm thick was designed using optimization methods for frequencies ranging from 250 Hz to 2 kHz.

J Acoust Soc Am ; 139(5): 2463, 2016 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27250142


Modeling of sound propagation in porous media requires the knowledge of several intrinsic material parameters, some of which are difficult or impossible to measure directly, particularly in the case of a porous medium which is composed of pores with a wide range of scales and random interconnections. Four particular parameters which are rarely measured non-acoustically, but used extensively in a number of acoustical models, are the viscous and thermal characteristic lengths, thermal permeability, and Pride parameter. The main purpose of this work is to show how these parameters relate to the pore size distribution which is a routine characteristic measured non-acoustically. This is achieved through the analysis of the asymptotic behavior of four analytical models which have been developed previously to predict the dynamic density and/or compressibility of the equivalent fluid in a porous medium. In this work the models proposed by Johnson, Koplik, and Dashn [J. Fluid Mech. 176, 379-402 (1987)], Champoux and Allard [J. Appl. Phys. 70(4), 1975-1979 (1991)], Pride, Morgan, and Gangi [Phys. Rev. B 47, 4964-4978 (1993)], and Horoshenkov, Attenborough, and Chandler-Wilde [J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 104, 1198-1209 (1998)] are compared. The findings are then used to compare the behavior of the complex dynamic density and compressibility of the fluid in a material pore with uniform and variable cross-sections.

J Acoust Soc Am ; 139(5): EL149, 2016 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27250200


A thin subwavelength material that can be flush mounted in a duct and that gives an attenuation band at low frequencies in air flow channels is presented. To decrease the material thickness, the sound is slowed in the material using folded side branch tubes. The impedance of the material is compared to the optimal value given by the Cremer condition, which can differ greatly from the air characteristic impedance. Grazing flow on this material increases the losses at the interface between the flow and the material.

J Acoust Soc Am ; 139(2): 617-29, 2016 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26936546


The acoustic response of a rigidly backed poroelastic layer with a periodic set of elastic cylindrical inclusions embedded is studied. A semi-analytical approach is presented, based on Biot's 1956 theory to account for the deformation of the skeleton, coupling mode matching technique, Bloch wave representation, and multiple scattering theory. This model is validated by comparing the derived absorption coefficients to finite element simulations. Numerical results are further exposed to investigate the influence of the properties of the inclusions (type, material properties, size) of this structure, while a modal analysis is performed to characterize the dynamic behaviors leading to high acoustic absorption. Particularly, in the case of thin viscoelastic membranes, an absorption coefficient larger than 0.8 is observed on a wide frequency band. This property is found to be due to the coupling between the first volume mode of the inclusion and the trapped mode induced by the periodic array and the rigid backing, for a wavelength in the air smaller than 11 times the material thickness.

J Acoust Soc Am ; 136(6): 2947, 2014 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25480044


The measurement of acoustic material characteristics using a standard impedance tube method is generally limited to the plane wave regime below the tube cut-on frequency. This implies that the size of the tube and, consequently, the size of the material specimen must remain smaller than a half of the wavelength. This paper presents a method that enables the extension of the frequency range beyond the plane wave regime by at least a factor of 3, so that the size of the material specimen can be much larger than the wavelength. The proposed method is based on measuring of the sound pressure at different axial locations and applying the spatial Fourier transform. A normal mode decomposition approach is used together with an optimization algorithm to minimize the discrepancy between the measured and predicted sound pressure spectra. This allows the frequency and angle dependent reflection and absorption coefficients of the material specimen to be calculated in an extended frequency range. The method has been tested successfully on samples of melamine foam and wood fiber. The measured data are in close agreement with the predictions by the equivalent fluid model for the acoustical properties of porous media.

J Acoust Soc Am ; 132(4): 2816-22, 2012 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23039547


The propagation of audible acoustic waves in two-dimensional square lattice tunable sonic crystals (SC) made of square cross-section infinitely rigid rods embedded in air is investigated experimentally. The band structure is calculated with the plane wave expansion (PWE) method and compared with experimental measurements carried out on a finite extend structure of 200 cm width, 70 cm depth and 15 cm height. The structure is made of square inclusions of 5 cm side with a periodicity of L = 7.5 cm placed inbetween two rigid plates. The existence of tunable complete band gaps in the audible frequency range is demonstrated experimentally by rotating the scatterers around their vertical axis. Negative refraction is then analyzed by use of the anisotropy of the equi-frequency surface (EFS) in the first band and of a finite difference time domain (FDTD) method. Experimental results finally show negative refraction in the audible frequency range.

Acústica/instrumentación , Materiales Manufacturados , Sonido , Anisotropía , Simulación por Computador , Elasticidad , Diseño de Equipo , Modelos Teóricos , Análisis Numérico Asistido por Computador , Presión , Rotación , Dispersión de Radiación , Factores de Tiempo , Vibración
J Acoust Soc Am ; 131(5): 3841-52, 2012 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22559360


This work investigates the acoustical properties of a multilayer porous material in which periodic inclusions are embedded. The material is assumed to be backed by a rigid wall. Most of the studies performed in this field used the multipole method and are limited to circular shape inclusions. Here, a mode matching approach, more convenient for a layered system, is adopted. The inclusions can be in the form of rigid scatterers of an arbitrary shape, in the form of an air-filled cavity or in the form of a porous medium with contrasting properties. The computational approach is validated on simple geometries against other numerical schemes and with experimental results obtained in an anechoic room on a rigid grating embedded in a porous material made of 2 mm glass beads. The method is used to study the acoustic absorption behavior of this class of materials in the low frequency range and at a range of angles of incidence.

J Opt Soc Am A Opt Image Sci Vis ; 25(1): 146-52, 2008 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18157221


Structured materials like photonic crystals require for optimal use a high degree of precision with respect to both position and optical characteristics of their components. Here we present a simple tomographic algorithm, based on a specific Green's function together with a first-order Born approximation, which enables us to localize and characterize identical defects in finite-sized photonic crystals. This algorithm is proposed as a first step to the monitoring of such materials. Illustrative numerical results show in particular the possibility of focalization beyond the Rayleigh criterion.