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J Chem Phys ; 137(10): 104302, 2012 Sep 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22979854


We develop a rigorous quantum mechanical theory for collisions of polyatomic molecular radicals with S-state atoms in the presence of an external magnetic field. The theory is based on a fully uncoupled space-fixed basis set representation of the multichannel scattering wave function. Explicit expressions are presented for the matrix elements of the scattering Hamiltonian for spin-1/2 and spin-1 polyatomic molecular radicals interacting with structureless targets. The theory is applied to calculate the cross sections and thermal rate constants for spin relaxation in low-temperature collisions of the prototypical organic molecule methylene [CH(2)(X(3)B(1))] with He atoms. To this end, two accurate three-dimensional potential energy surfaces (PESs) of the He-CH(2)(X(3)B(1)) complex are developed using the state-of-the-art coupled-cluster method including single and double excitations along with a perturbative correction for triple excitations and large basis sets. Both PESs exhibit shallow minima and are weakly anisotropic. Our calculations show that spin relaxation in collisions of CH(2), CHD, and CD(2) molecules with He atoms occurs at a much slower rate than elastic scattering over a large range of temperatures (1 µK-1 K) and magnetic fields (0.01-1 T), suggesting excellent prospects for cryogenic helium buffer-gas cooling of ground-state ortho-CH(2)(X(3)B(1)) molecules in a magnetic trap. Furthermore, we find that ortho-CH(2) undergoes collision-induced spin relaxation much more slowly than para-CH(2), which indicates that magnetic trapping can be used to separate nuclear spin isomers of open-shell polyatomic molecules.

J Chem Phys ; 127(16): 164310, 2007 Oct 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17979341


The infrared spectrum of the Al(+)-H(2) complex is recorded in the H-H stretch region (4075-4110 cm(-1)) by monitoring Al(+) photofragments. The H-H stretch band is centered at 4095.2 cm(-1), a shift of -66.0 cm(-1) from the Q(1)(0) transition of the free H(2) molecule. Altogether, 47 rovibrational transitions belonging to the parallel K(a)=0-0 and 1-1 subbands were identified and fitted using a Watson A-reduced Hamiltonian, yielding effective spectroscopic constants. The results suggest that Al(+)-H(2) has a T-shaped equilibrium configuration with the Al(+) ion attached to a slightly perturbed H(2) molecule, but that large-amplitude intermolecular vibrational motions significantly influence the rotational constants derived from an asymmetric rotor analysis. The vibrationally averaged intermolecular separation in the ground vibrational state is estimated as 3.03 A, decreasing by 0.03 A when the H(2) subunit is vibrationally excited. A three-dimensional potential energy surface for Al(+)-H(2) is calculated ab initio using the coupled cluster CCSD(T) method and employed for variational calculations of the rovibrational energy levels and wave functions. Effective dissociation energies for Al(+)-H(2)(para) and Al(+)-H(2)(ortho) are predicted, respectively, to be 469.4 and 506.4 cm(-1), in good agreement with previous measurements. The calculations reproduce the experimental H-H stretch frequency to within 3.75 cm(-1), and the calculated B and C rotational constants to within approximately 2%. Agreement between experiment and theory supports both the accuracy of the ab initio potential energy surface and the interpretation of the measured spectrum.

J Chem Phys ; 125(11): 114313, 2006 Sep 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16999480


A three-dimensional potential energy surface (PES) for the Br(-)-H(2) complex is computed using the ab initio CCSD(T) method and an extended basis set. The PES has two equivalent minima at the linear geometries (equilibrium interfragment distance R(e)=3.34 A and interaction energy D(e)=670 cm(-1)) separated by the barrier at the T-shaped configuration (interfragment distance R(e)=4.03 A and barrier height of 610 cm(-1)). Ab initio points are fitted to a flexible analytical form and used in the variational rovibrational energy level calculations. Simulated infrared spectra of the Br(-)-H(2) and Br(-)-D(2) complexes in the monomer stretching excitation region are in good agreement with the measured ones. Nonstatistical intensity ratios of the complexes of para- and ortho-monomers are qualitatively explained by monomer ligand exchange reactions. Predissociation of the complexes containing vibrationally excited monomers is analyzed and shown to proceed through the near-resonant vibration-to-rotation energy transfer. For complexes involving Br(-) and the HD monomer, two energetically low-lying states are predicted, corresponding predominately to the Br(-)-DH and Br(-)-HD isomeric forms. The results demonstrate the close similarity of the bromide containing complexes to their analogs containing the chloride anion.