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J Chem Phys ; 161(1)2024 Jul 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38958165


In the continuity of a previous jet-cooled rovibrational study of trans and cis conformers of 2-furfural in the mid-infrared region (700-1750 cm-1) [Chawananon et al., Molecules 28 (10), 4165 (2023)], the present work investigates the far-infrared spectroscopy of 2-furfural using a long path absorption cell coupled to a high-resolution Fourier transform spectrometer and synchrotron radiation at the AILES beamline of the SOLEIL synchrotron. Guided by anharmonic calculations, vibrational energy levels and excited-state rotational constants are sufficiently predictive for a complete assignment of all fundamental and combination bands up to 700 cm-1, as well as the rovibrational analysis of 4 (1) low-frequency modes of trans-(cis-)2-furfural. A global rovibrational simulation, including far-infrared rovibrational lines and microwave and millimeter-wave rotational lines assigned in a previous study [Motiyenko et al., J. Mol. Spectrosc., 244, 9 (2007)] provides a reliable set of ground- and excited-state rotational parameters involving ring torsion, bending, and ring puckering modes of 2-furfural. In a second step, a rovibrational analysis of several hot band sequences, mainly involving the lowest frequency ring CHO torsion mode, is carried out. Reliable values of some anharmonic coefficients are obtained experimentally and could serve as a benchmark for validating advanced anharmonic calculations related to these large amplitude motions of flexible molecules.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 25(35): 23667-23677, 2023 Sep 13.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37610078


The study of the intermolecular interactions of polycyclic aromatic compounds, considered as important pollutants of the Earth's atmosphere since they are emitted by the partial combustion of fuels, is essential to understand the formation and aging of their aerosols. In this study, the hydration of α-naphthaldehyde and ß-naphthaldehyde isomers was investigated through a combination of Fourier transform microwave spectroscopy and quantum chemical calculations. Monohydrate structures were observed experimentally for both isomers, with two hydrate structures observed for ß-naphthaldehyde and only one for α-naphthaldehyde, consistent with computational predictions. Analysis of the monohydrate structures indicated that the ß-isomer exhibits higher hydrophilicity compared to the α-isomer, supported by electronic densities, hydration energies, and structural considerations. Further computational calculations were conducted to explore the planarity of the naphthaldehyde hydrates. Different levels of theory were employed, some of these revealing slight deviations from planarity in the hydrate structures. Low-frequency out-of-plane vibrational modes were examined, and the inertial defect was used to assess the planarity of the hydrates. The results suggested that the hydrates possess a predominantly planar structure, in agreement with the highest level of computational calculations and the absence of c-type transitions in the experimental spectra. Additionally, calculations were extended to dihydrate structures by attaching two water molecules to the naphthaldehyde isomers. The most stable dihydrate structures were predicted to be combinations of the observed monohydrate positions. However, experimental observation of the most stable dihydrate structures was challenging due to their very low vapour pressure, calling for complementary experiments using laser ablation nozzles.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 25(24): 16307-16318, 2023 Jun 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37309613


The spectroscopic characterization of explosive taggants used for TNT detection is a research topic of growing interest. We present a gas-phase rotational spectroscopic study of weakly volatile dinitrotoluene (DNT) isomers. The pure rotational spectra of 2,4-DNT and 2,6-DNT were recorded in the microwave range (2-20 GHz) using a Fabry-Perot Fourier-transform microwave (FP-FTMW) spectrometer coupled to a pulsed supersonic jet. Rotational transitions are split by hyperfine quadrupole coupling at the two 14N nuclei leading to up to 9 hyperfine components. The spectral analysis was supported by quantum chemical calculations carried out at the B98/cc-pVTZ and MP2/cc-pVTZ levels of theory. Based on 2D potential energy surfaces at the B98/cc-pVTZ level of theory, the methyl group internal rotation barriers were calculated to be V3 = 515 cm-1 and 698 cm-1 for 2,4- and 2,6-DNT, respectively. Although no splitting due to internal rotation was observed for 2,6-DNT, several splittings were observed for 2,4-DNT. The microwave spectra of both species were fitted using a semi-rigid Hamiltonian accounting for the quadrupole coupling hyperfine structure. Based on the internal axis method (IAM), an additional analysis was performed to retrieve an accurate value of the rotationless A-E tunneling splitting which could be extracted from the rotational dependence of the tunneling splitting. This yielded in the case of 2,4-DNT to an experimental value of 525 cm-1 for the barrier height V3 which agrees well with the DFT value. The coupled internal rotations of -CH3 and -NO2 are investigated in terms of 2-D surfaces, as already done in the case of 2-nitrotoluene [A. Roucou et al., Chem. Phys. Chem., 2020, 21, 2523-2538].

Molecules ; 28(10)2023 May 18.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37241905


The ortho-isomer 2-furfural (2-FF), which is a primary atmospheric pollutant produced from biomass combustion, is also involved in oxidation processes leading to the formation of secondary organic aerosols. Its contribution to radiative forcing remains poorly understood. Thus, monitoring 2-FF directly in the atmosphere or in atmospheric simulation chambers to characterize its reactivity is merited. The present study reports an extensive jet-cooled rovibrational study of trans and cis conformers of 2-FF in the mid-IR region using two complementary setups: a continuous supersonic jet coupled to a high-resolution Fourier transform spectrometer on the IR beamline of the SOLEIL synchrotron (JET-AILES), and a pulsed jet coupled to a mid-IR tunable quantum cascade laser spectrometer (SPIRALES). Firstly, jet-cooled spectra recorded at rotational temperatures ranging between 20 and 50 K were exploited to derive reliable excited-state molecular parameters of trans- and cis-2-FF vibrational bands in the fingerprint region. The parameters were obtained from global fits of 11,376 and 3355 lines distributed over eight and three vibrational states (including the ground state), respectively, with a root mean square of 12 MHz. In a second step, the middle resolution spectrum of 2-FF recorded at 298.15 K and available in the HITRAN database was reconstructed by extrapolating the data derived from our low-temperature high-resolution analyses to determine the cross sections of each vibrational band of both 2-FF conformers in the 700-1800 cm-1 region. Finally, we clearly demonstrated that the contribution of hot bands observed in the room temperature 2-FF spectrum, estimated between 40 and 63% of the fundamental band, must be imperatively introduced in our simulation to correctly reproduce the HITRAN vibrational cross sections of 2-FF with a deviation smaller than 10%.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 24(39): 24007-24011, 2022 Oct 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36193583


The gas-phase non-covalent interactions in the endo-fenchol-H2S and fenchone-H2S complexes have been unveiled using rotational spectroscopy in a supersonic jet expansion and quantum chemical calculations. In endo-fenchol, the hydrogen bond HSH⋯OH together with dispersive interactions stabilizes the system. In fenchone, the weak interaction HSH⋯OC allows an internal dynamic of H2S.

Molecules ; 26(12)2021 Jun 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34203730


Catechol is an oxygenated aromatic volatile organic compound and a biogenic precursor of secondary organic aerosols. Monitoring this compound in the gas phase is desirable due to its appreciable reactivity with tropospheric ozone. From a molecular point of view, this molecule is attractive since the two adjacent hydroxy groups can interchangeably act as donor and acceptor in an intramolecular hydrogen bonding due to the tunnelling between two symmetrically equivalent structures. Using synchrotron radiation, we recorded a rotationally-resolved Fourier Transform far-infrared (IR) spectrum of the torsional modes of the free and bonded -OH groups forming the intramolecular hydrogen bond. Additionally, the room temperature, pure rotational spectrum was measured in the 70-220 GHz frequency range using a millimeter-wave spectrometer. The assignment of these molecular transitions was assisted by anharmonic high-level quantum-chemical calculations. In particular, pure rotational lines belonging to the ground and the four lowest energy, vibrationally excited states were assigned. Splitting due to the tunnelling was resolved for the free -OH torsional state. A global fit combining the far-IR and millimeter-wave data provided the spectroscopic parameters of the low-energy far-IR modes, in particular those characterizing the intramolecular hydrogen bond dynamics.

Chemphyschem ; 21(22): 2523-2538, 2020 Nov 17.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32857456


Rotational spectra of ortho-nitrotoluene (2-NT) and para-nitrotoluene (4-NT) have been recorded at low and room temperatures using a supersonic jet Fourier Transform microwave (MW) spectrometer and a millimeter-wave frequency multiplier chain, respectively. Supported by quantum chemistry calculations, the spectral analysis of pure rotation lines in the vibrational ground state has allowed to characterise the rotational energy, the hyperfine structure due to the 14 N nucleus and the internal rotation splittings arising from the methyl group. For 2-NT, an anisotropic internal rotation of coupled -CH3 and -NO2 torsional motions was identified by quantum chemistry calculations and discussed from the results of the MW analysis. The study of the internal rotation splittings in the spectra of three NT isomers allowed to characterise the internal rotation potentials of the methyl group and to compare them with other mono-substituted toluene derivatives in order to study the isomeric influence on the internal rotation barrier.

J Phys Chem A ; 124(22): 4484-4495, 2020 Jun 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32406684


Polycyclic aromatic compounds (PACs) constitute an important class of molecules found in various environments and are considered important pollutants of the Earth's atmosphere. In particular, functionalization of PACs modify the ring aromaticity, which greatly influences the chemical reactivity of these species. In this work we studied several oxygen-containing PACs, relevant to atmospheric chemistry. We investigated the conformational landscape of four naphthalene-derivative molecules-namely, 1- and 2-hydroxynaphthalene and 1- and 2-naphthaldehyde-by means of rotational and vibrational spectroscopy supported by quantum chemical calculations. For 1-hydroxynaphthalene and 1-naphthaldehyde, intramolecular hydrogen bonding and steric effects drive the conformational preferences while for 2-hydroxynaphthalene and 2-naphthaldehyde, the charge distributions allow us to understand the conformational landscape. This work not only demonstrates how the localization of the substitution group in the ring influences the conformational relative energies and but also constitutes a step toward a better understanding of the different chemical reactivity of such functionalized PACs.

J Phys Chem A ; 124(12): 2427-2435, 2020 Mar 26.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32118434


The high resolution far-infrared spectrum of trans-butadiene has been reinvestigated by Fourier-transform spectroscopy at two synchrotron radiation facilities, SOLEIL and the Canadian Light Source, at temperatures ranging from 50 to 340 K. Beyond the well-studied bands, two new fundamental bands lying below 1100 cm-1, ν10 and ν24, have been assigned using a combination of cross-correlation (ASAP software) and Loomis-Wood type (LWWa software) diagrams. While the ν24 analysis was rather straightforward, ν10 exhibits obvious signs of a strong perturbation, presumably owing to interaction with the dark ν9 + ν12 state. Effective rotational constants have been derived for both the v10 = 1 and v24 = 1 states. Since only one weak, infrared active fundamental band (ν23) of trans-butadiene remains to be observed at high resolution in the far-infrared, searches for the elusive gauche conformer can now be undertaken with considerably greater confidence in the dense ro-vibrational spectrum of the trans form.

Chemphyschem ; 19(9): 1056-1067, 2018 05 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29328542


The monitoring of gas-phase mononitrotoluenes is crucial for defence, civil security and environmental interests because they are used as taggant for TNT detection and in the manufacturing of industrial compounds such as dyestuffs. In this study, we have succeeded to measure and analyse at high-resolution a room temperature rotationally resolved millimetre-wave spectrum of meta-nitrotoluene (3-NT). Experimental and theoretical difficulties have been overcome, in particular, those related to the low vapour pressure of 3-NT and to the presence of a CH3 internal rotation in an almost free rotation regime (V3 =6.7659(24) cm-1 ). Rotational spectra have been recorded in the microwave and millimetre-wave ranges using a supersonic jet Fourier Transform microwave spectrometer (Trot <10 K) and a millimetre-wave frequency multiplication chain (T=293 K), respectively. Spectral analysis of pure rotation lines in the vibrational ground state and in the first torsional excited state supported by quantum chemistry calculations permits the rotational energy of the molecule, the hyperfine structure due to the 14 N nucleus, and the internal rotation of the methyl group to be characterised. A line list is provided for future in situ detection.

J Phys Chem A ; 121(40): 7455-7468, 2017 Oct 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28914060


We report the results of an experimental study related to the relaxation of the nuclear spin isomers of the water molecule in a supersonic expansion. Rovibrational lines of both ortho and para spin isomers were recorded in the spectral range of H2O stretching vibrations at around 3700 cm-1 using FTIR direct absorption. Water vapor seeded in argon, helium, or oxygen or in a mixture of oxygen and argon was expanded into vacuum through a slit nozzle. The water vapor partial pressure in the mixture varied over a wide range from 1.5 to 102.7 hPa, corresponding to a water molar fraction varying between 0.2 and 6.5%. Depending on expansion conditions, the effect of water vapor clustering was clearly seen in some of our measured spectra. The Boltzmann plot of the line intensities allowed the H2O rotational temperatures in the isentropic core and in the lateral shear layer probed zones of the planar expansion to be determined. The study of the OPR, i.e., the ratio of the ortho to para absorption line intensities as a function of Trot, did not reveal any signs of the OPR being relaxed to the sample temperature. In contrast, the OPR was always conserved according to the stagnation reservoir equilibrium temperature. The conservation of the OPR was found irrespective of whether water molecule clustering was pronounced or not. Also, no effect of the paramagnetic oxygen admixture enhancing OPR relaxation was observed.

J Chem Phys ; 145(22): 224313, 2016 Dec 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27984904


The Fourier transform IR vibrational spectra of amino-ethanol (AE) and its dimer have been recorded at room temperature and under jet-cooled conditions over the far and mid infrared ranges (50-4000 cm-1) using the White-type cell and the supersonic jet of the Jet-AILES apparatus at the synchrotron facility SOLEIL. Assignment of the monomer experimental frequencies has been derived from anharmonic frequencies calculated at a hybrid CCSD(T)-F12/MP2 level. Various thermodynamical effects in the supersonic expansion conditions including molar dilution of AE and nature of carrier gas have been used to promote or not the formation of dimers. Four vibrational modes of the observed dimer have been unambiguously assigned using mode-specific scaling factors deduced from the ratio between experimental and computed frequencies for the monomer. The most stable g'Gg' monomer undergoes strong deformation upon dimerization, leading to a homochiral head to head dimer involving two strong hydrogen bonds.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 17(11): 7477-88, 2015 Mar 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25704312


Survey jet-cooled spectra of acetic acid have been recorded in the infrared region (200-4000 cm(-1)) over a wide range of expansion conditions. From the variations of the relative intensities of the signals, vibrational transitions have been assigned unambiguously to the trans-monomer and cyclic-dimer. The IR-active fundamental frequencies have been determined at the instrumental accuracy of 0.5 cm(-1). This analysis of the jet-cooled spectra supported by electronic structure calculations permitted us to characterize the trans-monomer/cyclic-dimer equilibrium. From static cell spectra at 298 K, variations of the molar fractions ratio as a function of the total pressure were used to estimate the equilibrium constant and the Gibbs free energy of dimerization at 298 K. The very good agreement with the literature data shows that the present method is able to produce, from a single study, a free energy value as reliable as the one obtained from a large collection of data. In addition, the semi-empirical free energy value was used to estimate the accuracy of electronic structure calculations and in turn the accuracy of the derived useful information such as the dissociation energy of the complex (i.e. the strength of the hydrogen bonds) or the relative energies within the conformational landscape.

Ácido Acético/química , Dimerización , Gases/química , Espectroscopía Infrarroja por Transformada de Fourier , Enlace de Hidrógeno , Modelos Moleculares , Conformación Molecular , Teoría Cuántica , Temperatura
J Chem Phys ; 140(4): 044322, 2014 Jan 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25669538


In the laboratory, the acquisition and analysis of the rotationally resolved spectra of large molecular systems remain challenging. We report in this paper the rotational analysis of the ν30-GS band of azulene and the ν41-GS band of isoquinoline recorded with synchrotron-based Fourier transform absorption spectroscopy in the far-IR. As a support to rotational analyses, we employed a method based on standard density functional theory calculations performed at the anharmonic level which accurately reproduced the rotational constants of 28 vibrational states of 16 Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) and aza-derivatives. This method appears as an invaluable support for the spectral assignment of the very congested rotational structures of the infrared bands of PAH species and should be very helpful in the active search of these molecules in space through their pure rotational or rovibrational spectra.

J Phys Chem A ; 117(47): 12569-80, 2013 Nov 27.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24148008


The microwave (4-20 GHz range) and infrared (HCl and DCl stretch ranges) spectra of six isotopic species of the CH3Cl-HCl hydrogen bond complex have been recorded for the first time and analyzed with the support of high level ab initio calculations (MP2 and CCSD(T) levels). Accurate molecular parameters, including rotational, quartic centrifugal distortion, and nuclear-quadrupole coupling constants, vibrational frequencies, and anharmonic coupling constants, are presented in this paper. These parameters have then been used to estimate the hydrogen bond geometry and confirm the strong coupling between intramolecular and low frequency intermolecular modes. Experimental and theoretical evidence, in agreement with each other, tend to point out a free rotation of the CH3Cl unit in the complex, emphasizing the very peculiar dynamical properties of a hydrogen bond and, consequently, the necessity of taking those effects into account to correctly model the intra- and intermolecular interactions.

Deuterio/química , Ácido Clorhídrico/química , Cloruro de Metilo/química , Termodinámica , Enlace de Hidrógeno , Estructura Molecular , Teoría Cuántica , Espectroscopía Infrarroja por Transformada de Fourier
J Phys Chem A ; 116(22): 5405-9, 2012 Jun 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22587478


The millimeter-wave rotational spectrum of an organomercury compound, ethylmercury hydride, has been recorded and assigned for the first time. The spectroscopic study is complemented by quantum chemical calculations taking into account relativistic effects on the mercury atom. The very good agreement between theoretical and experimental molecular parameters validates the chosen ab initio method, in particular its capability to predict accurate quartic centrifugal distortion constants related to this type of compound. Estimations of the nuclear quadrupole coupling constants have less predictive power than those of the structural parameters, but are good enough to satisfy the spectroscopic needs. In addition, the orientation of the axis of the H-Hg-C bonds deduced from the experimental nuclear quadrupole coupling constants compares well with the corresponding ab initio value. From the good agreement between experimental and theoretical results, together with the observation of the six most abundant isotopes of mercury, ethylmercury hydride is unambiguously identified as the product of the chemical reaction described here, and its calculated equilibrium geometry is confirmed.

J Phys Chem A ; 114(46): 12202-7, 2010 Nov 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21033752


The millimeter-wave rotational spectrum of vinyltellurol has been recorded and assigned for the first time. To support the spectrum assignment, high level ab initio calculations have been carried out. Geometries, total electronic energies, and harmonic vibrational frequencies have been determined at the MP2 level. A small-core relativistic pseudopotential basis set (cc-pVTZ-PP) was employed to describe the tellurium atom. Two stable conformers, synperiplanar (sp) and anticlinal (ac), have been identified. The sp conformer is planar with a small negative inertia defect of -0.025 u Å(2). The ac conformer was found to be nonplanar with a C-C-Te-H dihedral angle of about 140° from sp. This conformer exhibits a large amplitude motion associated with the torsion about the C-Te bond. The barrier to internal rotation is about 1 kJ/mol, according to the theoretical calculations. For the ac conformation, a torsional potential function consisting of quartic and quadratic terms of the torsional angle has been partially determined from the observed rotational constants.

J Phys Chem A ; 114(8): 2794-8, 2010 Mar 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20136116


The millimeter-wave rotational spectrum of ethanetellurol has been recorded and assigned for the first time. The spectroscopic study has been complemented by high level ab initio calculations. Geometries, total electronic energies, and harmonic vibrational frequencies have been determined at the MP2 level. A small-core relativistic pseudopotential basis set (cc-pVTZ-PP) was employed to describe the tellurium atom. Two stable conformers, synclinal and antiperiplanar, have been identified. Both theory and experiment have shown the synclinal form to be more stable by 2 kJ/mol. The doublet structure observed in the rotational spectrum of synclinal conformer is attributed to tunneling motion of tellurol functional group. The energy difference between 0(+) and 0(-) substates split by tunneling has been determined from the observed spectra.