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Zookeys ; 1109: 141-191, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36762346


The Neotropical species of the water scavenger beetle genus Notionotus Spangler, 1972 are revised using an integrative taxonomic approach combining morphology with DNA sequence data from two genes. Support exists for four putative species groups into which 18 species are placed, including twelve that are described here as new: N.bicolor sp. nov. (Suriname), N.bifidus sp. nov. (Venezuela), N.brunbadius sp. nov. (Brazil), N.garciae sp. nov. (Brazil), N.giraldoi sp. nov. (Brazil), N.insignitus sp. nov. (Venezuela), N.juma sp. nov. (Brazil), N.parvus sp. nov. (Suriname), N.patamona sp. nov. (Guyana), N.peruensis sp. nov. (Peru), N.retusus sp. nov. (Guyana), and N.vatius sp. nov. (Brazil). Four new synonymies are created: N.shorti Queney syn. nov. is found to be conspecific with N.dilucidus Queney; N.edibethae García syn. nov., N.nucleus Perkins syn. nov., and N.perijanus García syn. nov. are found to be conspecific with N.tricarinatus Perkins. New records are provided for all previously described species except N.mexicanus Perkins. Within the Neotropical region, the range of the genus is greatly expanded and now known from as far south as Bolivia and the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso do Sul. While a few species are found in hygropetric habitats, most are associated with the margins of forested streams. Genitalia and habitus images are provided for nearly all species, as well as a key to the four species groups.

ResumenLas especies de escarabajos acuáticos detritívoros neotropicales del género Notionotus Spangler, 1972 son revisadas usando taxonomía integrativa, combinando morfología con datos de secuencias de ADN para dos genes. Se encontró soporte para cuatro grupos de especies conformados por 18 especies, incluyendo 12 que son aquí descritas como nuevas: N.bicolor sp. nov. (Suriname), N.bifidus sp. nov. (Venezuela), N.brunbadius sp. nov. (Brazil), N.garciae sp. nov. (Brazil), N.giraldoi sp. nov. (Brazil), N.insignitus sp. nov. (Venezuela), N.juma sp. nov. (Brazil), N.parvus sp. nov. (Suriname), N.patamona sp. nov. (Guyana), N.peruensis sp. nov. (Peru), N.retusus sp. nov. (Guyana), N.vatius sp. nov. (Brazil). Se sinonimizan cuatro especies: N.shorti Queney syn. nov. se considera conespecífico con N.dilucidus Queney; N.edibethae García syn. nov., N.nucleus Perkins syn. nov., y N.perijanus García syn. nov. son conespecíficos con N.tricarinatus Perkins. Nuevos registros son provistos para todas las especies previamente descritas excepto para N.mexicanus Perkins. Hasta el momento, en la región neotropical, el rango de distribución del género es ampliamente expandido, se conoce desde el Sur de Bolivia hasta el estado brasileño de Mato Grosso do Sul. Si bien algunas especies son encontradas en hábitats higropétricos, la mayoría de ellas están asociadas a las orillas de arroyos boscosos. Se proveen imágenes del hábito dorsal y genitalia para la mayoría de las especies, al igual que la clave para los cuatro grupos de especies.

Zootaxa ; 4565(4): zootaxa.4565.4.3, 2019 Mar 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31716451


Two new species of Hemiosus (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae) from the central cordillera of the Colombian Andes are described. Hemiosus molanoi González-Rodríguez García-Hernández sp. nov. and H. quindiensis González-Rodríguez Clarkson sp. nov. are described based in 56 adult specimens collected in river-associated sandy puddles (26 specimens of H. molanoi sp. nov.) and temporary puddles near crops (26 specimens of H. quindiensis sp. nov.). Both species are identified mainly by characteristics of the aedeagus: Hemiosus molanoi sp. nov. has subtriangular parameres, median lobe shorter than parameres and longer than appendices which are acuminate and phallobase shorter than parameres, strongly asymmetrical in basal two-fifths; H. quindiensis sp. nov. has parameres gradually tapering towards rounded apices, median lobe shorter than parameres and longer than appendices which are acuminate and phallobase shorter than parameres, strongly asymmetrical in basal half. Dorsal coloration pattern, overall shape of the meso- and metaventral process and abdominal ventrites are also informative to distinguish the new species from remaining described Hemiosus. Diagnoses, illustrations and habitat characteristics are provided.

Escarabajos , Animales , Colombia , Productos Agrícolas , Ecosistema , Agua