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J Therm Biol ; 114: 103539, 2023 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37344013


In ectothermic animals, body temperature is the most important factor affecting physiology and behavior. Reptiles depend on environmental temperature to regulate their body temperature, so geographic variation in environmental temperature can affect the biology of these organisms in the short and long term. We may expect physiological and behavioral responses to temperature change to be especially important in ectotherms inhabiting temperate zones, where different seasons present different thermal challenges. High-mountain temperate systems represent a natural laboratory for studies of evolutionary and plastic variation in thermal biology. The aim of the present study is to evaluate operative temperature with biophysical models, active body temperature under field conditions, preferred temperature in a thermal gradient in the laboratory, and thermal indexes in Sceloporus grammicus lizards along an elevational gradient. We measured these traits in three populations at 2500, 3400, and 4100 m elevation at different seasons of the year (spring, summer and autumn). Our results showed that operative temperature varied with season and elevation, with greater variation at middle and high elevations than at low elevations. Body temperature and preferred temperature varied with altitude and season but did not differ between sexes. Thermal quality was lowest in the high-altitude population and in the summer season. Thermoregulatory efficiency was highest in the three populations in the autumn. Our results suggest that thermoregulatory strategies vary with elevation and season, allowing individual lizards to confront annual fluctuations in the thermal environment and conflicting with some previous descriptions of Sceloporus lizards as thermally conservative.

Lagartos , Prosopis , Animales , Lagartos/fisiología , Estaciones del Año , Altitud , Regulación de la Temperatura Corporal
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37059292


High altitude environments provide a fertile ground for investigating the benefits of phenotypic adjustments at several levels of biological organization. Low oxygen partial pressure and low environmental temperature are the main limiting factors that promote phenotypic variation in different organs, such as the lung and heart. Although high-altitude environments act like natural laboratories, most morphological studies conducted to date lack replication. Here, we evaluated organ mass variation in nine populations of Sceloporus grammicus, throughout three altitudinal gradients (mountains) from the Trans-Mexican volcanic belt. A total of 84 individuals from three different altitudes at three different mountains were collected. Then, we used generalized linear models to analyze the pattern of variation in internal organs mass as a function of altitude and temperature. We observed a striking pattern of altitudinal variation in the size of cardiorespiratory organs: while heart mass increased with altitude and decreased with temperature, the lung showed a significant statistical interaction between mountain transect and temperature. Overall, our results support the hypothesis that cardiorespiratory organs should be bigger in populations occurring at higher altitudes. Moreover, the study of different mountain systems allowed us to observe some differences in one mountain in relation to the other two.

Lagartos , Prosopis , Humanos , Animales , Altitud , Temperatura , Frío
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36336309


Ecogeographical patterns describe predictable variation in phenotypic traits between ecological communities. For example, high-altitude animals are expected to show elevated hematological values as an adaptation to the lower oxygen pressure. Mountains act like ecological islands and therefore are considered natural laboratories. However, the majority of ecophysiological studies on blood traits lack replication that would allow us to infer if the pattern reported is a local event or whether it is a widespread pattern resulting from larger-scale ecological processes. In lizards, in fact, the increase of hematological values at high altitudes has received mixed support. Here, for the first time, we compare blood traits in lizards along elevational gradients with replication. We tested the repeatability of blood traits in mesquite lizards between different elevations in three different mountains from the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt. We measured hematocrit, hemoglobin concentration, mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration, and erythrocyte size in blood samples of low, medium, and high-elevation lizards. We obtained similar elevational patterns between mountains, but the blood traits differed among mountains. Middle-altitude populations had greater oxygen-carrying capacity than lizards from low and high altitudes. The differences found between mountain systems could be the result of phenotypic plasticity or genetic differentiation as a consequence of abiotic factors not considered.

Lagartos , Prosopis , Animales , Lagartos/fisiología , Altitud , Hematócrito , Oxígeno
Int. j. morphol ; 35(4): 1590-1596, Dec. 2017. graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-893173


SUMMARY: Vertebrates exhibit structural changes in their cardiovascular and gas exchange systems in response to hypoxic conditions in high altitude environments. In highland neotenic mole salamanders, as other amphibians, the majority of gases exchange is carried out for skin and gills. But, in high altitude environments, the available oxygen is lower than it is in the air thus, the scarcity of oxygen limits the survival of organisms. Many studies on this subject have focused on understanding the hematological mechanisms that amphibians exhibit in response to hypoxia. However, little is known about possible morphological changes in respiratory structures that may permit increased gas exchange during respiration in high altitude amphibians like Ambystoma leorae and A. rivulare, two threatened Mexican salamander species. The aim of the present study was to describe and compare the histological characteristics of the gills and dorsal skin of A. leorae and A. rivulare from populations at low and high altitudes. We found that, in comparison to lowland organisms, highland ones exhibited more pronounced skin folds, greater numbers of secondary branches in the gills, thinner dorsal and gill epidermises, and greater quantity of melanin surrounding the gill blood vessels. These differences permit a greater capacity for gas exchange and also increase thermoregulatory capacity in high altitude environments.

RESUMEN: Los anfibios que viven en ambientes de altitud se enfrentan a factores abióticos que limitan la vida, tales como la disminución de la presión barométrica con la consecuente disminución de la presión parcial de oxígeno (O2). Conocer los mecanismos que optimizan la obtención del O2 en estos animales es de gran importancia para entender las diferencias en la sensibilidad a la hipoxia de las diferentes especies. Ambystoma rivulare y A. leorae son anfibios endémicos del Estado de México que viven en ambientes de alta altitud por lo que se cree presentan estrategias fenotípicas para asimilar eficazmente el O2 y poder subsistir en los ambientes de altitud. El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar las características histológicas de branquias y piel cefálica (que son las principales estructuras que se encargan del intercambio gaseoso) provenientes de tres poblaciones con diferente altitud. Nuestros resultados muestran que los organismos que habitan a mayor altitud tienden a aumentar la superficie de intercambio gaseoso, como es el caso de pliegues epidérmicos y ramas branquiales secundarias. Las diferencias histológicas de branquias y piel cefálica tanto interespecíficas como intraespecíficas respecto a la altitud parecen apoyar la idea de que los organismos modifican sus estructuras para contrarrestar las limitantes de la vida en ambientes de altitud.

Animales , Piel/anatomía & histología , Altitud , Ambystoma/anatomía & histología , Branquias/anatomía & histología , Dorso