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Pharmaceuticals (Basel) ; 16(8)2023 Aug 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37631024


Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) peptides can inhibit dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP-IV), an important type 2 diabetes mellitus therapeutic target. The molecular interactions between the inhibitory peptides and the active site of DPP-IV have not been thoroughly examined, nor have their pharmacokinetic properties. Therefore, the predictions of legumin- and provicilin-derived DPP-IV inhibitory peptides, their molecular interactions with the active site of DPP-IV, and their pharmacokinetic properties were carried out. Ninety-two unique DPP-IV inhibitory peptides were identified. Papain and trypsin were the enzymes with the highest AE (0.0927) and lowest BE (6.8625 × 10-7) values, respectively. Peptide binding energy values ranged from -5.2 to -7.9 kcal/mol. HIS-PHE was the most potent DPP-IV inhibitory peptide and interacts with residues of the active sites S1 (TYR662) and S2 (GLU205/ARG125 (hydrogen bonds: <3.0 Å)), S2 (GLU205/GLU206 (electrostatic interactions: <3.0 Å)), and S2' pocket (PHE357 (hydrophobic interaction: 4.36 Å)). Most peptides showed optimal absorption (76.09%), bioavailability (89.13%), and were non-toxic (97.8%) stable for gastrointestinal digestion (73.9%). Some peptides (60.86%) could also inhibit ACE-I. Chickpea is a source of non-toxic and bioavailable DPP-IV-inhibitory peptides with dual bioactivity. Studies addressing the potential of chickpea peptides as therapeutic or adjunct agents for treating type 2 diabetes are warranted.

J Clin Med ; 11(22)2022 Nov 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36431134


Spontaneous coronary artery dissection (SCAD) is an infrequent cause of nonobstructive ischemic heart disease in previously healthy young women and therefore is not usually considered in differential diagnoses. The overall incidence of SCAD in angiographic series is between 0.28 and 1.1%, with a clear predominance in young, healthy women (70%) of whom approximately 30% are in the postpartum period. In the United Kingdom, between 2008 and 2012, SCAD was the cause of 27% of acute myocardial infarctions during pregnancy, with a prevalence of 1.81 per 100,000 pregnancies. Regarding the mechanism of arterial obstruction, this may be due to the appearance of an intramural hematoma or to a tear in the intima of the arteries, both spontaneously. Although multiple diagnostic methods are available, it is suggested to include an appropriate anamnesis, an electrocardiogram in the first 10 min after admission to the service or the onset of symptoms, and subsequently, a CT angiography of the coronary arteries or urgent coronary angiography if the hemodynamic status of the patient allows it. Treatment should be individualized for each case; however, the appropriate approach is generally based on two fundamental pillars: conservative medical treatment with antiplatelet agents, beta-blockers, and nitrates, and invasive treatment with percutaneous coronary intervention for stent implantation or balloon angioplasty, if necessary.

Rev. cuba. salud pública ; 48(3): e2023, jul.-set. 2022. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1409301


Introducción: En la calidad de vida tiene una fuerte influencia los estilos de vida. A su vez, la inactividad física es uno de los estilos de vida más perjudiciales que genera discapacidad y años de vida perdidos, debido a su papel en la génesis y exacerbación de las enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles. Objetivo: Determinar los niveles de actividad física y factores asociados en la población adulta del municipio Pereira. Métodos: Estudio transversal analítico. Se estimó una muestra de 1000 participantes entre las edades de 18 a 64 años. Los niveles de actividad física se midieron con el cuestionario internacional de actividad física versión larga. Se realizaron análisis bivariados. Resultados: El total de participantes fue de 996. La prevalencia global del cumplimiento de recomendaciones en actividad física del estudio fue de un 52,9 por ciento, en la que prevaleció el dominio de actividad física moderada. Los sujetos de mayor nivel socioeconómico obtuvieron menores prevalencias de actividad física. En cuanto a nivel de escolaridad, las categorías de tecnólogo (58 por ciento) y secundaria (57 por ciento) alcanzaron la más alta prevalencia de cumplimiento de recomendaciones mínimas. Conclusiones: Un poco más de la mitad de la población adulta pereirana cumple las recomendaciones mínimas de actividad física predominando la actividad de intensidad moderada, no obstante, la media presenta problemas de sobrepeso y obesidad. Es importante promover la práctica de actividad física de moderada a alta intensidad e involucrar a todos los estratos socioeconómicos(AU)

Introduction: Lifestyles have a strong influence on quality of life. In turn, physical inactivity is one of the most harmful lifestyles that generates disability and lost years of life, due to its role in the genesis and exacerbation of chronic non-communicable diseases. Objective: To determine the levels of physical activity and associated factors in the adult population of Pereira municipality. Methods: Analytical cross-sectional study. It was estimated a sample of 1000 participants in the ages from 18 to 64. Physical activity levels were measured with the long version of the international questionnaire of physical activity. Bivariate analyses were performed. Results: The total number of participants was 996. The overall prevalence of compliance with recommendations in physical activity of the study was 52.9 percent, in which the domain of moderate physical activity prevailed. Subjects of higher socio-economic status obtained lower prevalences of physical activity. In terms of schooling level, the categories of technologist (58 percent) and secondary school level (57 percent) reached the highest prevalence of compliance with minimum recommendations. Conclusions: A little more than half of the adult population of Pereira meets the minimum recommendations for physical activity, predominating moderate intensity activity; however, the average presents problems of overweight and obesity. It is important to promote the practice of moderate to high intensity physical activity and involve all socio-economic strata(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Calidad de Vida , Ejercicio Físico , Conductas Relacionadas con la Salud , Conducta Sedentaria , Estilo de Vida , Estudios Transversales , Colombia
Sports (Basel) ; 10(1)2022 Jan 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35050973


Weight resistance training (RT) has been shown to positively influence physical performance. Within the last two decades, a methodology based on monitoring RT through movement velocity (also called velocity-based resistance training, VBRT) has emerged. The aim of this PRISMA-based systematic review was to evaluate the effect of VBRT programs on variables related to muscle strength (one-repetition maximum, 1-RM), and high-speed actions (vertical jump, and sprint performance) in trained subjects. The search for published articles was performed in PubMed/MEDLINE, SPORT Discus/EBSCO, OVID, Web of Science, Scopus, and EMBASE databases using Boolean algorithms independently. A total of 22 studies met the inclusion criteria of this systematic review (a low-to-moderate overall risk of bias of the analyzed studies was detected). VBRT is an effective method to improve 1-RM, vertical jump and sprint. According to the results of the analyzed studies, it is not necessary to reach high muscle failure in order to achieve the best training results. These findings reinforce the fact that it is possible to optimize exercise adaptations with less fatigue. Future studies should corroborate these findings in female population.

Healthcare (Basel) ; 8(4)2020 Nov 29.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33260469


There are no epidemiological data about food-dependent exercise-induced anaphylaxis (FDEIA) in Latin America. Our aim was to design, assess, and validate a questionnaire to identify potential FDEIA cases and/or estimate its prevalence by self-report. Questions were included in the instrument to address the main symptoms of FDEIA, type/intensity of physical activity, and anaphylaxis. The instrument's clarity, comprehension and repeatability were evaluated. These evaluations were carried out by Hispanic people (Argentinians/Colombians/Mexicans/Peruvians), including nine individuals with medical diagnosis of FDEIA, and Brazilians. The Flesch-Kincaid score was calculated using the INFLESZ software. The instrument was translated from Spanish to Brazilian Portuguese following the translation back-translation procedure. The participants rated the two versions of the questionnaire as clear and comprehensible (three-point ordinal scale) and very easy to understand [0.33; average (scale 0-10)]. For these evaluations, the Kendall's W coefficient showed strong agreement among raters (W = 0.80; average). The Flesch-Kincaid score was 63.5 in average (documents considered as readable). The Cohen's Kappa coefficient showed almost perfect agreement in repeatability (0.88; average). The validation process of two versions of an instrument, used to identify potential FDEIA cases, was successfully carried out and it was found applicable to Latin American countries for generating epidemiological data.

Investig. andin ; 21(38)jun. 2019.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550389


Introducción: la obesidad y el sedentarismo son dos de los problemas de salud pública que organismos como la OMS vienen afrontando con políticas y programas para impactar la reducción de su prevalencia. Los centros de desarrollo infantil (CDI) son una de las modalidades con las que el gobierno nacional promueve el desarrollo integral de la primera infancia y en donde se abordan los problemas de sedentarismo, sobrepeso y obesidad. Se desconocen los niveles de actividad física en estos centros en dicha franja poblacional. Métodos: mediante metodología mixta concurrente (cuantitativa cualitativa), el presente proyecto se desarrolló como un estudio observacional descriptivo de corte transversal, de carácter multicéntrico. La población observada fueron 324 niños y niñas entre 1,5 y 5 años de edad, distribuidos en los grupos sala-cuna, párvulos, prejardín y jardín pertenecientes a los CDI de Tokio, San José y Otún. Se realizó registro de las observaciones en un formato de diario de campo que contempló el tiempo de duración de las actividades observadas y sus características en el términos pedagógicos, de tránsito, y recreativos. Para el análisis cualitativo se empleó la metodología del análisis de contenido, y para el cuantitativo el registro, la sumatoria y el análisis de los tiempos de actividad física. Resultados: las actividades de bajo gasto energético representaron: 445,5 min en el CDI Tokio; 4479 min en el CDI San José; y 451,3 en el CDI Otún. Las actividades de alto gasto energético (correr y desarrollar juegos activos en el patio) se registraron así: 34,5 min en el CDI Tokio; 32,1 min en San José; y 28,8 en Otún. El CDI Tokio mostró el mayor tiempo de exposición en el área de recreación (160 min), así como el mayor tiempo de pantalla (243 min), comparado con los del CDI Otún (63min para cada ítem, respectivamente). Conclusión: los mayores tiempos de permanencia de los niños en los CDI ocurren en el área pedagógica, dado que realizan más actividades que implican bajo gasto energético y los tiempos empleados para realizar actividades vigorosas están por debajo de las recomendaciones mundiales para esta población.

Introduction: Obesity and sedentary lifestyle are two of the public health issues that organizations like the OMS has been facing through policies and programs to impact the reduction of their prevalence. Child Development Centers are one of the modalities through which the national government promotes the holistic development of early childhood and where issues such as physical activity, sedentary lifestyle, overweight and obesity started to be problematized. The level of physical activity performed by this population in these Centers is unknown. Methods: Through a concurrent mixed methodology (quantitative-qualitative), this research as a cross-sectional, descriptive observational study of Multicentric nature was developed. The population analyzed was 324 boys and girls between 1.5 and 5 years of age, distributed in nursery, toddler, kindergarten, and pre-school groups, who belong to the CDI of Tokyo, San José and Otún. The observations were recorded in a journal which included the duration of the activities observed, as well as their characteristics on pedagogical, transit, and recreational areas. For the qualitative analysis, the methodology of content analysis was used, and for the quantitative the records, the sum and analysis of the time for physical activity. Results: The activities of low energy expenditure represented 445.5min observed in the Tokyo CDI, 447.9min in the CDI San José and 451.3 in the CDI Otún, while the activities of high energy expenditure (running and developing active games in the playground) were 34.5min in the Tokyo CDI, 32.1min in San Jose and 28.8 in Otun. The CDI Tokyo showed the longest exposure time in recreation field (160min) as well as the longest screen time (243min), compared to the Otun CDI (63min for each item, respectively). Conclusion: The longest times of permanence of children in CDI occur in the pedagogical area, they perform more activities that involve low energy expenditure, and the times used to perform vigorous activities are below the global recommendations for this population.

Introdução. Obesidade e sedentarismo são dois dos problemas de saúde pública que organizações como a OMS vêm enfrentando com políticas e programas para impactar na redução de sua prevalência. Os Centros de Desenvolvimento Infantil são uma das modalidades pelas quais o governo nacional promove o desenvolvimento integral da primeira infância e onde questões como atividade física, sedentarismo, sobrepeso e obesidade começam a ser problematizadas. Os níveis de atividade física nesses Centros para essa faixa populacional são desconhecidos. Métodos. Por meio de uma metodologia mista concorrente (quantitativa-qualitativa), o presente projeto foi desenvolvido como um estudo observacional descritivo, transversal, de natureza multicêntrica. A população observada foi de 324 meninos e meninas entre 1,5 e 5 anos de idade, distribuídos nos grupos berçário, maternal 1, maternal 2 e pré-escola, pertencentes ao Centros de Desenvolvimento da Criança (Centro de Desarrollo Infantil, CDI) de Tokio, San José e Otún. As observações foram registradas em diário de campo, que incluiu a duração das atividades observadas, bem como suas características nas áreas pedagógica, de trânsito e recreativa. Para a análise qualitativa, utilizou-se a metodologia de análise de conteúdo e, para o quantitativo, o registro, somatório e análise dos tempos de atividade física. Resultados. As atividades de baixo gasto energético representaram 445,5min observados no CDI Tokio, 447,9min no CDI San José e 451,3 no CDI Otún, enquanto as atividades de alto gasto de energia (corrida e desenvolver o jogo ativo no quintal) foram 34,5min no CDI Tokio, 32,1min em San José e 28,8 em Otún. O CDI Tokio mostrou o maior tempo de exposição na área de recreação (160min), bem como o maior tempo de tela (243min), comparado ao CDI Otún (63min para cada item, respectivamente). Conclusão. Os maiores tempos de permanência das crianças no CDI ocorrem na área pedagógica, realizam mais atividades que envolvem baixo gasto energético, e os tempos utilizados para realizar atividades vigorosas estão sob as recomendações globais para essa população.

PLoS One ; 14(5): e0216455, 2019.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31063492


OBJECTIVE: To determine the association between the time spent watching television and the sociodemographic characteristics with the presence of overweight and obesity in Colombian adolescents. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Secondary analysis of the information obtained in the National Survey of the Nutritional Situation 2010 of Colombia, in a probabilistic sample of 18177 adolescents with an age range between 13 and 17 years. The time spent watching television and / or videogames and sociodemographic factors was determined. Anthropometric markers and body composition were recorded. Associations were established through logistic regression models. RESULTS: The prevalence of overweight was 13.0% (95% CI 12.4-13.8) and obesity was 3.0% (95% CI 2.8-3.3). The prevalences of overweight and obesity were higher in adolescent women [16.6% (95% CI 15.8-17.5) and 3.4% (95% CI 3.1-3.7), respectively]. Overweight and obesity were associated with being female [OR 1.94 (95%CI 1.77-2.12) and OR 1.29 (95%CI 1.09-1.53), respectively], high socioeconomic level [OR 1.22 (95%CI 1.10-1.36) and OR 1.47 (95%CI 1.19-1.81), respectively], reside in urban area [OR 1.13 (95%CI 1.03-1.24) and OR 1.47 (95%CI 1.21-1.79), respectively]. Being indigenous was associated with being overweight [OR 1.25 (95%CI 1.10-1.42)], while being Afro-Colombian was associated with obesity [OR 1.33 (95%CI 1.05-1.69)]. Watching television and / or video games for two or more hours a day [OR1.17 (95%CI 1.06-1.30)] was associated with being overweight; whereas watching television every day of the week was associated with obesity [OR 1.66 (95%CI 1.13-2.43)]. CONCLUSIONS: The population studied has a significant prevalence of overweight and obesity, being overweight is associated with being a woman, a high socioeconomic status, residing in an urban area, having an indigenous ethnicity, watching television for three days during the week and looking at more than two hours of television in a day; Obesity is associated with being a woman, a medium-high and high socioeconomic status, residing in an urban area, Afro-Colombian ethnicity, watching television at least once in the last week and watching television every day during the last week.

Índice de Masa Corporal , Obesidad Infantil/epidemiología , Juego e Implementos de Juego , Televisión , Población Urbana , Adolescente , Colombia/epidemiología , Estudios Transversales , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Prevalencia , Factores Sexuales , Clase Social
Nutr Hosp ; 36(1): 87-95, 2019 Mar 07.
Artículo en Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30836760


INTRODUCTION: Objective: iron deficiency anemia is associated with adverse results for health and it is highly prevalent worldwide. The current study evaluated the prevalence and the sociodemographic factors associated with iron deficiency anemia in a sample of Colombian pregnant women. Materials and methods: the secondary analysis for the obtained information at the National Nutrition Survey (ENSIN) 2010 of Colombia in a probabilistic sample of 1,385 pregnant women between 13 and 49 years old. Hemoglobin concentration, ferritin plasmatic levels, sociodemographic levels and factors (age, escolarity, socioeconomic level, geographic area, region, ethnic group, tobacco habits), and body mass index according on the weeks of gestation were determined. There were made normality tests, measure comparisons, and association between logistic regression models. Results: the prevalence of Iron deficiency anemia (hemoglobin < 11 g/dL and ferritin < 12 µg/L) was 11.0% (CI95% = 9.7-12.6). The highest prevalence was found in pregnant women without any escolarity (19.4%; CI95% = 8.0-33.3), women in a socioeconomic level I (12.7%; CI95% = 10.3-14.9), that live in the Atlantic or Pacific regions (16.0%; CI95% = 12.0-20.4 and 12.7%; CI95% = 8,3-17,1 respectively), and Afro-Colombian women (18.6%; IC95% = 12.1-23.9). Iron deficiency anemia was associated with living in the Atlantic region OR 7.21 (CI95% 1.71-30.33), Oriental OR 4.50 (CI95% 1.01-20.04), Pacific OR 5.51 (CI95% 1.27-23.88), national territory OR 4.37 (CI95% 1.03-18.57) and belonging to an Afro-Colombian ethnic group OR 2.19 (CI95% 1.40-3.42). Conclusions: the studied population presents a high prevalence of iron deficiency anemia and it is associated with the residency region and ethnic group.

INTRODUCCIÓN: Objetivo: la anemia ferropénica se asocia con resultados adversos para la salud y es altamente prevalente a nivel mundial. El presente estudio evaluó prevalencia y factores sociodemográficos asociados con anemia ferropénica en una muestra de mujeres embarazadas colombianas. Materiales y métodos: análisis secundario de la información obtenida en la Encuesta Nacional de la Situación Nutricional (ENSIN) 2010 de Colombia, en una muestra probabilística de 1.385 mujeres gestantes entre 13 y 49 años. Se determinaron concentración de hemoglobina, niveles plasmáticos de ferritina, niveles y factores sociodemográficos (edad, escolaridad, nivel socioeconómico, área geográfica, región, grupo étnico, hábito tabáquico) e índice de masa corporal según semanas de gestación. Se realizaron pruebas de normalidad, comparación de medias y asociaciones mediante modelos de regresión logística. Resultados: la prevalencia global de anemia ferropénica (hemoglobina < 11 g/dL y ferritina < 12 µg/L) fue de 11,0% (IC95% = 9,7-12,6). Las prevalencias más altas se encontraron en mujeres sin ningún grado de escolaridad (19,4%; IC95% = 8,0-33,3), mujeres del nivel I socioeconómico (12,7%; IC95% = 10,3-14,9) que habitan en la región atlántica o pacífica (16,0%; IC95% = 12,0-20,4 y 12,7%; IC95% = 8,3-17,1, respectivamente) y mujeres afrocolombianas (18,6%; IC95% = 12,1-23,9). Se asoció anemia ferropénica con vivir en la región atlántica OR 7,21 (IC95% 1,71-30,33), oriental OR 4,50 (IC95% 1,01-20,04), pacífica OR 5,51 (IC95% 1,27-23,88), territorios nacionales OR 4,37 (IC95% 1,03-18,57) y pertenecer a etnia afrocolombiana OR 2,19 (IC95% 1,40-3,42). Conclusiones: la población estudiada presenta una alta prevalencia de anemia ferropénica y está asociada con la región de residencia y grupo étnico.

Anemia Ferropénica/epidemiología , Complicaciones del Embarazo/epidemiología , Adolescente , Adulto , Población Negra , Índice de Masa Corporal , Colombia/epidemiología , Estudios Transversales , Etnicidad , Femenino , Humanos , Persona de Mediana Edad , Embarazo , Mujeres Embarazadas , Prevalencia , Factores Socioeconómicos , Adulto Joven
Nutr. hosp ; 36(1): 87-95, ene.-feb. 2019. tab
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-183193


Objetivo: la anemia ferropénica se asocia con resultados adversos para la salud y es altamente prevalente a nivel mundial. El presente estudio evaluó prevalencia y factores sociodemográfi cos asociados con anemia ferropénica en una muestra de mujeres embarazadas colombianas. Materiales y métodos: análisis secundario de la información obtenida en la Encuesta Nacional de la Situación Nutricional (ENSIN) 2010 de Colombia, en una muestra probabilística de 1.385 mujeres gestantes entre 13 y 49 años. Se determinaron concentración de hemoglobina, niveles plasmáticos de ferritina, niveles y factores sociodemográficos (edad, escolaridad, nivel socioeconómico, área geográfica, región, grupo étnico, hábito tabáquico) e índice de masa corporal según semanas de gestación. Se realizaron pruebas de normalidad, comparación de medias y asociaciones mediante modelos de regresión logística. Resultados: la prevalencia global de anemia ferropénica (hemoglobina < 11 g/dL y ferritina < 12 μg/L) fue de 11,0% (IC95% = 9,7-12,6). Las prevalencias más altas se encontraron en mujeres sin ningún grado de escolaridad (19,4%; IC95% = 8,0-33,3), mujeres del nivel I socioeconómico (12,7%; IC95% = 10,3-14,9) que habitan en la región atlántica o pacífi ca (16,0%; IC95% = 12,0-20,4 y 12,7%; IC95% = 8,3-17,1, respectivamente) y mujeres afrocolombianas (18,6%; IC95% = 12,1-23,9). Se asoció anemia ferropénica con vivir en la región atlántica OR 7,21 (IC95% 1,71-30,33), oriental OR 4,50 (IC95% 1,01-20,04), pacífi ca OR 5,51 (IC95% 1,27-23,88), territorios nacionales OR 4,37 (IC95% 1,03-18,57) y pertenecer a etnia afrocolombiana OR 2,19 (IC95% 1,40-3,42). Conclusiones: la población estudiada presenta una alta prevalencia de anemia ferropénica y está asociada con la región de residencia y grupo étnico

Objective: iron defi ciency anemia is associated with adverse results for health and it is highly prevalent worldwide. The current study evaluated the prevalence and the sociodemographic factors associated with iron defi ciency anemia in a sample of Colombian pregnant women. Materials and methods: the secondary analysis for the obtained information at the National Nutrition Survey (ENSIN) 2010 of Colombia in a probabilistic sample of 1,385 pregnant women between 13 and 49 years old. Hemoglobin concentration, ferritin plasmatic levels, sociodemographic levels and factors (age, escolarity, socioeconomic level, geographic area, region, ethnic group, tobacco habits), and body mass index according on the weeks of gestation were determined. There were made normality tests, measure comparisons, and association between logistic regression models. Results: the prevalence of Iron defi ciency anemia (hemoglobin < 11 g/dL and ferritin < 12 μg/L) was 11.0% (CI95% = 9.7-12.6). The highest prevalence was found in pregnant women without any escolarity (19.4%; CI95% = 8.0-33.3), women in a socioeconomic level I (12.7%; CI95% = 10.3-14.9), that live in the Atlantic or Pacifi c regions (16.0%; CI95% = 12.0-20.4 and 12.7%; CI95% = 8,3-17,1 respectively), and Afro-Colombian women (18.6%; IC95% = 12.1-23.9). Iron deficiency anemia was associated with living in the Atlantic region OR 7.21 (CI95% 1.71-30.33), Oriental OR 4.50 (CI95% 1.01-20.04), Pacifi c OR 5.51 (CI95% 1.27-23.88), national territory OR 4.37 (CI95% 1.03-18.57) and belonging to an Afro-Colombian ethnic group OR 2.19 (CI95% 1.40-3.42). Conclusions: the studied population presents a high prevalence of iron defi ciency anemia and it is associated with the residency region and ethnic group

Humanos , Femenino , Embarazo , Adolescente , Adulto Joven , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Anemia Ferropénica/epidemiología , Complicaciones del Embarazo/epidemiología , Población Negra , Índice de Masa Corporal , Colombia/epidemiología , Estudios Transversales , Prevalencia , Factores Socioeconómicos
Investig. andin. (En línea) ; 21(38): 93-112, 2019. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1562924


Introducción: la obesidad y el sedentarismo son dos de los problemas de salud pública que organismos como la OMS viene afrontando con políticas y programas para impactar la reducción de su prevalencia. Los Centros de Desarrollo Infantil son una de las modalidades a través de la cual el gobierno nacional promueve el desarrollo integral de la primera infancia y en donde temas como actividad física, sedentarismo, sobrepeso y obesidad empiezan a ser problematizados. Se desconocen los niveles de actividad física en estos Centros en dicha franja poblacional. Métodos: Mediante metodología mixta concurrente (cuantitativa-cualitativa), el presente proyecto se desarrolló como un estudio observacional descriptivo de corte transversal, de carácter multicéntrico. La población observada fueron 324 niños y niñas entre 1.5 y 5 años de edad, distribuidos en los grupos sala-cuna, párvulos, pre-jardín y jardín, pertenecientes a los CDI de Tokio, San José y Otún. Se realizó registro de las observaciones en un formato de diario de campo el cual contempló el tiempo de duración de las actividades observadas, así como las características de las mismas en las áreas pedagógicas, de tránsito, y recreativa. Para el análisis cualitativo se empleó la metodología del análisis de contenido, y para el cuantitativo el registro, sumatoria y análisis de los tiempos de actividad física. Resultados: las actividades de bajo gasto energético representaron 445.5min observados en el CDI Tokio, 447.9min en el CDI San José y 451.3 en el CDI Otún, mientras las actividades de alto gasto energético (correr y desarrollar juegos activos en el patio) fueron de 34.5min en el CDI Tokio, 32.1min en San José y 28.8 en Otún. El CDI Tokio mostró el mayor tiempo de exposición en el área de recreación (160min) así como el mayor tiempo de pantalla (243min), comparado con los del CDI Otún (63min para cada ítem, respectivamente). Conclusión: Los mayores tiempos de permanencia de los niños en los CDI ocurren en el área pedagógica, realizan más actividades que implican bajo gasto energético, y los tiempos empleados para realizar actividades vigorosas están por debajo de las recomendaciones mundiales para esta población.

Introduction: obesity and sedentary lifestyles are two of the public health problems that organizations such as the WHO have been addressing with policies and programs to reduce their prevalence. Child Development Centers are one of the modalities through which the national government promotes the integral development of early childhood and where issues such as physical activity, sedentary lifestyles, overweight and obesity are beginning to be problematized. The levels of physical activity in these centers in this population group are unknown. Methods: By means of a mixed concurrent methodology (quantitative-qualitative), the present project was developed as a descriptive observational study of cross-sectional, multicenter nature. The observed population consisted of 324 children between 1.5 and 5 years of age, distributed in nursery, kindergarten, pre-kindergarten and kindergarten groups, belonging to the CDI of Tokio, San José and Otún. Observations were recorded in a field diary format which included the duration of the activities observed, as well as their characteristics in the pedagogical, transit and recreational areas. For the qualitative analysis, the content analysis methodology was used, and for the quantitative analysis, the recording, summation and analysis of the physical activity times.

Introdução: A obesidade e o sedentarismo são dois dos problemas de saúde pública que organizações como a OMS têm vindo a combater com políticas e programas para reduzir a sua prevalência. Os Centros de Desenvolvimento Infantil são uma das modalidades através das quais o governo nacional promove o desenvolvimento integral da primeira infância e onde questões como a atividade física, o sedentarismo, o excesso de peso e a obesidade começam a ser problematizadas. Os níveis de atividade física nestes centros, neste grupo populacional, são desconhecidos. Métodos: Utilizando uma metodologia mista concorrente (quantitativa-qualitativa), o presente projeto foi desenvolvido como um estudo observacional descritivo de natureza transversal e multicêntrica. A população observada foi constituída por 324 crianças entre 1,5 e 5 anos de idade, distribuídas em grupos de berçário, creche, pré-escola e jardim de infância, pertencentes aos CDI de Tóquio, São José e Otún. As observações foram registadas em formato de diário de campo onde constava a duração das actividades observadas, bem como as suas características nas áreas pedagógica, de trânsito e recreativa. Para a análise qualitativa, utilizou-se a metodologia de análise de conteúdo e, para a análise quantitativa, o registo, a soma e a análise dos tempos de atividade física.
