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Pain Rep ; 8(4): e1078, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37342519


Objectives: To assess the readability, credibility, and accuracy of online information on chronic pain in Australia, Mexico, and Nepal. Methods: We assessed Google-based websites and government health websites about chronic pain for readability (using the Flesch Kincaid Readability Ease tool), credibility (using the Journal of American Medical Association [JAMA] benchmark criteria and Health on the Net Code [HONcode]), and accuracy (using 3 core concepts of pain science education: (1) pain does not mean my body is damaged; (2) thoughts, emotions, and experiences affect pain; and (3) I can retrain my overactive pain system). Results: We assessed 71 Google-based websites and 15 government websites. There were no significant between-country differences in chronic pain information retrieved through Google for readability, credibility, or accuracy. Based on readability scores, the websites were "fairly difficult to read," suitable for ages 15 to 17 years or grades 10 to 12 years. For credibility, less than 30% of all websites met the full JAMA criteria, and more than 60% were not HONcode certified. For accuracy, all 3 core concepts were present in less than 30% of websites. Moreover, we found that the Australian government websites have low readability but are credible, and the majority provided all 3 core concepts in pain science education. A single Mexican government website had low readability without any core concepts but was credible. Conclusion: The readability, credibility, and accuracy of online information on chronic pain should be improved internationally to support facilitating better management of chronic pain.

Front Vet Sci ; 10: 1090222, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37228842


Rabies is a neglected disease that affects all mammals. To determine the appropriate sanitary measures, the schedule of preventive medicine campaigns requires the proper identification of the variants of the virus circulating in the outbreaks, the species involved, and the interspecific and intraspecific virus movements. Urban rabies has been eradicated in developed countries and is being eradicated in some developing countries. In Europe and North America, oral vaccination programs for wildlife have been successful, whereas in Latin America, Asia, and Africa, rabies remains a public health problem due to the habitation of a wide variety of wild animal species that can act as rabies virus reservoirs in their environment. After obtaining recognition from the WHO/PAHO as the first country to eliminate human rabies transmitted by dogs, Mexico faces a new challenge: the control of rabies transmitted by wildlife to humans and domestic animals. In recent years, rabies outbreaks in the white-nosed coati (Nasua narica) have been detected, and it is suspected that the species plays a significant role in maintaining the wild cycle of rabies in the southeast of Mexico. In this study, we discussed cases of rabies in white-nosed coatis that were diagnosed at InDRE (in English: Institute of Epidemiological Diagnosis and Reference; in Spanish: Instituto de Diagnostico y Referencia Epidemiologicos) from 1993 to 2022. This study aimed to determine whether white-nosed coatis might be an emergent rabies reservoir in the country. A total of 13 samples were registered in the database from the Rabies laboratories of Estado de Mexico (n = 1), Jalisco (n = 1), Quintana Roo (n = 5), Sonora (n = 1), and Yucatan (n = 5). Samples from 1993 to 2002 from Estado de Mexico, Jalisco, and Sonora were not characterized because we no longer had any samples available. Nine samples were antigenically and genetically characterized. To date, coatis have not been considered important vectors of the rabies virus. The results from our research indicate that the surveillance of the rabies virus in coatis should be relevant to prevent human cases transmitted by this species.

Interacciones ; 9ene. 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448476


Background: Insomnia is the sleep disorder with the highest incidence worldwide. It is estimated that this condition increases the risk of developing psychiatric, neurological, and cardiovascular problems. Due to this, it is important to have brief, reliable and valid psychometric instruments that allow health personnel their timely detection in first level health centers. Objectives: Analyze the psychometric properties of the Insomnia Severity Index (ISI) in its version adapted to Spanish in a sample of Mexican adults. Methods: The sample consisted of 310 adults, 223 (71.9%) women and 87 (28.1%) men. The comparison of four ISI measurement models of one, two and three factors and a bifactor model was carried out, its internal consistency was analyzed, an analysis of invariance by sex and correlation analysis with the Athens and Epworth scales. Results: The ISI bifactor model with a general factor (G) and a specific factor for insomnia impact (I) showed the best fit indices (χ2= 29.48,gl= 11, SRMR= 0.03, CFI= 0.98, TLI= 0.96, RMSEA= 0.07), and demonstrated configural, metric, and scalar invariance by sex. Adequate reliability was demonstrated by Omega coefficients (General: ω G = 0.86, Impact: ω I = 0.86) showed adequate reliability; the scale showed very strong correlations with the Athens scale (rAGoverall= 0.84; rAImpact=0.75) and weak to moderate correlations with the Epworth scale (r EGeneral = 0.39;r EImpact= 0.44). Conclusions: The ISI bifactor version in Spanish presents adequate psychometric properties for the measurement of insomnia and, as it is a brief tool, it can be used at different levels of health care.

Introducción: El insomnio es el trastorno de sueño de mayor incidencia a nivel mundial. Se estima que este padecimiento eleva el riesgo de desarrollar problemas psiquiátricos, neurológicos y cardiovasculares. Debido a ello es importante tener instrumentos psicométricos breves, confiables y válidos que permitan al personal de salud su oportuna detección en los centros de salud de primer nivel. Objetivo: Analizar las propiedades psicométricas del Índice de Severidad de Insomnio (ISI) en su versión adaptada al español en una muestra de adultos mexicanos. Método: Participaron 310 adultos, 223 (71.9%) mujeres y 87 (28.1%) hombres. Se realizó la comparación de cuatro modelos de medida del ISI de uno, dos y tres factores y un modelo bifactor, se analizó su consistencia interna, un análisis de invarianza por sexo y análisis de correlación con las escalas de Atenas y de Epworth. Resultados: Se encontró que el modelo ISI bifactor con un factor general (G) y uno específico de Impacto del insomnio (I) fue el que mostró los mejores índices de ajuste (χ2=29.48,gl= 11, SRMR= 0.03, CFI= 0.98, TLI= 0.96, RMSEA= 0.07), y que presenta invarianza configuracional, métrica y escalar por sexo. El coeficiente Omega (General: ω G =0.86, Impacto: ω I =0.86 ) mostraron una confiabilidad adecuada; la escala mostró correlaciones muy fuertes con la escala Atenas (r AGeneral =0.84; rAImpacto=0.75) y débiles a moderadas con la escala Epworth (r EGeneral =0.39; rEImpacto=0.44). Conclusiones: La versión ISI bifactor en español presenta adecuadas propiedades psicométricas para la medición del insomnio y al ser una herramienta breve puede emplearse en diferentes niveles de atención a la salud.

Interacciones ; 9: e311, ene. 2023.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1517807


Background: Insomnia is the sleep disorder with the highest incidence worldwide. It is estimated that this condition increases the risk of developing psychiatric, neurological, and cardiovascular problems. Due to this, it is important to have brief, reliable and valid psychometric instruments that allow health personnel their timely detection in first level health centers. Objectives: Analyze the psychometric properties of the Insomnia Severity Index (ISI) in its version adapted to Spanish in a sample of Mexican adults. Methods: The sample consisted of 310 adults, 223 (71.9%) women and 87 (28.1%) men. The comparison of four ISI measurement models of one, two and three factors and a bifactor model was carried out, its internal consistency was analyzed, an analysis of invariance by sex and correlation analysis with the Athens and Epworth scales. Results: The ISI bifactor model with a general factor (G) and a specific factor for insomnia impact (I) showed the best fit indices (χ2= 29.48, gl = 11, SRMR= 0.03, CFI= 0.98, TLI= 0.96, RMSEA= 0.07), and demonstrated configural, metric, and scalar invariance by sex. Adequate reliability was demonstrated by Omega coefficients (General: ωG= 0.86, Impact: ωI= 0.86) showed adequate reliability; the scale showed very strong correlations with the Athens scale (rAGoverall= 0.84; rAImpact=0.75) and weak to moderate correlations with the Epworth scale (rEGeneral= 0.39; rEImpact=0.44). Conclusions: The ISI bifactor version in Spanish presents adequate psychometric properties for the measurement of insomnia and, as it is a brief tool, it can be used at different levels of health care.

Introducción: El insomnio es el trastorno de sueño de mayor incidencia a nivel mundial. Se estima que este padecimiento eleva el riesgo de desarrollar problemas psiquiátricos, neurológicos y cardiovasculares. Debido a ello es importante tener instrumentos psicométricos breves, confiables y válidos que permitan al personal de salud su oportuna detección en los centros de salud de primer nivel. Objetivo: Analizar las propiedades psicométricas del Índice de Severidad de Insomnio (ISI) en su versión adaptada al español en una muestra de adultos mexicanos. Método: Participaron 310 adultos, 223 (71.9%) mujeres y 87 (28.1%) hombres. Se realizó la comparación de cuatro modelos de medida del ISI de uno, dos y tres factores y un modelo bifactor, se analizó su consistencia interna, un análisis de invarianza por sexo y análisis de correlación con las escalas de Atenas y de Epworth. Resultados: Se encontró que el modelo ISI bifactor con un factor general (G) y uno específico de Impacto del insomnio (I) fue el que mostró los mejores índices de ajuste (χ2=29.48, gl= 11, SRMR= 0.03, CFI= 0.98, TLI= 0.96, RMSEA= 0.07), y que presenta invarianza configuracional, métrica y escalar por sexo. El coeficiente Omega (General: ωG =0.86, Impacto: ωI=0.86 ) mostraron una confiabilidad adecuada; la escala mostró correlaciones muy fuertes con la escala Atenas (rAGeneral= 0.84; rAImpacto=0.75) y débiles a moderadas con la escala Epworth (rEGeneral= 0.39; rEImpacto=0.44). Conclusiones: La versión ISI bifactor en español presenta adecuadas propiedades psicométricas para la medición del insomnio y al ser una herramienta breve puede emplearse en diferentes niveles de atención a la salud.

Interacciones ; 8: 249, Jan.-Dec 2022. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385909


ABSTRACT Background: The psychosocial effects derived from the COVID-19 pandemic have represented a challenge for the population worldwide. Stress is a frequent problem reported by women, impacting the strategies they use to deal with problems in daily life and their ability to recover from this critical phenomenon. Objective: The objective of this study was to evaluate the relationship between stress levels, knowledge about COVID -19, ways of coping, and resilience in women. Method: A non-experimental, cross-sectional, and correlational study was carried out in a group of 386 Mexican women through a format that was distributed on social networks. Results: The data suggest that the higher the level of knowledge about COVID-19, the greater the perceived stress. High stress is positively and statistically significantly related to coping style, denial (r = .245; q = .20) and cognitive-reflective analysis (r = .303; q= .21). Low levels of stress are negatively and statistically significantly associated with a weak effect size with factors like social competence (r= -.198; q= .11) and family support (r = -. 227; q = .16). Conclusion: Stress affects women considerably due to work overload and interpersonal factors. This study offers the possibility of knowing the emotional state of women in times of COVID-19.

RESUMEN Introducción: Las afectaciones psicosociales derivadas de la pandemia por COVID-19 han representado un reto para la población a nivel mundial. El estrés es uno de los problemas emocionales mayormente reportados en las mujeres, impactando en las estrategias que emplean para enfrentar los problemas de la vida cotidiana y su capacidad de recuperarse ante este fenómeno crítico. Objetivo: El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la relación entre los niveles de estrés, el conocimiento sobre la COVID -19, los estilos de afrontamiento y la resiliencia en mujeres. Método: Se realizó un estudio no experimental, transversal y correlacional en el que participaron 386 mujeres mexicanas las cuales respondieron un formato que se diseminó en redes sociales. Resultados: Los datos sugieren que a mayor nivel de conocimientos sobre la COVID-19 mayor estrés percibido. El estrés elevado se relaciona de manera positiva y estadísticamente significativa con el estilo de afrontamiento, negación (r=.245; q=.20) y análisis cognitivo-reflexivo (r=.303; q=.21). Niveles bajos de estrés se asocian de forma negativa, estadísticamente significativa y con un tamaño del efecto débil con las variables competencia social (r=-.198; q=.11) y apoyo familiar (r=-.227; q=.16). Conclusiones: El estrés afecta considerablemente a las mujeres debido a la sobrecarga de trabajo y a factores interpersonales. Este estudio ofrece la posibilidad de conocer el estado emocional de las mujeres en tiempos de la COVID-19.

Sensors (Basel) ; 21(22)2021 Nov 18.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34833725


Photovoltaic (PV) energy is a renewable energy resource which is being widely integrated in intelligent power grids, smart grids, and microgrids. To characterize and monitor the behavior of PV modules, current-voltage (I-V) curves are essential. In this regard, Internet of Things (IoT) technologies provide versatile and powerful tools, constituting a modern trend in the design of sensing and data acquisition systems for I-V curve tracing. This paper presents a novel I-V curve tracer based on IoT open-source hardware and software. Namely, a Raspberry Pi microcomputer composes the hardware level, whilst the applied software comprises mariaDB, Python, and Grafana. All the tasks required for curve tracing are automated: load sweep, data acquisition, data storage, communications, and real-time visualization. Modern and legacy communication protocols are handled for seamless data exchange with a programmable logic controller and a programmable load. The development of the system is expounded, and experimental results are reported to prove the suitability and validity of the proposal. In particular, I-V curve tracing of a monocrystalline PV generator under real operating conditions is successfully conducted.

Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1506434


Introducción: Desde el registro de los primeros casos de COVID-19 en México, se han derivado una serie de respuestas emocionales caracterizadas por miedo y estrés. Dicho impacto emocional se debe en gran medida a la inundación de información paralela a las fases de la pandemia y la transición entre ellas y la percepción que los individuos tienen de la enfermedad. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue comparar la percepción del COVID-19 entre la fase 1 y 2 de la pandemia y entre los medios de información usados para informarse en población mexicana. Métodos: Considerando un muestreo en cadena, se realizó un estudio comparativo en el que se diseminó por medio de correo electrónico y redes sociales una batería de evaluación que respondieron 1560 participantes. Resultados: La preocupación por las consecuencias del COVID-19 y su impacto emocional incrementaron al pasar de la fase 1 a la fase 2 de la pandemia. Además, se identificó que el impacto emocional fue mayor en quienes se informaron a través de Facebook® y televisión. Conclusiones: La pandemia tendrá un impacto emocional progresivo en medida en que avancen sus fases y en la importancia de informarse en medios adecuados para prevenir consecuencias emocionales.

Background: Since the first COVID-19 cases in Mexico there have been a variety of emotional responses which have in common fear and stress. The emotional impact of COVID-19 is builded in some way because the information flooding parallel to the pandemic phases, the transition between them and illness perception. The aim of the present work was to compare the perception of COVID-19 between phase 1 and 2 of the pandemic and between the information media used to inform themselves in the Mexican population. Methods: Considering a chain sampling, a comparative study was carried out in which an evaluation battery was disseminated through email and social networks, which was answered by 1560 participants. Results The concern about the consequences of COVID-19 and its emotional impact increased when going from phase 1 to phase 2 of the pandemic. In addition, it was identified that the emotional impact was greater in those who reported through Facebook® and television. Conclusions: The pandemic will have a progressive emotional impact as its phases progress and the importance of informing oneself in adequate means to prevent emotional consequences.

Psicooncología (Pozuelo de Alarcón) ; 17(2): 387-400, jul.-dic. 2020. tab
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-199122


INTRODUCCIÓN: El cáncer suele provocar desafíos para quien lo padece, genera un decremento en la calidad de vida y alteraciones emocionales como la depresión. La experiencia de vivir con cáncer contribuye a la pérdida de rutinas diarias, favoreciendo el aislamiento y comportamientos de evitación. OBJETIVO: Conocer la eficacia de una intervención basada en el protocolo revisado de la Terapia de Activación Conductual Breve para la Depresión (BATD- R por sus siglas en inglés) sobre los síntomas de depresión y calidad de vida relacionada a la salud (CVRS) en mujeres con cáncer de mama. MÉTODO: Participaron seis mujeres en etapa de remisión del cáncer de mama con un rango de edad de 31 a 75 años (M=50,50 DT=15,7) de tres hospitales de tercer nivel de la Ciudad de México. La intervención estuvo constituida por seis sesiones semanales de una hora. El procedimiento incluyó: psicoeducación y presentación del tratamiento, selección de actividades considerando áreas de vida y valores, selección de actividades-metas, establecimiento de duración/frecuencia de las actividades elegidas y monitoreo semanal. Con el uso del análisis funcional de la conducta se determinó el empleo de otras técnicas complementarias. RESULTADOS: Las seis pacientes presentaron una disminución clínicamente significativa según las puntuaciones del BDI-II (RCIJT= 2,55-4,58). Las pacientes dos, cuatro y cinco fueron quienes presentaron mejores resultados en la CVRS y un cambio clínico significativo (RCIJT= -2,01 a -5,44). CONCLUSIONES: El protocolo BATD-R derivado del modelo de Activación Conductual, resulta ser una herramienta muy útil, flexible y fácil de utilizar en contextos hospitalarios

INTRODUCTION: Cancer often causes challenges for those who suffer it, leading to a decrease in overall quality of life and emotional disturbances such as depression. The experience of living with cancer contributes to the loss of daily routines, fostering isolation and avoidance behaviors. OBJECTIVE: To determine the efficacy of an intervention based on the revised protocol of Brief Behavioral Activation Therapy for Depression (BATD-R) on symptoms of depression and health-related quality of life (HRQL) in women with breast cancer. METHOD: Six women in remission stage of breast cancer with an age range of 31 to 75 years (M = 50,50; SD= 15,7) from three tertiary referral hospitals in Mexico City participated. The intervention consisted of six weekly sessions of one hour. The procedure included: psychoeducation and presentation of treatment, selection of activities considering areas of life and values, selection of activities-goals, establishment of duration / frequency of the chosen activities and weekly monitoring. With the use of functional behavior analysis, the use of other complementary techniques was determined. RESULTS: The six patients presented a clinically significant decrease according to the BDI-II scores (RCIJT = 2.55-4.58). Patients two, four and five were those who presented better results in HRQL and a significant clinical change (RCIJT = -2.01 to -5.44). CONCLUSIONS: The BATD-R protocol derived from the Behavioral Activation model, turns out to be a very useful, flexible and easy to use tool in hospital settings

Humanos , Femenino , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Anciano , Neoplasias de la Mama/psicología , Terapia Cognitivo-Conductual , Calidad de Vida/psicología , Depresión/psicología
Salud ment ; 43(6): 285-292, Nov.-Dec. 2020. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1156875


Abstract Introduction The prevention of COVID-19 infections involves the implementation of behaviors to reduce risk and protect health. However, engaging in these behaviors depends on the perception of the threat posed by the illness. Previous research shows the importance of illness perception in the case of communicable and non-communicable diseases, showing that they can change depending on the severity and risk attributed to them. Objective Compare the illness perception and the practice of preventive and exposure behavior based on the severity and the risk attributed to COVID-19 at the end of phase 1 and the beginning of phase 2 of the pandemic in Mexico. Method By means of a chain sampling, a comparative study was conducted in which an evaluation battery was disseminated through e-mail and social networks. Results It was found that evaluating COVID-19 as a serious disease and perceiving oneself as being at risk of contracting it had small and moderate effects on the perception of the consequences of the illness (r = .34; r = .26), emotional impact (r = .32; r = .25), personal control (r = .24) and engagement in preventive (r = .05), and exposure behaviors (r = .07; r = .07). Discussion and conclusion This article shows the relevance of the perceptual variables that impact concern due to the social and emotional consequences of COVID-19, as well as those that encourage preventive behaviors and the minimization of exposure behavior.

Resumen Introducción Si bien la prevención de contagios de COVID-19 supone la implementación de comportamientos para reducir el riesgo y proteger la salud, la práctica de estas conductas está en función de la percepción que se tenga sobre la amenaza de la enfermedad. Investigaciones previas evidencian la importancia de la percepción de enfermedad cuando se trata de padecimientos transmisibles y no transmisibles, señalando que ésta puede modificarse en función de la gravedad y el riesgo atribuido. Objetivo Comparar la percepción de enfermedad y la práctica de conductas de prevención y exposición con base en la gravedad y el riesgo atribuidos al COVID-19 al término de la fase 1 e inicio de la fase 2 de la pandemia en México. Método A partir de un muestreo en cadena, se realizó un estudio comparativo en el que se diseminó una batería de evaluación por medio de correo electrónico y redes sociales. Resultados Se encontró que evaluar el COVID-19 como una enfermedad grave y percibirse en riesgo de contraerla tiene efectos moderados y leves, respectivamente, sobre la percepción de las consecuencias de la enfermedad (r = .34; r = .26), el impacto emocional (r = .32; r = .25), el control personal (r = .24) y la práctica de conductas de prevención (r = .05) y exposición (r = .07; r = .07). Discusión y conclusión El presente estudio muestra la relevancia de las variables perceptuales que impactan en la preocupación por consecuencias sociales y emocionales del COVID-19, así como de aquellas que favorecen las conductas de prevención y la minimización de conducta de exposición.

Rev. mex. trastor. aliment ; 10(3): 321-331, ene.-jun. 2020. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1377025


Abstract Pica behaviors (PB) are defined as the persistent intake of non-food substances, this behavior that has been identified in patients with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD), mainly associated with metabolic alterations derived from the disease. The aim of this work was to perform a systematic review for the identification and description of empirical studies on PB in patients with CKD. Four studies were described based on the PRISMA recommendations, which focused on the evaluation of the prevalence of PB and their relationship with sociodemographic, nutritional, metabolic and quality of life variables, evaluating by means of self-report 668 patients, of whom 164 (24.5%) met criteria for PB. It was identified that the PB were more present in women (69%) and in Afroamericans (65-86%) and in contrast to what is reported a clinical context did not differ statistically in the biological and clinical variables. It is concluded that if PB are presented in a quarter of the population studied, is necessary to have a definition of homogeneous that were defined differently and the forms of evaluation. Finally, reference is made to the lack of inclusion of psychological variables and behavioral type analysis, since, as discussed, PB are a clearly analyzable pattern in behavioral terms.

Resumen Las conductas de pica (CP) se definen como la ingesta persistente de sustancias no alimenticias, forma de comportamiento que se ha identificado en pacientes con enfermedad renal crónica (ERC), asociadas principalmente con alteraciones metabólicas derivadas de la enfermedad. El objetivo de este trabajo fue realizar una revisión narrativa de los estudios empíricos existentes sobre CP en pacientes con ERC. Con base en las recomendaciones PRISMA se describieron cuatro estudios, centrados en evaluar la prevalencia de las CP y su relación con variables sociodemográficas, nutricionales, metabólicas y de calidad de vida, evaluando por medio de herramientas de autoreporte a un total de 668 pacientes, de los cuales 164 (24.5%) cumplieron criterios para CP. Éstas se presentaron más en mujeres (69%) y en afroamericanos (65-86%), y al contrario de lo reportado a nivel clínico, no se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en las variables biológicas y clínicas. Se concluye que, si bien las CP se presentan en una cuarta parte de la población estudiada, es necesario contar con una definición homogénea, ya que en cada estudio se definieron de manera diferente y, por ende, las formas de evaluación variaron. Finalmente, se hace referencia a la falta de inclusión de variables psicológicas y análisis de tipo conductual, pese a que las CP constituyen un patrón claramente analizable en términos conductuales.

Sensors (Basel) ; 17(10)2017 Oct 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29019943


The so-called Jar Test (JT) plays a vital role in the drinking water and wastewater treatments for establishing the dosage of flocculants and coagulant. This test is a well-proved laboratory instrumental procedure performed by trained personnel. In this work, a completely novel system for the automation and monitoring of a JT devoted to drinking water treatment is presented. It has been implemented using an industrial programmable controller and sensors and instruments specifically selected for this purpose. Once the parameters of the test have been entered, the stages that compose the JT (stirring, coagulant addition, etc.) are sequentially performed without human intervention. Moreover, all the involved measurements from sensors are collected and made accessible for continuous monitoring of the process. By means of the proposed system, the JT procedure is conducted fully automatically and can be locally and remotely monitored in real-time. Furthermore, the developed system constitutes a portable laboratory that offers advantageous features like scalability and transportability. The proposed system is described focusing on hardware and instrumentation aspects, and successful results are reported.

Sensors (Basel) ; 17(7)2017 Jun 27.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28654002


The interconnection between sensors, controllers and instruments through a communication network plays a vital role in the performance and effectiveness of a control system. Since its inception in the 90s, the Object Linking and Embedding for Process Control (OPC) protocol has provided open connectivity for monitoring and automation systems. It has been widely used in several environments such as industrial facilities, building and energy automation, engineering education and many others. This paper presents a novel OPC-based architecture to implement automation systems devoted to R&D and educational activities. The proposal is a novel conceptual framework, structured into four functional layers where the diverse components are categorized aiming to foster the systematic design and implementation of automation systems involving OPC communication. Due to the benefits of OPC, the proposed architecture provides features like open connectivity, reliability, scalability, and flexibility. Furthermore, four successful experimental applications of such an architecture, developed at the University of Extremadura (UEX), are reported. These cases are a proof of concept of the ability of this architecture to support interoperability for different domains. Namely, the automation of energy systems like a smart microgrid and photobioreactor facilities, the implementation of a network-accessible industrial laboratory and the development of an educational hardware-in-the-loop platform are described. All cases include a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) to automate and control the plant behavior, which exchanges operative data (measurements and signals) with a multiplicity of sensors, instruments and supervisory systems under the structure of the novel OPC architecture. Finally, the main conclusions and open research directions are highlighted.

Sensors (Basel) ; 17(1)2017 Jan 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28067801


There are several specific solutions for accessing sensors and actuators present in any process or system through a TCP/IP network, either local or a wide area type like the Internet. The usage of sensors and actuators of different nature and diverse interfaces (SPI, I2C, analogue, etc.) makes access to them from a network in a homogeneous and secure way more complex. A framework, including both software and hardware resources, is necessary to simplify and unify networked access to these devices. In this paper, a set of open-source software tools, specifically designed to cover the different issues concerning the access to sensors and actuators, and two proposed low-cost hardware architectures to operate with the abovementioned software tools are presented. They allow integrated and easy access to local or remote sensors and actuators. The software tools, integrated in the free authoring tool Easy Java and Javascript Simulations (EJS) solve the interaction issues between the subsystem that integrates sensors and actuators into the network, called convergence subsystem in this paper, and the Human Machine Interface (HMI)-this one designed using the intuitive graphical system of EJS-located on the user's computer. The proposed hardware architectures and software tools are described and experimental implementations with the proposed tools are presented.

Sensors (Basel) ; 16(11)2016 Oct 31.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27809229


In this paper the design and implementation of a network for integrating Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC), the Object-Linking and Embedding for Process Control protocol (OPC) and the open-source Easy Java Simulations (EJS) package is presented. A LabVIEW interface and the Java-Internet-LabVIEW (JIL) server complete the scheme for data exchange. This configuration allows the user to remotely interact with the PLC. Such integration can be considered a novelty in scientific literature for remote control and sensor data acquisition of industrial plants. An experimental application devoted to remote laboratories is developed to demonstrate the feasibility and benefits of the proposed approach. The experiment to be conducted is the parameterization and supervision of a fuzzy controller of a DC servomotor. The graphical user interface has been developed with EJS and the fuzzy control is carried out by our own PLC. In fact, the distinctive features of the proposed novel network application are the integration of the OPC protocol to share information with the PLC and the application under control. The user can perform the tuning of the controller parameters online and observe in real time the effect on the servomotor behavior. The target group is engineering remote users, specifically in control- and automation-related tasks. The proposed architecture system is described and experimental results are presented.

Sensors (Basel) ; 16(3)2016 Mar 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27005630


In this work a new, scalable and low cost multi-channel monitoring system for Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells (PEFCs) has been designed, constructed and experimentally validated. This developed monitoring system performs non-intrusive voltage measurement of each individual cell of a PEFC stack and it is scalable, in the sense that it is capable to carry out measurements in stacks from 1 to 120 cells (from watts to kilowatts). The developed system comprises two main subsystems: hardware devoted to data acquisition (DAQ) and software devoted to real-time monitoring. The DAQ subsystem is based on the low-cost open-source platform Arduino and the real-time monitoring subsystem has been developed using the high-level graphical language NI LabVIEW. Such integration can be considered a novelty in scientific literature for PEFC monitoring systems. An original amplifying and multiplexing board has been designed to increase the Arduino input port availability. Data storage and real-time monitoring have been performed with an easy-to-use interface. Graphical and numerical visualization allows a continuous tracking of cell voltage. Scalability, flexibility, easy-to-use, versatility and low cost are the main features of the proposed approach. The system is described and experimental results are presented. These results demonstrate its suitability to monitor the voltage in a PEFC at cell level.

Psicooncología (Pozuelo de Alarcón) ; 10(1): 163-168, jun. 2013.
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-113534


El objetivo de este trabajo fue conocer las creencias y emociones de pacientes hospitalizados en el Servicio de Oncología del Hospital Juárez de México y así diseñar un programa de intervención psicológica fundamentado en la terapia de activación conductual. Se utilizaron redes semánticas naturales modificadas (ReyesLagunes, 1993), las cuales partieron de un concepto central (nodo), del cual se producen palabras definidoras con valor semántico por su importancia para los pacientes. Participaron 25 pacientes hospitalizados, 19 mujeres y 6 hombres en tratamiento oncológico los cuales fueron entrevistados de junio a septiembre del 2011. Los datos se analizaron con el programa Microsoft Office Excel versión 2007 para posteriormente desarrollar una propuesta de intervención psicológica basada en la activación conductual para el control de pensamientos intrusivos, ansiedad y depresión. Los resultados demostraron que la inactividad y estancias hospitalarias largas favorecen la presencia de estados de ánimo negativos. Por lo que se propone la implementación de programas de activación conductual ya que suponen una fuente de reforzamiento natural que favorece un incremento de las actividades y un cambio significativo en el humor, evitando así la presencia sostenida de la ansiedad y depresión aún fuera del contexto hospitalario (AU)

The aim of this study was to determine the beliefs and emotions of hospitalized patients in the Oncology Service of the Hospital Juárez of Mexico and to design a program of psychological intervention based on behavioral activation therapy. We used modified natural semantic networks (Reyes-Lagunes, 1993), which started from a central concept (node), which are produced specific words with semantic value for its importance to patients. Participants were 25 inpatients, 19 women and 6 men in treatment for cancer were interviewed between June and September of 2011. Data were analyzed using Microsoft Office Excel version 2007 to further develop a proposed psychological intervention based on behavioral activation to control intrusive thoughts, anxiety and depression. The results showed that inactivity and long hospital stays favor the presence of negative moods. So we propose the implementation of behavioral activation programs as a source of natural reinforcement that favors an increase in activities and a significant change in mood, avoiding the continued presence of anxiety and depression even outside the hospital (AU)

Humanos , Neoplasias/psicología , Terapia Cognitivo-Conductual/métodos , Depresión/terapia , Ansiedad/terapia , Diferencial Semántico , Emoción Expresada
Psicooncología (Pozuelo de Alarcón) ; 10(1): 177-184, jun. 2013.
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-113536


Existen diferentes procedimientos quirúrgicos a los que se enfrentan los pacientes con cáncer, uno de ellos es la colocación del catéter puerto para la administración de quimioterapia. Durante dicho procedimiento el paciente puede presentar niveles elevados de ansiedad, por lo que es necesario utilizar estrategias psicológicas que ayuden al paciente al manejo de la misma. El propósito de este trabajo fue evaluar el efecto de una intervención cognitivo-conductual (psicoeducación y relajación pasiva) ante la colocación del catéter puerto en mujeres con cáncer de mama. Participaron nueve mujeres candidatas a la colocación del catéter puerto, con una media de edad de 55 años. Se midió el grado de ansiedad percibido antes y después del procedimiento utilizando una escala-numérica-ansiedad 0-10. Además se evaluaron signos y síntomas de ansiedad con dos listas checables. Se utilizaron estadísticos descriptivos para los datos demográficos y la prueba de los signos para evaluar la significancia de los cambios en el grado y síntomas de ansiedad. En seis de las nueve participantes se observó un decremento en el grado y síntomas de ansiedad percibidos, la intervención resultó útil para el manejo de ansiedad durante este procedimiento quirúrgico, sin embargo, se concluye que es necesario poner a prueba otro tipo de diseño (AU)

Different surgical procedures facing cancer patients, one of them being the placement of the port a cath for the administration of chemotherapy. During this procedure the patient may have high levels of anxiety, so it is necessary to use psychological strategies that help the patient to manage it.The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of a cognitive behavioral intervention (psychoeducation and passive relaxation) before placing the port a cath in women with breast cancer. Involving nine women candidates for placement of port a cath, with a mean age of 55 years. We measured the degree of perceived anxiety before and after the procedure using a numerical-anxiety scale (0-10). Also evaluated signs and symptoms of anxiety with two check lists. Descriptive statistics were used for demographic data and sign test to assess the significance of changes in the level and anxiety symptoms. In six of the nine patients showed a decrease in the degree of anxiety and perceived symptoms, the intervention was useful for the management of anxiety during this surgical procedure, however, concluded that it is necessary to test other design (AU)

Humanos , Femenino , Neoplasias de la Mama/psicología , Cateterismo/psicología , Ansiedad/psicología , Psicoterapia/métodos , Evaluación de Resultados de Intervenciones Terapéuticas
J Clin Microbiol ; 44(5): 1697-710, 2006 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16672396


Bat rabies and its transmission to humans and other species in Mexico were investigated. Eighty-nine samples obtained from rabid livestock, cats, dogs, and humans in Mexico were studied by antigenic typing and partial sequence analysis. Samples were further compared with enzootic rabies associated with different species of bats in the Americas. Patterns of nucleotide variation allowed the definition of at least 20 monophyletic clusters associated with 9 or more different bat species. Several lineages associated with distinctive antigenic patterns were found in rabies viruses related to rabies in vampire bats in Mexico. Vampire bat rabies virus lineages associated with antigenic variant 3 are widely spread from Mexico to South America, suggesting these lineages as the most likely ancestors of vampire bat rabies and the ones that have been moved by vampire bat populations throughout the Americas. Rabies viruses related to Lasiurus cinereus, Histiotus montanus, and some other not yet identified species of the genus Lasiurus were found circulating in Mexico. Long-range dissemination patterns of rabies are not necessarily associated with migratory bat species, as in the case of rabies in Desmodus rotundus and Histiotus montanus. Human rabies was associated with vampire bat transmission in most cases, and in one case, rabies transmission from free-tailed bats was inferred. The occurrence of rabies spillover from bats to domestic animals was also demonstrated. Genetic typing of rabies viruses allowed us to distinguish trends of disease dissemination and to address, in a preliminary fashion, aspects of the complex evolution of rabies viruses in different host-reservoir species.

Quirópteros/virología , Virus de la Rabia/genética , Secuencia de Aminoácidos , Animales , Animales Domésticos/virología , Antígenos Virales , Gatos , Reservorios de Enfermedades/veterinaria , Reservorios de Enfermedades/virología , Perros , Genes Virales , Variación Genética , Humanos , México , Datos de Secuencia Molecular , Proteínas de la Nucleocápside/genética , Proteínas de la Nucleocápside/inmunología , Filogenia , Rabia/transmisión , Rabia/veterinaria , Rabia/virología , Virus de la Rabia/clasificación , Virus de la Rabia/inmunología , Virus de la Rabia/aislamiento & purificación , Homología de Secuencia de Aminoácido , América del Sur , Especificidad de la Especie
Rev. Inst. Nac. Enfermedades Respir ; 6(3): 125-7, jul.-sept. 1993. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-134869


La ciudad de México está localizada a una gran altitud sobre el nivel del mar (2240 m), es una de las metrópolis más contaminadas del mundo, y dado que la presión barométrica afecta la concentración de oxígeno en la sangre, asumimos que esto se podría ver reflejado en los niveles séricos de eritropoyetina. Para establecer circulante de determinó en 100 sujetos sanos, 52 hombres y 48 mujeres, utilizando un ensayo inmunoenzimático. El valor promedio obtenido fue de 18.67 ñ 7.6 mU/mL, que resulta similar al reportado previamente en ciudades al nivel del mar (18.0 ñ 5.8 mU/mL). El hábito de fumar no modifica en forma significativa las concentraciones séricas de eritropoyetina (21.03 ñ 10 mU/mL). No encontramos correlación entre los valores de hematocrito y las concentraciones séricas de eritropoyetina. Estos hallazgos sugieren la existencia de otro u otros factores que pudieran tener un papel en la regulación de la cantidad de eritrocitos circulantes

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Eritropoyetina/inmunología , Inmunidad , Tabaquismo/inmunología , México , Tabaquismo/diagnóstico , Tabaquismo/metabolismo