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Sci Rep ; 13(1): 18484, 2023 10 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37898669


A new clown beetle species, Bacanius neoponerae, is described from Mexican nests of the arboreal ponerine ant Neoponera villosa found in the tank bromeliad Aechmea bracteata. Adult beetles were found in brood chambers or inner refuse piles, but also outside the ant nests, in decaying organic matter between the bromeliad leaves. No direct interactions between ants and microhisterid beetles could be observed. Several lines of evidence suggest a close relationship either with the ants, specific microhabitats within the ant nests or the bromeliads. Sample site elevation, colony size, monthly rainfall and collecting site were the main variables predicting the association. Almost half of the N. villosa colonies were associated with the microhisterids, and larger colonies favored their presence, especially during the driest months of the year. Two specimens were found in a nest of another ant species, Camponotus atriceps, also inhabiting A. bracteata. The new species is the seventh of the genus Bacanius reported from Mexico. This is the second time a species of this genus is associated with ants, and the fourth record of a histerid beetle cohabiting with ponerine ants. The small size of these beetles and their very protective body structure may facilitate their cohabitation with such aggressive hosts.

Hormigas , Animales , Árboles , Hojas de la Planta , México
Zootaxa ; 4083(2): 151-200, 2016 Feb 19.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27394225


Clown beetles belonging to the genus Saprinus Erichson, 1834 from Madagascar and adjacent islands are reviewed. The Malagasy fauna of Saprinus consists of seven species: Saprinus (Saprinus) erichsonii Marseul, 1855; Saprinus (Saprinus) fulgidicollis Marseul, 1855; Saprinus (Saprinus) basalis Fairmaire, 1898; Saprinus (Saprinus) cupreus Erichson, 1834; Saprinus (Saprinus) chalcites (Illiger, 1807); Saprinus (Saprinus) splendens (Paykull, 1811); one species S. (Saprinus) labordei sp. nov., is described as new. Saprinus erichsonii Marseul, 1855 is transferred from the subgenus Phaonius Reichardt, 1941 into the nominotypical subgenus based on the morphological evidence. Lectotypes of the following species are designated: Saprinus erichsonii Marseul, 1855; Saprinus basalis Fairmaire, 1898 and Saprinus fulgidicollis Marseul, 1855. Saprinus (Saprinus) cupreus Erichson, 1834 is newly reported from Madagascar and Saprinus (Saprinus) basalis Fairmaire, 1898 is newly reported from the following countries: Congo, Gambia, Central African Republic, Namibia, Zimbabwe and Republic of South Africa.

Escarabajos/anatomía & histología , Escarabajos/clasificación , Distribución Animal , Estructuras Animales/anatomía & histología , Estructuras Animales/crecimiento & desarrollo , Animales , Tamaño Corporal , Escarabajos/crecimiento & desarrollo , Femenino , Islas , Madagascar , Masculino , Tamaño de los Órganos
Zookeys ; (427): 109-25, 2014.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25147466


Sarandibrinus araceliae, a new genus and species of the Saprininae subfamily is described from southern Madagascar. The new taxon exhibits autapomorphic characters for the Saprininae subfamily and is unusual especially for its large and deep prosternal foveae and the shape of spiculum gastrale. The description is accompanied by color habitus images, SEM micrographs, mouthparts and antenna line drawings and drawings of the male genitalia. Key to the genera of the Saprininae of Madagascar and the adjacent archipelagos is given. Hypocaccus (Baeckmanniolus) rubiciliae (Lewis, 1899) is newly reported from Madagascar and Hypocaccus (Nessus) perparvulus (Desbordes, 1916) is new to Mauritius.

RésuméSarandibrinus araceliae, nouvelle espèce d'un genre nouveau de la sous-famille des Saprininae, est décrite du sud de Madagascar. Le nouveau taxon présente des caractères autapomorphiques pour les Saprininae spécialement par la présence de grandes fovéoles prosternales et par la forme de son spiculum gastrale. La description est accompagnée de photographies d'habitus en couleurs, de micro-photographies au microscope à balayage (SEM) et de dessins des antennes, des pièces buccales et des genitalia. Une clé des genres de Saprininae de Madagascar et des archipels voisins est donnée. Hypocaccus (Baeckmanniolus) rubiciliae (Lewis, 1899) est signalé comme nouveau pour Madagascar et Hypocaccus (Nessus) perparvulus (Desbordes, 1916), comme nouveau pour l'île Maurice.

Zookeys ; (333): 55-76, 2013.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24146560


Based on the results of recent phylogenetic analysis of the higher taxa of the Saprininae as well as external morphological characters, especially the presence of deep and large prosternal foveae, and the shape and position of the sensory organs of the antennal club, the species Saprinus (s.str.) caeruleatus Lewis, 1905 is excluded from the genus Saprinus and a new genus Malagasyprinus, exclusive to Madagascar, is established for it. The new genus shows mainly characters that are apomorphic for the subfamily and contains another two, highly similar allopatric species Malagasyprinus perrieri sp. n., and Malagasyprinus diana sp. n., described herein. The three species are best separated from each other by the structure of the prosternum and male terminalia, especially the shape of the aedeagus. We re-describe Malagasyprinus caeruleatus comb. n. and provide Malagasyprinus perrieri and Malagasyprinus diana with brief differential diagnoses. All taxon descriptions are accompanied with color habitat photographs, SEM micrographs and drawings of their male genitalia. A key to the species of Malagasyprinus is given. Sensory structures of the antenna of Malagasyprinus caeruleatus comb. n. are likewise depicted herein. The systematic position of the newly erected genus is discussed. A lectotype of Saprinus caeruleatus Lewis, 1905 is designated.

RésuméSe référant aux résultats des récentes analyses phylogénétiques portant sur les taxa supérieurs des Saprininae ainsi que sur des caractères morphologiques externes comme les larges et profondes fovéoles prosternales et les forme et position des organes sensoriels des massues antennaires, l'espèce Saprinus (s.str.) caeruleatus Lewis, 1905 est exclue du genre Saprinus et un nouveau genre Malagasyprinus, endémique de Madagascar, est établi pour le recevoir. Le nouveau genre présente principalement des caractères apomorphes pour les Saprininae, et contient aussi deux autres espèces allopatriques et similaires Malagasyprinus perrierisp. n. et Malagasyprinus dianasp. n. décrites ici. Les trois espèces sont bien séparées les unes des autres par la structure de leurs prosternums et par leurs genitalia mâles, spécialement la forme des édéages. Nous re-décrivons Malagasyprinus caeruleatuscomb. n. et donnons de courtes diagnoses différentielles de Malagasyprinus perrieri et Malagasyprinus diana. Toutes les descriptions sont accompagnées des photographies d'habitus en couleurs, de photographies au microscope à balayage (MEB) et de dessins des genitalia mâles. Un tableau des espèces de Malagasyprinus est donné. Les structures sensorielles antennaires de Malagasyprinus caeruleatus sont également représentées. La position systématique du nouveau genre est discutée. Le lectotype de Saprinus caeruleatus Lewis, 1905 est désigné.