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Nano Lett ; 20(5): 3492-3498, 2020 May 13.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32302152


Speculations regarding electronic and photonic properties of strained germanium (Ge) have perpetually put it into contention for next-generation devices since the start of the information age. Here, the electromechanical coupling of <111> Ge nanowires (NWs) is reported from unstrained conditions to the ultimate tensile strength. Under tensile strain, the conductivity of the NW is enhanced exponentially, reaching an enhancement factor of ∼130 at ∼3.5% of strain. Under strains larger than ∼2.5%, the electrical properties of Ge also exhibit a dependence on the electric field. The conductivity can be further enhanced by ∼2.2× with a high bias condition at ∼3.5% of strain. Cyclic loading tests confirm that the observed electromechanical responses are repeatable, reversible, and related to the changing electronic band structure. These tests reveal the excellent prospects for utilizing strained Ge NWs in photodetector or piezoelectronic transistor applications, but significant challenges remain to realize strict direct band gap devices.

Light Sci Appl ; 7: 17161, 2018.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30839549


We report the extraordinary result of rapid fibre Bragg grating inscription in doped polymer optical fibres based on polymethyl methacrylate in only 7 ms, which is two orders of magnitude faster than the inscription times previously reported. This was achieved using a new dopant material, diphenyl disulphide, which was found to enable a fast, positive refractive index change using a low ultraviolet dose. These changes were investigated and found to arise from photodissociation of the diphenyl disulphide molecule and subsequent molecular reorganization. We demonstrate that gratings inscribed in these fibres can exhibit at least a 15 times higher sensitivity than silica glass fibre, despite their quick inscription times. As a demonstration of the sensitivity, we selected a highly stringent situation, namely, the monitoring of a human heartbeat and respiratory functions. These findings could permit the inscription of fibre Bragg gratings during the fibre drawing process for mass production, allowing cost-effective, single-use, in vivo sensors among other potential uses.

J Polym Sci B Polym Phys ; 54(2): 216-224, 2016 Jan 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27594763


Electron microscopy has been used to study the degradation of organic solar cells when exposed to humid air. Devices with various different combinations of commonly used organic solar cell hole transport layers and cathode materials have been investigated. In this way the ingress of water and the effect it has on devices could be studied. It was found that calcium and aluminum in the cathode both react with water, causing voids and delamination within the device. The use of poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) polystyrene sulfonate (PEDOT:PSS) was found to increase the degradation by easing water ingress into the device. Replacing these materials removed these degradation features. © 2015 The Authors. Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J. Polym. Sci., Part B: Polym. Phys. 2016, 54, 216-224.

Nat Commun ; 6: 6928, 2015 Apr 24.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25906738


The resolution capability of the scanning electron microscope has increased immensely in recent years, and is now within the sub-nanometre range, at least for inorganic materials. An equivalent advance has not yet been achieved for imaging the morphologies of nanostructured organic materials, such as organic photovoltaic blends. Here we show that energy-selective secondary electron detection can be used to obtain high-contrast, material-specific images of an organic photovoltaic blend. We also find that we can differentiate mixed phases from pure material phases in our data. The lateral resolution demonstrated is twice that previously reported from secondary electron imaging. Our results suggest that our energy-filtered scanning electron microscopy approach will be able to make major inroads into the understanding of complex, nano-structured organic materials.