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Tob Prev Cessat ; 4: 15, 2018.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32411843


INTRODUCTION: Tobacco control efforts have been advancing globally, including the adoption and entry into force of the World Health Organization (WHO) Framework Convention of Tobacco Control (FCTC), as well as the adoption of the European Union EU Tobacco Products Directive. With the present review, the European Network for Smoking and Tobacco Prevention (ENSP) and European Respiratory Society (ERS) aim to provide a comprehensive overview on the status of WHO FCTC implementation, policy achievements and priority areas across countries in the WHO Europe Region. METHODS: The review was conducted through a triangulation of data extracted from a survey administered to ENSP members, the WHO FCTC Implementation Database, Tobacco Control Laws and the Tobacco Control Scale 2016. RESULTS: Using the WHO MPOWER measures as a framework, we report on the implementation status of nine FCTC articles across 47 countries in the WHO Europe Region. The average number of articles fully implemented was 3.58. FCTC articles least fully implemented were: Article 5.3 on Tobacco Industry Interference (25.5%, n=12), Article 20 on Research (34.0%, n=16), and Article 15 on Illicit trade (40.4%, n=19). The most commonly fully implemented articles were: Article 8 on Smoke-free legislation (63.8%, n=30), Article 16 on Underage sales (57.4%, n=27), and Article 6 on Price and tax measures (51.2%, n=24). Policy achievements and recommended priority areas for future national tobacco control activities varied greatly among countries. CONCLUSIONS: Findings highlight the multitude of successes in tobacco control efforts across the region in recent years, but point out the need to address gaps in FCTC implementation.