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Cuad Bioet ; 32(105): 251-267, 2021.
Artículo en Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34543053


The Spanish Congress of Deputies has approved the law regulating euthanasia. Precisely, the article deals at the statements made by its defenders. These revolve around the following concepts: dignity, right, freedom and, finally, pain-suffering. Human dignity is the individual and social principle par excellence and from which the other three are derived. For this reason, by defending the dignity that the human being possesses, simply, by the fact of being it, it is against said Law. Human dignity is not destroyed by terminal illness, or by dependency, suffering, weakness or frailty. Each human life has value in itself, which must be safeguarded and which makes it non-negotiable in all situations and conditions. That the non-negotiable value of life sustains any democratic system. However, the supposed right to euthanasia is typical of an individualistic and reductionist vision of the human being and his life; and of a freedom detached both from the goodness or badness of the choice and action carried out, and from the responsibility towards the lives of others. Faced with offering euthanasia, as the only solution to the suffering of people in the last stage of their life, quality palliative care should be proposed. These are the only ethical option, consistent with respect for human dignity. Respecting, valuing, caring for, and attending to vulnerable and fragile human life means progress in humanity.

Eutanasia , Libertad , Humanos , Principios Morales , Cuidados Paliativos
Cuad. bioét ; 32(105): 251-267, May-Agos. 2021.
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-221694


El Congreso de los Diputados español ha aprobado la ley de regulación de la eutanasia. Precisamente,este artículo trata sobre las declaraciones más importantes realizadas por los defensores de la misma. Estasgiran en torno a los siguientes conceptos: dignidad, derecho, libertad, y dolor-sufrimiento. La dignidadhumana es el principio individual y social por excelencia, y del que se derivan los otros tres. Por esta razón,por defender la dignidad, que el ser humano posee por el hecho de serlo, se está en contra de esta nuevaLey. La dignidad humana no es destruida por la enfermedad terminal, ni por la dependencia, ni el sufri-miento, ni la debilidad o la fragilidad. Cada vida humana tiene valor en sí misma, que se debe respetar yque la hace innegociable en toda situación y condición. El valor innegociable de la vida sustenta cualquiersistema democrático. Sin embargo, el supuesto derecho a la eutanasia es propio de una visión individualis-ta y reduccionista del ser humano y de su vida; y de una libertad desvinculada tanto de la bondad o maldadde la elección y acción realizadas, como de la responsabilidad hacia la vida de los demás. Frente a ofrecerla eutanasia, como única solución al dolor y al sufrimiento de las personas en la última etapa de su vida,deben proponerse unos cuidados paliativos de calidad. Estos son la única opción ética acorde con el respetoa la dignidad humana. Respetar, valorar, cuidar, y atender a la vida humana vulnerable y frágil suponenprogresar en humanidad.(AU)

The Spanish Congress of Deputies has approved the law regulating euthanasia. Precisely, the articledeals at the statements made by its defenders. These revolve around the following concepts: dignity, right,freedom and, finally, pain-suffering. Human dignity is the individual and social principle par excellence andfrom which the other three are derived. For this reason, by defending the dignity that the human beingpossesses, simply, by the fact of being it, it is against said Law. Human dignity is not destroyed by terminalillness, or by dependency, suffering, weakness or frailty. Each human life has value in itself, which must besafeguarded and which makes it non-negotiable in all situations and conditions. That the non-negotiablevalue of life sustains any democratic system. However, the supposed right to euthanasia is typical of an in-dividualistic and reductionist vision of the human being and his life; and of a freedom detached both from the goodness or badness of the choice and action carried out, and from the responsibility towards the livesof others. Faced with offering euthanasia, as the only solution to the suffering of people in the last stageof their life, quality palliative care should be proposed. These are the only ethical option, consistent withrespect for human dignity. Respecting, valuing, caring for, and attending to vulnerable and fragile humanlife means progress in humanity.(AU)

Humanos , Eutanasia/ética , Eutanasia/legislación & jurisprudencia , Respeto , Derechos del Paciente , Autonomía Personal , Bioética , Ética , Ética Médica , España
Cuad Bioet ; 30(98): 23-34, 2019.
Artículo en Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30742451


This article analyzes the issue of euthanasia, but under a concrete point of view, that of its social implications. It is defended here that euthanasia is not exclusively an individual decision, but has, above all, an important social repercussion. If euthanasia were accepted and legalized, the very nature of the medicine and the physician's own identity would undergo a profound transformation. The doctor-patient relationship based on trust would be broken. Also, if euthanasia were endorsed, it would be encouraged that the human being was not valued for his / her being, but for his capacity to produce. Now, vulnerable, fragile and weak people (dependent, old, sick ...) keep their dignity intact, because we have this because of the simple fact of being born as human beings. All human lives are worth living, however sick and deteriorated their bodies are. To admit the opposite is to enter a spiral where the dignity of the human being would become an object of weighting with respect to another value, which, in a hypothetical conflict could be postponed by another. However, Palliative Care takes into account the social dimension of the end of life of the human being. They take care of the sick human being in its entirety. That is why they are the option most in line with the dignity of the human being at the end of his life.

Eutanasia , Eutanasia/legislación & jurisprudencia , Humanos , Cuidados Paliativos , Factores Sociológicos , España
Pers. bioet ; 21(2): 233-242, jul.-dic. 2017.
Artículo en Español | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermería, COLNAL | ID: biblio-955258


Resumen El ser humano tiene límites físicos y psicológicos… pero también éticos, que hacen que sus acciones sean precisamente humanas. Estos límites éticos posibilitan cualquier debate y la investigación, en concreto, con seres humanos. De ahí que toda investigación sin estos límites sería inviable. Se habla de límites éticos no en el sentido de impedimento, sino todo lo contrario, de posibilidad para la acción; solo se puede hablar de límites éticos si se afirma una verdad válida para todos y para todos los tiempos, independientemente de uno mismo. Asistimos a un verdadero progreso siempre que se realice una investigación en beneficio del ser humano. Así es, solamente se puede hablar de progreso si se entiende este en un crecer en humanidad.

Abstract Human beings have physical and psychological limits, but also ethical, which are precisely what make their actions human. These ethical limits enable any debate and investigation, in particular, with human beings. Therefore, any investigation would be unfeasible without those limits. We talk about ethical limits, not in the sense of impediment but in the sense of possibility for action; you can only speak of ethical limits if you affirm a truth that is valid for everyone and for all times, regardless of oneself. We are witnessing a true progress as long as a research is carried out for the benefit of human beings. That's right; you can only speak of progress if it is understood in a growth in humanity.

Resumo O ser humano tem limites físicos e psicológicos, mas também éticos - o que faz com que suas ações sejam precisamente humanas. Esses limites éticos possibilitam qualquer debate e pesquisa, concretamente, com seres humanos. Assim, toda pesquisa sem esses limites seria inviável. Fala-se de limites éticos não no sentido de impedimento, mas ao contrário, como uma possibilidade para a ação. Somente se pode falar em limites éticos se afirmarmos uma verdade válida para todos e para todos os tempos, independentemente da individualidade. Assistimos a um verdadeiro progresso sempre que uma pesquisa é realizada em benefício do ser humano. Dessa forma, só se pode falar em progresso se o entendermos como um crescer em humanidade.

Humanos , Comunicación Persuasiva , Ciencia , Humanos , Vida , Investigación Biomédica
Cuad Bioet ; 28(92): 83-97, 2017.
Artículo en Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28342436


Death is constitutive of human nature and therefore it must happen naturally. But there are mainly two ways that falsify it: euthanasia and therapeutic obstinacy. Two wrong choices that do not accept the human reality of death (the first, anticipates death and the second, delays it). From the philosophical and ethical point of view, both options are rejected, because they are against human dignity at the end of life. Aside from these, this article also rejects the different names which are given to refer to euthanasia, that also go against human nature at the end of life. On the other hand, do not confuse euthanasia with sedation. Both have a common goal to prevent the patient from feeling pain and suffering. To achieve this goal, both options administer ″drugs″ to the patient. But in the administration of drugs in euthanasia involves ending patient's life. The administration of drugs in sedation aims for the patient's death to occur naturally. Finally, we briefly discuss the basic care necessary in these situations. The absence of basic care cannot become a covert euthanasia. The patient must die from his/her illness, never from a lack of care. All human actions (euthanasia, sedation, therapeutic obstinacy and basic care) should be an expression and manifestation of what human dignity demands. Such dignity is expressed in the actions performed by human beings.

Enfermedad Crítica , Eutanasia/ética , Inutilidad Médica/ética , Personeidad , Cuidado Terminal/ética , Actitud Frente a la Muerte , Femenino , Humanos , Principios Morales , Terminología como Asunto
Pers. bioet ; 18(2): 119-137, jul.-dic. 2014.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-735028


El trabajo aborda el Anteproyecto español de Ley del aborto que aprobó el gobierno del Partido Popular a finales de diciembre de 2013. El Anteproyecto aprobado ha abierto un debate en la sociedad española que, según algunos, estaba cerrado. En efecto, para algunos este Anteproyecto de Ley Orgánica no es necesario, porque se acepta sin discusión la ley de plazos y, además, suprime el derecho de la mujer a decidir sobre su embarazo; para otros, en cambio, sí que es necesario, ya que el ser humano no nacido no queda protegido jurídicamente en la ley vigente. Sin embargo, en mi opinión, este Anteproyecto tampoco protege suficientemente al ser humano discapacitado.

The paper addresses the Preliminary draft of the Spanish Constitutional Law on Abortion passed by the PP Government by the end of December 2013. The approved preliminary draft has opened a debate within the Spanish society which, according to some, was closed. Indeed, for some, this draft of the Constitutional Law is not necessary because the deadline law had been accepted and not disputed, and, in addition, it suppresses the right women have to decide on their pregnancy; for others, however, it is indeed necessary, as the unborn human being is not legally protected in the current law. Nevertheless, it is my opinion that this Preliminary draft does not sufficiently protect the disabled human being.

Este trabalho aborda o Anteprojeto espanhol de Lei do aborto que o governo do Partido Popular aprovou no final de dezembro de 2013. O Anteprojeto aprovado abriu um debate na sociedade espanhola que, segundo alguns, estava encerrado. De fato, para alguns, esse Anteprojeto de Lei Orgânica não é necessário, porque se aceita sem discussão a lei de prazos e, além disso, suprime o direito da mulher de decidir sobre sua gravidez. Para outros, em compensação, é necessário, já que o ser humano não nascido não está protegido juridicamente na lei vigente. Contudo, em minha opinião, esse Anteprojeto também não protege suficientemente o ser humano deficiente.

Humanos , Ley Orgánica , Mujeres Embarazadas , Aborto , Gobierno , Jurisprudencia
Cuad Bioet ; 22(75): 201-14, 2011.
Artículo en Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22040135


The paper undertakes the determination of parentage and users of assisted reproduction techniques in comparative law, particularly in three European Union countries: Italy, France and Spain. The idea of artificially conceived child protection, present in the Italian provision, is substituted, partially in French law, and totally in Spanish law, by an exclusively individualistic outlook, configuring a true ″right to maternity″ for married women and for those not living with a male partner (single women, divorced or widowed) or with a female partner (lesbians), and for women inseminated artificially by the semen of the husband before or after their death, and for women already having culminated their fertile life.

Técnicas Reproductivas Asistidas , Francia , Humanos , Italia , Padres , Técnicas Reproductivas Asistidas/legislación & jurisprudencia , España
Pers. bioet ; 13(2): 152-165, dic. 2009.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-544047


El artículo examina, desde un punto de vista científico, jurídico y ético, el Proyecto de Ley aprobado por el Gobierno español para la reforma de la ley del aborto.La nueva Ley garantizaría abortar hasta las primeras catorce semanas de gestación. De esta manera, el aborto pasaría de la consideración del delito a derecho de la mujer a acabar con la vida de su hijo. Sin embargo, atendiendo a la doctrina constitucional y a la sentencia del Tribunal Constitucional 53/1985, el derecho de la mujer no puede tener primacía absoluta sobre la vida del nasciturus, dado que dicha prevalencia supone la desaparición de un bien no sólo constitucionalmente protegido, sino que encarna un valor central del ordenamiento constitucional.El trabajo también se detiene en la consideración del aborto como un drama no sólo para la mujer, sino también para el no nacido, el padre y la sociedad. Urge, ante el aumento progresivo de abortos en España, una legislación que en lugar de despenalizar y favorecer el aborto, proteja al ser humano desde el inicio de su vida y a la madre gestante. Por tanto, apremia impulsar una legislación que presente a la mujer embarazada alternativas al aborto y unos poderes públicos que garanticen la protección de la mujer que decide no abortar, poniendo a su disposición cuantos medios sean necesarios. Esa legislación sí haría justicia con el no nacido y su madre. Sólo así el aborto dejaría de ser una decisión de la mujer en el mayor de los aislamientos para convertirse en una elección informada, formada y libre. De lo contrario, no promover alternativas reales al aborto es abocar a la mujer embarazada y a su pareja a la tragedia del aborto.Este artículo se desarrolla desde un estudio descriptivo e interdisciplinar de las claves científicas, jurídicas y éticas que concurren en este tema.

Reproducción , Sexualidad , España
Cuad Bioet ; 20(69): 155-81, 2009.
Artículo en Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19507920


This article examines the Laws on Human Assisted Reproduction and Biomedical Research in Spain. The Laws permit the use of human ovules, embryos and fetuses. Close to the technical and ethical problems that carry the research on embryonic stem cells, the detection of induced reprogramming of adult cells to an embryonic stage (iPS) opens up new perspectives in regenerative medicine. It makes unnecessary the use of frozen embryos or produced by nuclear transfer. These reasons would involve a review of the Spanish Legislation in this matter, in order that the human life is an ethical barrier and a fundamental to actual biomedical research.

Investigaciones con Embriones/legislación & jurisprudencia , Técnicas Reproductivas Asistidas/legislación & jurisprudencia , Adulto , Células Madre Adultas/citología , Comienzo de la Vida Humana/ética , Blastocisto , Clonación de Organismos/ética , Clonación de Organismos/legislación & jurisprudencia , Criopreservación , Técnicas de Cultivo de Embriones/ética , Investigaciones con Embriones/ética , Eugenesia/legislación & jurisprudencia , Femenino , Humanos , Legislación como Asunto/tendencias , Embarazo , Reducción de Embarazo Multifetal/ética , Reducción de Embarazo Multifetal/legislación & jurisprudencia , Técnicas Reproductivas Asistidas/ética , España , Valor de la Vida