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Insects ; 14(6)2023 Jun 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37367356


A Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. lactis strain named A4, isolated from the gut of an Armenian honeybee, was subjected to a probiogenomic characterization because of its unusual origin. A whole-genome sequencing was performed, and the bioinformatic analysis of its genome revealed a reduction in the genome size and the number of the genes-a process typical for the adaptation to endosymbiotic conditions. Further analysis of the genome revealed that Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. lactis strain named A4 could play the role of a probiotic endosymbiont because of the presence of intact genetic sequences determining antioxidant properties, exopolysaccharides synthesis, adhesion properties, and biofilm formation, as well as an antagonistic activity against some pathogens which is not due to pH or bacteriocins production. Additionally, the genomic analysis revealed significant potential for stress tolerance, such as extreme pH, osmotic stress, and high temperature. To our knowledge, this is the first report of a potentially endosymbiotic Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. lactis strain adapted to and playing beneficial roles for its host.

J Fungi (Basel) ; 7(10)2021 Oct 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34682266


Information about the fungal composition of bee bread, and the fermentation processes to which the fungi contribute significantly, is rather scarce or fragmentary. In this study, we performed an NGS-based metagenomics snapshot picture study of the fungal composition of bee bread in four locations in Bulgaria during the most active honeybee foraging period at the end of June 2020. The sampling locations were chosen to differ significantly in climatic conditions, landscape, and anthropogenic pressure, and the Illumina 2 × 250 paired-end reads platform was used for amplicon metagenomics study of the ITS2 region. We found that some of the already reported canonical beneficial core fungal species were present within the studied samples. However, some fungal genera such as Monilinia, Sclerotinia, Golovinomyces, Toxicocladosporium, Pseudopithomyces, Podosphaera and Septoriella were reported for the first time among the dominant genera for a honeybee related product. Anthropogenic pressure negatively influences the fungal composition of the bee bread in two different ways-urban/industrial pressure affects the presence of pathogenic species, while agricultural pressure is reflected in a decrease of the ratio of the beneficial fungi.