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Astron Astrophys ; 6472021 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34257461


CONTEXT: For all the amides detected in the interstellar medium (ISM), the corresponding nitriles or isonitriles have also been detected in the ISM, some of which have relatively high abundances. Among the abundant nitriles for which the corresponding amide has not yet been detected is cyanoacetylene (HCCCN), whose amide counterpart is propiolamide (HCCC(O)NH2). AIMS: With the aim of supporting searches for this amide in the ISM, we provide a complete rotational study of propiolamide from 6 GHz to 440 GHz. METHODS: Time-domain Fourier transform microwave (FTMW) spectroscopy under supersonic expansion conditions between 6 GHz and 18 GHz was used to accurately measure and analyze ground-state rotational transitions with resolved hyperfine structure arising from nuclear quadrupole coupling interactions of the 14N nucleus. We combined this technique with the frequency-domain room-temperature millimeter wave and submillimeter wave spectroscopies from 75 GHz to 440 GHz in order to record and assign the rotational spectra in the ground state and in the low-lying excited vibrational states. We used the ReMoCA spectral line survey performed with the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array toward the star-forming region Sgr B2(N) to search for propiolamide. RESULTS: We identified and measured more than 5500 distinct frequency lines of propiolamide in the laboratory. These lines were fitted using an effective semi-rigid rotor Hamiltonian with nuclear quadrupole coupling interactions taken into consideration. We obtained accurate sets of spectroscopic parameters for the ground state and the three low-lying excited vibrational states. We report the nondetection of propiolamide toward the hot cores Sgr B2(N1S) and Sgr B2(N2). We find that propiolamide is at least 50 and 13 times less abundant than acetamide in Sgr B2(N1S) and Sgr B2(N2), respectively, indicating that the abundance difference between both amides is more pronounced by at least a factor of 8 and 2, respectively, than for their corresponding nitriles. CONCLUSIONS: Although propiolamide has yet to be included in astrochemical modeling networks, the observed upper limit to the ratio of propiolamide to acetamide seems consistent with the ratios of related species as determined from past simulations. The comprehensive spectroscopic data presented in this paper will aid future astronomical searches.

Astron Astrophys ; 6392020 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33154598


CONTEXT: Glycolamide is a glycine isomer and also one of the simplest derivatives of acetamide (e.g., one hydrogen atom is replaced with a hydroxyl group), which is a known interstellar molecule. AIMS: In this context, the aim of our work is to provide direct experimental frequencies of the ground vibrational state of glycolamide in the centimeter-, millimeter- and submillimeter-wavelength regions in order to enable its identification in the interstellar medium. METHODS: We employed a battery of state-of-the-art rotational spectroscopic techniques in the frequency and time domain to measure the frequencies of glycolamide. We used the spectral line survey named Exploring Molecular Complexity with ALMA (EMoCA), which was performed toward the star forming region Sgr B2(N) with ALMA to search for glycolamide in space. We also searched for glycolamide toward Sgr B2(N) with the Effelsberg radio telescope. The astronomical spectra were analyzed under the local thermodynamic equilibrium approximation. We used the gas-grain chemical kinetics model MAGICKAL to interpret the results of the astronomical observations. RESULTS: About 1500 transitions have been newly assigned up to 460 GHz to the most stable conformer, and a precise set of spectroscopic constants was determined. Spectral features of glycolamide were then searched for in the prominent hot molecular core Sgr B2(N2). We report the nondetection of glycolamide toward this source with an abundance at least six and five times lower than that of acetamide and glycolaldehyde, respectively. Our astrochemical model suggests that glycolamide may be present in this source at a level just below the upper limit, which was derived from the EMoCA survey. We could also not detect the molecule in the region's extended molecular envelope, which was probed with the Effelsberg telescope. We find an upper limit to its column density that is similar to the column densities obtained earlier for acetamide and glycolaldehyde with the Green Bank Telescope.