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Motriz (Online) ; 23(3): e101753, 2017. tab, graf, ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-895007


AIMS: The aim of this study was to verify how European countries manage the type of game variants and their frequency during different age groups of youth competition. METHODS: Data were collected from the official rules of youth football championships. To identify countries homogenous groups according to their game variants, Two Step Cluster Analysis procedure was used while a nonparametric Kruskal-Wallis test was used to compare the game variants distribution in each Cluster. In order to correlate the game variants with age groups, a Chi-Square independence test and a Spearman ordinal correlation coefficient were used. The results showed there were five clusters with significant differences in their game variants distribution (X2 kw (4) = 22.149; p<0.001; n = 30) and a significant correlation between age group and game variant (χ2(63) = 477.724; p<0.001; n = 30). Specifically, the most used game variants in each age group were the five-a-side (F5) in Under-8; the nine-a-side (F9) in Under-12; the seven-a-side (F7) in Under-9 and Under10; and the eleven-a-side (F11) in and above Under-13. CONCLUSION: These results may contribute to understand the different country perspectives about the competitive game variants of youth football within the European space and its relation with diverse learning philosophies and pathways.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Adolescente , Fútbol/normas , Deportes/normas , Europa (Continente)
Motriz rev. educ. fís. (Impr.) ; 20(3): 272-279, Jul-Sep/2014. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-724003


We aimed to describe and compare the general morphological, somatotype and training background characteristics of Iberian waterpolo players (22 Portuguese and 22 Spanish National Teams players) considering their playing positions. The International Working Group of Kinanthropometry guidelines was herein followed, and a somatochart was obtained through specific software (Somatotype, Calculation and Analysis. (c)2001 SWEAT technologies). Spanish players train more hours per week (22.8 ±9.5 vs.12.2 ±5.6), are taller (187.4 cm ±6.6 vs.180.3 cm ±5.1), heavier (89.2 kg ±11.6 vs.79.1 kg ±10.0), show higher arm span (195.7 cm ±8.5 vs.185.2 cm ±7.4) and muscle mass percentage (49.0% ± 1.8 vs.46.0% ±6.0), and tend to be more mesomorphic (5.19 ±1.27 vs.4.26 ±1.32) than the Portuguese players. Concerning field positions, Spanish center forward players train more hours per week than the Portuguese (20.2 ±9.1 vs.12.2 ±3.8) and show higher arm span (204.4 cm ±7.3 vs.184.0 cm ±6.5). Spanish goal keepers and outside players show higher muscle mass percentage (49.8% ±1.5 vs.42.2% ±5.2 and 49.4% ±1.5 vs.45.5% ±4.6, respectively) than the Portuguese players. These evidences should be taken into account for the improvement of waterpolo sport...

"Comparação de indicadores morfológicos e do tempo de treino semanal em equipes de pólo aquático de diferentes níveis competitivos." O presente estudo objetivou descrever e comparar a morfologia geral, o somatótipo e horas de treino de jogadores Ibéricos de selecções nacionais de polo aquático (22 portugueses e 22 espanhóis) e compará-los quanto às posições de jogo. Utilizou-se um software específico para o desenho da somatocarta (Somatotype, Calculation and Analysis,(c)2001 SWEAT technologies). Os jogadores espanhóis, quando comparados com os portugueses, treinam mais horas por semana (22,8 ±9,5 vs.12,2 ±5,6), são mais altos (187,4 cm ±6,6 vs.180,3 cm ±5,1), mais pesados (89,2 kg ±11,6 vs.79,1 kg ±10,0), apresentam maior envergadura (195,7 cm ±8,5 vs. 185,2 cm ±7,4), percentagem de massa muscular (49,0% ±1,8 vs. 46,0% ±6,0) e tendem a ser mais mesomorfos (5,19 ±1,27 vs. 4,26 ±1,32) do que os jogadores portugueses. Quanto às posições de jogo, os pivôs espanhóis treinam mais horas por semana (20,2 ±9,1 vs.12,2 ±3,8) e apresentam maior envergadura (204,4 cm ±7,3 vs.184,0 cm ±6,5) que os portugueses. Ainda, respectivamente, os goleiros e os jogadores laterais espanhóis apresentam percentagens mais elevadas de massa muscular (49,8% ±1,5 vs.42,2% ±5,2 e 49,4% ±1,5 vs.45,5% ±4,6) do que os portugueses. Estas evidências devem ser consideradas para a melhoria do polo aquático...

"Comparación de indicadores morfológicos y de tiempo de entrenamiento semanal en equipos de waterpolo de diferentes niveles competitivos" El objetivo del estudio fue describir y comparar la morfología general, somatotipo y horas de entrenamiento de jugadores Ibéricos de selecciones nacionales de waterpolo (22 portugueses y 22 españoles) y comparar sus diferencias entre posiciones de juego. Los parámetros evaluados fueron seleccionados en la literatura. La somatocarta fue construida con un software específico (Somatotype, Calculation and Analysis, (c)2001 SWEAT technologies). Los jugadores españoles entrenan más horas por semana (22,8 ±9,5 vs.12,2 ±5,6), tienen más altura (187,4cm ± 6,6 vs.180,3 cm ±5.1), más peso (89,2 kg ±11,6 vs.79,1 kg ±10,0), más envergadura (195,7 cm ±8,5 vs. 185,2 cm ±7,4), porcentaje de masa muscular (49,0% ±1,8 vs. 46,0% ±6,0) y tienden a presentar valores más altos de mesomorfia (5,19 ±1,27 vs. 4,26 ±1,32) que los jugadores portugueses. Con respecto a las posiciones de juego, los boyas Españoles superan los portugueses en las horas de entrenamiento semanal (20,2 ±9,1 vs.12,2 ±3,8) y presentan más envergadura (204,4 cm ±7,3 vs.184,0 cm ±6,5). Los porteros y jugadores periféricos españoles tienen más masa muscular que los jugadores portugueses (49,8% ±1,5 vs. 42,2% ±5,2 e 49,4% ±1,5 vs.45,5% ±4,6), respectivamente. Estas evidencias deberán ser consideradas para la mejora del waterpolo...

Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Rendimiento Atlético , /métodos , Deportes
Rev. bras. ciênc. mov ; 21(1): 75-89, 2013.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-733882


O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar quais comportamentos táticos diferem as equipes vencedoras das perdedoras no jogo em campo reduzido em jovens jogadores de futebol. O desempenho tático de equipes vitoriosas e derrotadas foi comparado através do Sistema de Avaliação Tática no Futebol (FUT-SAT). Três mil, oitocentos e dez ações táticas foram realizadas por 72 jogadores das categorias sub-11 (n=12), sub-13 (n=12) sub-15 (n=30) e sub-17 (n=18), de diferentes clubes portugueses. Vinte e quatro equipes foram compostas para a análise, cada equipe disputou um jogo (12 jogos analisados). Cada equipe foi composta por três jogadores de linha, mais o goleiro, não analisado no teste. A análise estatística foi realizada através do software SPSS 17.0 for Windows. Uma análise descritiva e os testes de Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Qui-quadrado, Mann-Whitney U e o T--teste para amostras independentes foram realizados, e o teste Kappa de Cohen para determinação da confiabilidade da amostra. Considerando 76 variáveis analisadas, 12 apresentaram diferenças significantes entre os jogadores das equipes vitoriosas e derrotadas... Na categoria Local da ação no campo de jogo, as equipes vencedoras apresentaram superioridade no número de Ações defensivas realizadas no meio campo defensivo. Na categoria Resultado da ação, nas variáveis Continuar sem a posse de bola, Recuperar a posse de bola e Realizar finalização ao gol as equipes vencedoras apresentaram resultados superiores, enquanto que nas variáveis Perder a posse de bola e Sofrer finalização ao gol a equipes derrotadas apresentaram maiores valores. Na Macro-categoria Performance, a superioridade dos jogadores vencedores foi demonstrada pelo melhor Índice de Performance Tática (IPT) nos princípios Penetração, Unidade Ofensiva e na Fase ofensiva do jogo. Os resultados demonstraram que os jogadores das equipes vencedoras apresentaram superioridade em ambas as fases de jogo.

The aim of study was to verify what tactical behaviors differ winner from loser teams in small sized games in youth soccer players. The tactical performance of winners and losers teams was compared through of System of Tactical Assessment in Soccer (FUT--SAT). Three thousand eight hundred and eight tactical actions were carried out by seventy-two youth soccer players from the under-11 (n=12), under-13 (n=12), under-15 (n=30) and under-17 (n=18) categories of Portuguese teams. Twenty four teams were composed to analyze, each team carried out one match (12 match analyzed). Each team was composed by three line players with goalkeeper which was not analyzed in test. The statistical analysis was performed thought the SPSS 17.0 software for Windows. A descriptive analyze and the Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Chi-square, Mann-Whitney U and T-Test tests to the independent samples was carried out, and the Cohen’s Kappa test to determining of the sample reability. Considering 76 variables analyzed, 12 presented significant differences among players of winners and loses teams. The players of the winner teams presented superiority in Macro--Category Action, in the Defensive tactical principles, Equilibrium and Defensive Unity. In the category Local of action in the Field, the winner teams presented superiority in the number of defensive actions performed in the defensive midfielder In the category Result of the action,... In the Performance Macro-Category, the superiority of the winners was showed by better Tactical Performance Index (TPI) in the Penetration principles, Offensive Unity, and in the Offensive phase of the game. The results demonstrated that the winner players presented superiority in both stages of the game.

Humanos , Masculino , Niño , Adolescente , Adolescente , Atletas , Rendimiento Atlético , Evaluación del Rendimiento de Empleados , Fútbol , Conducta del Adolescente , Equipos de Administración Institucional