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Gac Sanit ; 38: 102395, 2024 May 22.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38781777


OBJECTIVE: To construct and validate a questionnaire about the attitude of university students toward health promotion. METHOD: A cross-sectional study. A questionnaire of 14 questions was designed and administered to 1486 first-year undergraduates. The principal axes factoring method with oblique rotation was applied and a confirmatory factor analysis was carried out. Reliability was calculated through internal consistency with Cronbach's alpha and item-total correlation for the global scale and its subscales. RESULTS: A 14-item scale was constructed, with two dimensions. Its Cronbach's alpha was 0.872, and 0.852, and 0.718 for its subscales. The adjustment values of the confirmatory factor analysis were adequate. CONCLUSIONS: The attitude towards health promotion scale has shown to have adequate psychometric properties. It is an instrument that will help to detect referents and health assets for future interventions.

Cult. cuid ; 28(68): 267-280, Abr 10, 2024. tab
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-232328


Introducción: El envejecimiento poblacional ha desplegadoun nuevo y amplio campo de estudio para la ciencia sanitariaen el que la enfermería debe investigar para garantizar laautonomía en salud de las personas mayores.Objetivo: Visibilizar los Centros de Día Gerontológicos(CDG) y las actividades de los profesionales de enfermeríaen dichos centros en Huelva.Metodología: Se ha realizado una investigación cualitativa apartir de cuestionarios y entrevistas dirigidas al personal dedirección y enfermería de varios Centros de Día de Huelvay provincia.Resultados: Los CDG son un recurso intermedio con múltiplesobjetivos y funciones, que ofrecen calidad de vida tantopara los mayores como para sus familiares. Se componende un equipo básico de profesionales que trabaja de formano permanente. La figura de la enfermería es esencial, perocuenta con una situación laboral muy deficiente.Conclusión: Estos centros proporcionan cuidados profesionalesy permiten la permanencia en los domicilios habitualesfavoreciendo la calidad de vida y autonomía de esta poblaciónmayor. La bibliografía sobre este tema es escasa, por lo quese considera necesario profundizar en su investigación juntocon la puesta en marcha de programas y propuestas de mejoraque den a conocer estos centros sociosanitarios.(AU)

Introduction: Population aging has opened up a newand broad field of study for health science in whichnursing must investigate to guarantee the healthautonomy of older people.Objective: To make visible the Gerontological DayCenters (CDG) and the activities of nursing professionalsin these centers in Huelva.Methodology: A qualitative investigation has beencarried out using questionnaires and interviews directedat the management and nursing staff of several DayCenters in Huelva and the province.Results: The CDG are an intermediate resource withmultiple objectives and functions, which offer qualityof life for both the elderly and their families. They aremade up of a basic team of professionals who workon a non-permanent basis. The role of nursing isessential, but it has a very poor employment situation.Conclusion: These centers provide professional careand allow them to remain in their usual homes,favoring the quality of life and autonomy of thisolder population. The bibliography on this topic isscarce, so it is considered necessary to deepen itsresearch along with the implementation of programsand improvement proposals that make these socio-health centers known.(AU)

Introdução: O envelhecimento populacional abriuum novo e amplo campo de estudo para as ciênciasda saúde no qual a enfermagem deve investigar paragarantir a autonomia de saúde dos idosos.Objectivo: Dar visibilidade aos Centros de DiaGerontológicos (CDG) e à actividade dos profissionaisde enfermagem destes centros de Huelva.Metodologia: Foi realizada uma investigação qualitativaatravés de questionários e entrevistas dirigidas aosdirigentes e pessoal de enfermagem de vários Centrosde Dia de Huelva e da província.Resultados: Os CDG são um recurso intermediáriocom múltiplos objetivos e funções, que oferecemqualidade de vida tanto para os idosos quanto paraseus familiares. São formados por uma equipe básicade profissionais que atuam de forma não permanente.O papel da enfermagem é essencial, mas tem umasituação laboral muito precária.Conclusão: Estes centros prestam cuidados profissionaise permitem a permanência nos seus domicílios habituais,favorecendo a qualidade de vida e a autonomia destapopulação idosa. A bibliografia sobre este tema éescassa, pelo que considera-se necessário aprofundara sua investigação juntamente com a implementaçãode programas e propostas de melhoria que dêem aconhecer estes centros sócio-sanitários.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Anciano , Centros de Día para Mayores , Envejecimiento , Atención de Enfermería , Enfermería , Geriatría , España , Salud del Anciano , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Investigación Cualitativa
Rev. esp. salud pública ; 98: e202403024, Mar. 2024. tab
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-231916


Fundamentos: aunque la falta de avances en la reducción de la obesidad supone un problema mundial, cada lugar presenta diferentes factores contribuyentes. Uno de los que contribuyen actualmente al aumento de la prevalencia de la obesidad es la ali-mentación emocional. El objetivo de este trabajo fue describir y comparar el nivel de alimentación emocional y analizar qué variables y en qué medida afectaban al resto de las variables.métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal en alumnado de tres universidades de la península ibérica (n=1.654) entre octubre de 2019 y junio de 2020. Los datos se recogieron a través de un cuestionario online de autoinforme en el cual se incluyeron datos sociodemográficos y antropométricos, así como cuestionarios validados como el cuestionario de comedores emocionales, el shortform-36 y el cuestionario hospitalario de ansiedad y depresión. Se realizó un muestreo aleatorio estratificado por grupos de facultad, titulación y clase. Para los resultados descriptivos, se calcularon las medias, la desviación estándar y las frecuencias relativas de las variables. Para comparar las medias se utilizaron la prueba t de student, chi-cuadrado y anova. Se realizaron regresiones lineales simples y múltiples para ambas muestras.resultados: la puntuación media en alimentación emocional fue de 8,77±5,66 para el alumnado de españa y de 10,02±6,19 para el de portugal, con una diferencia de 3,62 (<0,001). En españa, la variable dependiente que más afectó a la alimentación emocional fue la calidad de vida (13,8% de varianza [<0,001]), mientras que en portugal fue la ansiedad (10,1% de varianza [<0,001]).conclusiones: se encuentran diferencias estadísticamente significativas en el nivel de alimentación emocional entre poblacio-nes. Además, existe disimilitud en las variables que influyen en el principal en ambos países. Estos hallazgos implican que deben ser considerados en el diseño de futuras investigaciones o intervenciones sanitarias.(AU)

Background: although the lack of progress in reducing obesity is a global problem, different places have different contributing factors. One of the factors currently contributing to the increasing prevalence of obesity is emotional eating. The aim of this paper was to describe and compare the level of emotional eating and to analyse which variables and to what extent they affected the other variables.methods: a descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted in students from 3 universities of the iberian peninsula (n=1,654) between october 2019 and june 2020. Data were collected through an online self-report questionnaire which included sociodemographic and anthropometric data and validated questionnaires such as: the emotional eaters questionnaire, the shortform-36 and the hospital anxiety and depression questionnaire. Stratified random sampling was performed by faculty, degree, and class groups. For descriptive results, means, standard deviation and relative frequencies of variables were calculated. Student’s t-test, chi-square and anova were used to compare means. Simple and multiple linear regressions were performed for both samples.results: the mean emotional eating score was 8.77±5.66 for spanish students and 10.02±6.19 for portuguese students, with a difference of 3.62 (<0.001). In spain, the dependent variable that most affected emotional eating was quality of life (13.8% variance [<0.001]), while in portugal it was anxiety (10.1% variance [<0.001]).conclusions: statistically significant differences are found in the level of emotional eating between populations. In addition, there is dissimilarity in the variables influencing the principal in both countries. These findings imply that they should be considered in the design of future research or health interventions.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Salud del Estudiante , Obesidad , Ansiedad , Depresión , Dieta , Estudios Transversales , Salud Pública , Epidemiología Descriptiva , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , España , Portugal
Rev Esp Salud Publica ; 982024 Mar 20.
Artículo en Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38516895


OBJECTIVE: Although the lack of progress in reducing obesity is a global problem, different places have different contributing factors. One of the factors currently contributing to the increasing prevalence of obesity is emotional eating. The aim of this paper was to describe and compare the level of emotional eating and to analyse which variables and to what extent they affected the other variables. METHODS: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted in students from 3 universities of the Iberian Peninsula (n=1,654) between October 2019 and June 2020. Data were collected through an online self-report questionnaire which included sociodemographic and anthropometric data and validated questionnaires such as: the Emotional Eaters Questionnaire, the ShortForm-36 and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Questionnaire. Stratified random sampling was performed by faculty, degree, and class groups. For descriptive results, means, standard deviation and relative frequencies of variables were calculated. Student's t-test, chi-square and ANOVA were used to compare means. Simple and multiple linear regressions were performed for both samples. RESULTS: The mean emotional eating score was 8.77±5.66 for spanish students and 10.02±6.19 for portuguese students, with a difference of 3.62 (<0.001). In Spain, the dependent variable that most affected emotional eating was quality of life (13.8% variance [<0.001]), while in Portugal it was anxiety (10.1% variance [<0.001]). CONCLUSIONS: Statistically significant differences are found in the level of emotional eating between populations. In addition, there is dissimilarity in the variables influencing the principal in both countries. These findings imply that they should be considered in the design of future research or health interventions.

OBJECTIVE: Aunque la falta de avances en la reducción de la obesidad supone un problema mundial, cada lugar presenta diferentes factores contribuyentes. Uno de los que contribuyen actualmente al aumento de la prevalencia de la obesidad es la alimentación emocional. El objetivo de este trabajo fue describir y comparar el nivel de alimentación emocional y analizar qué variables y en qué medida afectaban al resto de las variables. METHODS: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal en alumnado de tres universidades de la Península Ibérica (n=1.654) entre octubre de 2019 y junio de 2020. Los datos se recogieron a través de un cuestionario online de autoinforme en el cual se incluyeron datos sociodemográficos y antropométricos, así como cuestionarios validados como el Cuestionario de Comedores Emocionales, el ShortForm-36 y el Cuestionario Hospitalario de Ansiedad y Depresión. Se realizó un muestreo aleatorio estratificado por grupos de facultad, titulación y clase. Para los resultados descriptivos, se calcularon las medias, la desviación estándar y las frecuencias relativas de las variables. Para comparar las medias se utilizaron la prueba t de Student, chi-cuadrado y ANOVA. Se realizaron regresiones lineales simples y múltiples para ambas muestras. RESULTS: La puntuación media en alimentación emocional fue de 8,77±5,66 para el alumnado de España y de 10,02±6,19 para el de Portugal, con una diferencia de 3,62 (<0,001). En España, la variable dependiente que más afectó a la alimentación emocional fue la calidad de vida (13,8% de varianza [<0,001]), mientras que en Portugal fue la ansiedad (10,1% de varianza [<0,001]). CONCLUSIONS: Se encuentran diferencias estadísticamente significativas en el nivel de alimentación emocional entre poblaciones. Además, existe disimilitud en las variables que influyen en el principal en ambos países. Estos hallazgos implican que deben ser considerados en el diseño de futuras investigaciones o intervenciones sanitarias.

Obesidad , Calidad de Vida , Humanos , Estudios Transversales , Universidades , España/epidemiología , Obesidad/epidemiología , Encuestas y Cuestionarios
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36078680


Emotional Eating (EE) patterns have been shown to play a relevant role in the development of overweight and obesity. The aim of this study was to analyze the factor structure and psychometric properties of the Emotional Eater Questionnaire (EEQ) in university students from Huelva. The EEQ was administered to 1282 students (age 22.00 (±5.10), BMI 23.59 (±6.74)), belonging to the University of Huelva. An exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) were carried out. The internal structure of the questionnaire, internal consistency, test-retest reliability, and convergent validity were analyzed. Principal component analysis of the questionnaire showed two dimensions, explaining 56% of the variance. Internal consistency showed a Cronbach's alpha of 0.859 globally, and of 0.841-0.855 if the items were removed. The corrected item-total correlation yielded values of 0.444-0.687. The test-retest stability was ICC = 0.924 (p < 0.001). The data showed significant correlations between EEQ and the rest of the variables, and a Spearman's Coefficient ranging from -0.367 to 0.400. The fit indexes were good for the confirmatory factor analysis. The results obtained with this structure found an adequate reliability and validity of the questionnaire in comparison with previous studies.

Estudiantes , Adulto , Análisis Factorial , Humanos , Psicometría , Reproducibilidad de los Resultados , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Universidades , Adulto Joven
Nutrients ; 14(11)2022 May 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35684071


Health promotion activities in secondary schools are scarce and have little involvement of the teaching staff. Most often, activities are developed from the curriculum that appears in school materials, with little capacity for adaptation and innovation. The aim of this study was to construct and validate a tool to find out teachers' attitudes towards activities to promote healthy eating in secondary schools. For this purpose, a descriptive study was conducted. The total sample of the study consisted of 200 teachers from secondary schools. Internal consistency was determined by Cronbach's alpha coefficient globally and by dimension, and with the corrected item-test correlation. The construct validity of the questionnaire was assessed by means of an exploratory factor analysis, for which the principal components method with Varimax rotation was used. A Likert-type scale with nine items and four response options about attitude was designed. The exploratory factor analysis showed a nine-factor solution, of which two had eigenvalues greater than 1. These two factors explained 63.4% of the variance. The Cronbach's alpha internal consistency index obtained for the global scale was 0.81, and 0.75 and 0.85 for each component. The results obtained with this structure confirmed an adequate reliability and validity of the questionnaire.

Actitud , Dieta Saludable , Humanos , Psicometría , Reproducibilidad de los Resultados , Instituciones Académicas , Encuestas y Cuestionarios
Rev Med Virol ; 32(3): e2297, 2022 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34595799


Covid-19 has triggered an unprecedented global health crisis. The highly contagious nature and airborne transmission route of SARS-CoV-2 virus requires extraordinary measures for its containment. It is necessary to know the behaviour of aerosols carrying the virus to avoid this contagion. This paper describes the behaviour of aerosols and their role in the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 according to published models using a scoping review based on the PubMed, Scopus, and WOS databases. From an initial 530 references, 9 papers were selected after applying defined inclusion criteria. The results reinforce the airborne transmission route as a means of contagion of the virus and recommend the use of face masks, extending social distance to more than 2 metres, and natural ventilation of enclosed spaces as preventive measures. These results contribute to a better understanding of SARS-CoV-2 and help design effective strategies to prevent its spread.

COVID-19 , SARS-CoV-2 , Aerosoles , COVID-19/prevención & control , Humanos
J Educ Health Promot ; 11: 355, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36618459


BACKGROUND: Social networks are integrated in our lives and, amongst other functions, they are a means of dissemination. There are numerous social network accounts dedicated to health that could be used as an educational resource. The aim of this study was to evaluate the quality of accounts dedicated to health in different social networks, assessing their content and didactic and technological effectiveness and accessibility. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Observational cross-sectional descriptive study in which an analysis of social networks related to health was carried out from April to June 2021 in Spain. Twenty-eight accounts were analysed using a mixed qualitative-quantitative methodology. Content analysis of the speeches disseminated through the selected accounts was performed. In addition, the quality of the accounts was assessed with the Instrumento de Evaluación de Recursos Educativos Digitales (#IE_RED) (Digital Educational Resources Evaluation Instrument [#IE_RED]). RESULTS: Four categories were identified according to the content: student-focused profiles, specific professionals' profiles, current health issues and profiles promoting a healthy lifestyle. In addition, the quality of the accounts obtained a score that indicates they meet the requirements to be validated as a good educational digital resource but could be improved. Instagram social network accounts and those managed by nurses scored significantly higher. CONCLUSIONS: The analysed accounts were revealed as a quality tool for health dissemination, with varied content and applicable to teaching. Their use could be applied both to the training of health professionals and to the promotion of the population's health.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36612767


Stress contributes to the development and maintenance of obesity. Mindfulness-based therapies are being used to reduce stress and promote weight reduction and maintenance. This study aimed to determine the efficacy of mindfulness-based interventions for stress and weight reduction in the short, medium, and long term. Searches on PsycINFO, Medline, CINAHL, Scopus, WOS, and Science Direct were conducted until March 2021. Intervention studies with a sample of adults were included; these evaluated a mindfulness-based intervention and used stress and weight or body mass index as outcome variables. These criteria were met by 13 articles. A meta-analysis of 8 of the 13 articles was performed with a random-effects or fixed-effects model, depending on the level of heterogeneity between studies. Mindfulness-based interventions had a small effect on stress reduction over a 3-month period: effect size (standardized mean difference) = -0.29 (95% CI: -0.49, -0.10). However, no significant evidence was found for stress reduction from 3 months onwards, nor for weight or body mass index reduction in any period. Mindfulness-based interventions are effective in reducing stress in the short term, but not in the medium or long term, nor are they effective for weight or body mass index. More robust and longer study designs are needed to determine their effects.

Atención Plena , Adulto , Humanos , Obesidad/prevención & control , Pérdida de Peso , Índice de Masa Corporal , Estrés Psicológico/prevención & control
Metas enferm ; 24(3): 50-57, Abr. 2021. tab
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-223050


Objetivo: explorar los conocimientos, las necesidades sentidas y la utilidad percibida por la comunidad educativa de Educación Primaria y Secundaria sobre la figura de la enfermera escolar en el ámbito rural de Huelva (Andalucía).Método: estudio cualitativo de corte fenomenológico efectuado en 2019. Se realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas a profesorado, padres y madres de los centros educativos de dos poblaciones del ámbito rural onubense que fueron seleccionados mediante muestreo intencional y en bola de nieve. Se llevó a cabo análisis temático a partir de categorías preestablecidas.Resultados: se realizaron 23 entrevistas hasta la saturación de la información (14 profesores/as y nueve padres/madres). Se confirmaron tres categorías: conocimiento sobre la enfermera escolar, necesidad de la enfermera escolar y conocimiento y acciones en promoción de salud. Los participantes vieron necesaria la figura de la enfermera escolar en los centros tanto de Educación Primaria como Secundaria. El profesorado encontró muchas dificultades para atender las necesidades clínicas del elevado número de alumnos/as con discapacidades o enfermedades crónicas. Se detectó poca información y conocimiento en los progenitores sobre la promoción de la salud en el centro escolar.Conclusión: el discurso del profesorado, padres y madres participantes indicó la necesidad y utilidad de la implantación de la enfermera escolar en los centros de Educación Primaria y Secundaria en el ámbito rural.(AU)

Objective: to explore the knowledge, the need felt, and the utility perceived by the Primary and Secondary Education community regarding the role of the school nurse in the rural setting of Huelva (Andalusia).Method: a qualitative phenomenological study conducted on 2019. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with professors, fathers and mothers from the education centres of two populations within the rural setting of Huelva, who were selected through intentional and snowball sampling. Thematic analysis was conducted, based on pre-established categories.Results: twenty-three (23) interviews were conducted, until there was information overload (14 professors and nine fathers/mothers). Three categories were confirmed: knowledge about the school nurse, need for the school nurse, and knowledge and actions in health promotion. The participants considered that the role of the school nurse was necessary in both Primary and Secondary Education centres. The teaching staff found many difficulties to manage the clinical needs of the high number of patients with disabilities or chronic conditions. Lack of information and knowledge was detected among parents regarding health promotion at the school center.Conclusion: the discourse of the teaching staff, fathers and mothers involved, indicated the need and utility of implementing the role of the school nurse in the Primary and Secondary Education centres in the rural setting.(AU)

Humanos , Servicios de Enfermería Escolar , Educación en Salud , Servicios de Salud Escolar , Promoción de la Salud , España , Enfermería , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , 25783
Enferm. glob ; 20(62): 557-591, abr. 2021. graf
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-202242


INTRODUCCIÓN: El uso excesivo de videojuegos ha aumentado de manera vertiginosa y, especialmente, entre los varones con edades comprendidas entre los 10 y los 19 años. Muchos adolescentes pierden el control sobre el videojuego, lo que puede tener consecuencias negativas como el juego patológico, problemático o la adicción al videojuego. OBJETIVOS: Conocer la producción científica existente sobre el uso problemático de videojuegos y la adicción al videojuego en los adolescentes. METODOLOGÍA: Se han analizado los documentos encontrados tras una búsqueda bibliográfica en las bases de datos COCHRANE, MEDLINE, LILACS, CINAHL y CUIDEN. RESULTADOS: Se han definido los factores predictores, la prevalencia, las características, los cuestionarios validados, la relación con otras adicciones, la relación con el TEA (Trastorno del Espectro Autista) y con el TDAH (Trastorno por Déficit de Atención e Hiperactividad) y la prevención del uso problemático y la adicción al videojuego. CONCLUSIONES: Hay inconsistencias en los resultados debido al diseño transversal de la mayoría de los estudios, a las muestras pequeñas, a la ausencia de muestras clínicas o aleatorizadas, a la extracción de datos con cuestionarios de autorreporte, a la realización de estos en colegios, sin tener en cuenta a los adolescentes ingresados en centros de salud mental u hospitales, a la falta de estudios en el género femenino y a la falta de estandarización de los criterios diagnósticos. El tema menos estudiado es el tratamiento y la prevención, el más importante para nuestra profesión, por lo que la principal futura línea de investigación sería en este ámbito

INTRODUCTION: The excessive use of videogames has increased dramatically, especially among 10-to-19-year-old males. Many teenagers lose control over video games, which may have negative consequences such as pathological, problematic, or addictive gaming. OBJECTIVES: Knowing the existing scientific production about the problematic use of video games and video games addiction in teenagers. METHODOLOGY: Documents found after a bibliographic search in the databases COCHRANE, MEDLINE, LILACS, CINAHL and CUIDEN have been analyzed. RESULTS: It has been defined the predictive factors, the prevalence, the characteristics, the validated questionnaires, the associations with other addictions, the relations with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) and ADHD (Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder), and prevention of problematic use and addiction to video games. CONCLUSIONS: There are inconsistencies in the results due to the transversal design of most of the studies, such as small samples, the absence of clinical or randomized samples, data extraction with self-reporting questionnaires conducted in schools, without taking into account adolescents hospitalized into mental health centers or hospitals, the gender bias in research and the lack of standardization of diagnostic criteria. The least studied subject is the treatment and prevention, the most important for nursing profession, so the future main line of research would be in this area

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Niño , Adolescente , Adulto Joven , Juegos de Video/estadística & datos numéricos , Conducta Adictiva/epidemiología , Salud Pública/estadística & datos numéricos , Indicadores de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Conducta del Adolescente
Nutrients ; 12(7)2020 Jul 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32635250


Obesity and overweight are both public health problems, affecting increasingly younger populations. Promoting healthy eating should be a must in schools. Therefore, getting to know the eating habits of a population group as sensitive as adolescents and whether their schools apply an appropriate policy for their nutrition should be a priority. Therefore, the objective of this study was to discover whether the Secondary Education High Schools of Huelva and its province could be considered as centres that promote a healthy diet. A cross-sectional descriptive study was developed using a questionnaire comprising 39 indicators that were evaluated on 5 previously piloted subcategories of validated information. Data were obtained through a questionnaire presented to 200 key informants with four different profiles. The highest score for promoting healthy eating in the centres was related to the subcategory "School Curriculum", whereas the lowest means were those related to the Community category. No practical activities such as outings or cooking workshops were carried out. The low participation in activities promoting healthy eating habits, research and health training must be highlighted. Little attention was paid to compliance and monitoring of school cafeterias. Most of the studied Secondary Education High Schools did not meet the requisites to be considered promoters of healthy eating habits. Only three of the studied centres can be considered healthy-eating promoters. Institutional commitment is needed to favour the intersectorality of the different agents implied and to provide teaching units and other teaching profiles with the necessary resources, training, and tools to achieve integral and protective teaching activities aimed at promoting students' healthy eating habits.

Dieta Saludable , Educación en Salud/estadística & datos numéricos , Servicios de Salud Escolar/estadística & datos numéricos , Instituciones Académicas/estadística & datos numéricos , Estudiantes/estadística & datos numéricos , Adolescente , Estudios Transversales , Curriculum/estadística & datos numéricos , Femenino , Educación en Salud/métodos , Humanos , Masculino , España
Nutrients ; 12(6)2020 Jun 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32545490


This study sought to describe and compare adherence to the Mediterranean diet and consumption of local foods from the Huelva region among Spanish university women in relation to menstrual pain and other menstrual characteristics. This cross-sectional study included 311 health science students. The study variables were sociodemographic and gynecologic characteristics, adherence to the Mediterranean diet using the KIDMED questionnaire, alcohol consumption (SDU) and consumption of local food. A descriptive bivariate analysis and multiple binary regression were performed for menstrual pain. Up to 55.3% of participants had moderate adherence to the Mediterranean diet and only 29.6% had high adherence. Women with low adherence had longer menstrual cycles (p < 0.01). Eating less than two pieces of fruit per day (OR = 3.574; 95%CI = 1.474-8.665; p < 0.05) and eating pulses more than one day a week (OR = 2.320; 95%CI = 1.006-5.348) raised the probability of suffering menstrual pain. A positive correlation between SDU and cycle length was identified (r = 0.119, p = 0.038), and menstrual bleeding was lower in women who consumed olive oil daily (p = 0.044). In conclusion, the Mediterranean diet, alcohol consumption and consuming typical foods from southern Spain appear to influence cycle length, menstrual flow and menstrual pain. Further research is necessary to confirm and expand these findings.

Dieta Mediterránea , Dismenorrea/epidemiología , Conducta Alimentaria , Menstruación , Adolescente , Adulto , Consumo de Bebidas Alcohólicas/epidemiología , Estudios Transversales , Femenino , Frutas , Humanos , Aceite de Oliva , España , Estudiantes , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Universidades , Adulto Joven
Foods ; 9(4)2020 Apr 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32260058


In order to discover family conceptions and their difficulties with regard to healthy eating habits during the school day, a qualitative study framed in the phenomenological, exploratory, and explanatory perspective has been carried out to detect and describe the aspects and interrelationships that shape the study phenomenon. The researchers performed triangulation techniques and information analysis support with the Atlas-ti programme. As participants, the students' parents belonging to public secondary education high schools in Huelva, and the capital and its province were included. The participants were intentionally chosen based on established selection and segmentation criteria. Four main categories were obtained from the triangulated analysis. Healthy breakfast, school snack, school cafeteria, and promotion of healthy food measures. Other subcategories were established within them. Families are well aware of the composition of a healthy breakfast, although this is often not translated into practice. Lack of time, comfort and market influence are the main challenges they encounter for their children to acquire healthy habits. The maintenance of healthy habits, their responsibility and control on behalf of the family, and promoting fruit consumption and healthy products from the part of the centre and its cafeteria were highlighted as improvement proposals.

Nutrients ; 12(2)2020 Feb 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32075022


The development of healthy eating habits in adolescence is perceived as an effective strategy to avoid health problems in adulthood. The involvement of educational centres' governing boards, as well as the Educational State and Regional Administrations', may be necessary to create healthy food environments during the school day. The objective of this study is to identify the relationship between students' eating habits during the school day and sociodemographic, family and physical activity variables, as well as the existence of a school cafeteria. For this, a cross-sectional study in a stratified random sample of 8068 students of Public Secondary Education High Schools of Andalusia (Spain) has been carried out. The results show that students who are 14 years old or older are more likely to skip breakfast at home (odds ratio (OR): 1.81, 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.55-2.12) than those under this age. Students whose mothers do not have a university education are more likely to consume incomplete breakfasts (OR: 1.83, 95% CI: 1.26-2.65). Snacks with sweets (OR: 1.93, 95% CI: 1.67-2.23), candy in general (OR: 2.75, 95% CI: 2.38-3.19), and bagged crisps (OR: 3.06, 95% CI: 2.65-3.54) were more likely to be consumed in schools with a cafeteria. The factors that significantly influence the eating habits of secondary students in Andalusia include age, sex, parental level of education, physical activity and the existence of a cafeteria.

Ingestión de Alimentos , Conducta Alimentaria , Alimentos , Instituciones Académicas , Estudiantes , Adolescente , Desayuno , Dulces , Estudios Transversales , Escolaridad , Ejercicio Físico , Femenino , Servicios de Alimentación , Humanos , Masculino , Madres , Bocadillos , España
Enferm. glob ; 16(46): 94-106, abr. 2017. tab, ilus
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-161727


Fundamento: El análisis del contexto ambiental es imprescindible para estudiar las prácticas alimentarias en adolescentes. Se describen las prácticas alimentarias durante la jornada escolar del alumnado usuario de los comercios de alimentos circundantes a los centros de educación secundaria en Andalucía y las características de los mismos. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo transversal, sobre una muestra de 8068 estudiantes y 95 centros de secundaria. Muestreo aleatorio polietápico por conglomerado: estratificado por provincia y tamaño de hábitat y sistemático por aulas. El tipo de establecimiento, oferta alimentaria, distancia y visualización desde el centro y demanda del alumnado se realizó mediante observación directa y entrevistas, y las características socio-demográficas y las prácticas alimentarias a través de cuestionario. Resultados: Los centros tienen establecimientos cercanos con oferta alimentaria dirigida al alumnado (72,63%). Predominan bares y cafeterías (55), tiendas de comestibles (54) y quioscos de chucherías (23). La oferta de chucherías, bollería y bocadillos se constata en todos los establecimientos. El 25,73% del alumnado compra su merienda escolar en estos comercios, encontrando relaciones significativas en el consumo de golosinas y paquetes de fritos envasados frente al alumnado que no sale del instituto durante la hora del recreo. Conclusiones: El número y las características de la oferta de los establecimientos circundantes a los centros educativos obligan a profundizar en la influencia sobre las prácticas alimentarias del alumnado para establecer medidas de salud pública que controlen la oferta insalubre detectada (AU)

Background: The analysis of the environmental context is indispensable to study the eating habits in adolescents. Feeding practices during the school day the students user surrounding grocery stores of secondary schools in Andalusia and their characteristics are described. Methods: Descriptive cross-sectional study of 8068 students and 95 secondary schools. Multistage cluster sampling: Stratified random sampling by province and population size and systematic for classrooms. The analysis of the type of store, food supply, distance and visualization from the school and students´ demands was conducted by direct observation and interviews. The socio-demographic characteristics and feeding practices were got through questionnaire. Results: The schools are surrounded by shops in which the food supply is aimed at students (72, 63 %). Pubs and cafeterias (55), grocery stores and tuck shops predominate. The presence of sweets, processed baked goods and sandwiches is confirmed in all the stores. 25.73% of students buy their school meals in these shops. There are statistically significant relationships between the consumption of sweets and fried packaged packages and to go out the high school during the playground. Conclusions: The number and characteristics of the stores surrounding the schools require studying its influence over students eating habits in order to establish public health measures to control the detected unhealthy supply (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adolescente , Conducta Alimentaria/fisiología , Educación Primaria y Secundaria , Estudiantes/estadística & datos numéricos , Conducta Alimentaria/fisiología , Estudios Transversales/métodos , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Actividad Motora/fisiología
Metas enferm ; 16(10): 63-69, dic. 2013. tab, ilus
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-117934


El abandono del hogar para comenzar los estudios universitarios puede ser considerado una potencial fuente de estrés descrita por la NANDA como el “síndrome de estrés de traslado” (SET).Objetivo: determinar la prevalencia del SET en estudiantes de la titulación de Enfermería y su relación con factores sociodemográficos, apoyo social y desarrollo personal. Método: se efectuó un estudio descriptivo con estudiantes de primer año de la titulación de Enfermería en la Universidad de Huelva, agrupados en función de si se habían tenido que trasladar para realizar sus estudios. Se aplicó un cuestionario que recoge indicadores del SET agrupados en diez dimensiones diferentes y los indicadores del resto de variables. Se estableció una puntuación mínima y máxima para cada dimensión y se fijó el punto de corte para adjudicar la etiqueta diagnóstica SET. Resultados: se obtuvo información de 111 estudiantes (69 trasladados),con una prevalencia de SET de 1,45%. Las dimensiones más alteradas fueron el patrón de sueño (91,9%), las dificultades de concentración(91,2%) y el patrón alimentario (73,9%). Se encontraron diferencias significativas entre la puntuación en la escala de SET y el sexo (F= 5,92, p< 0,018), la autopercepción de salud (F= 4,26, p<0,018) y características de la personalidad (F= 1,82; p< 0,043). También se observaron diferencias significativas en algunos de los indicadores de estrés general entre los estudiantes trasladados y los que residen en el hogar familiar. Conclusiones: globalmente, la prevalencia del SET es muy baja, pero se observan indicadores alterados en una alta frecuencia, que permiten identificar la situación de traslado como una fuente de malestar en el alumnado (AU)

Leaving home to start a university career may be considered a potential source of stress, described by NANDA as “Relocation Stress Syndrome”(RSS).Objective: to determine the prevalence of RSS in Nursing Degree students, and its relationship with socio-demographic factors, social support and personal development. Method: a descriptive study was conducted with students in the first year of their Nursing degree in the Universidad de Huelva, classified according to their having to move in order to study. A questionnaire was applied, which collects RSS indicators grouped into ten different dimensions, and the indicators for the rest of variables. Minimal and maximum scores were established for each dimension, and the cut-off point was determined in order to assign the RSS diagnostic label. Results: information was obtained from 111 students (69 moves),with a 1.45% prevalence of RSS. The most altered dimensions were sleep pattern (91.9%), difficulties in concentration (91.2%) and eating pattern (73.9%). There were significant differences between the score in the RSS scale and gender (F= 5.92, p< 0.018), the self-perception of health (F= 4.26, p< 0.018) and personality characteristics(F= 1.82; p< 0.043). Significant differences were also observed in some of the general stress indicators between students who had moved and those living at the family home. Conclusions: overall, the prevalence of RSS is very low; but altered indicators can be observed with high frequency, which allow identifying the relocation situation as a source of discomfort for students (AU)

Humanos , Estudiantes de Enfermería/psicología , Educación en Enfermería , Migración Humana , Relaciones Familiares