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Adv Mater ; 36(9): e2302520, 2024 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37924223


The ability to confine light down to atomic scales is critical for the development of applications in optoelectronics and optical sensing as well as for the exploration of nanoscale quantum phenomena. Plasmons in metallic nanostructures with just a few atomic layers in thickness can achieve this type of confinement, although fabrication imperfections down to the subnanometer scale hinder actual developments. Here, narrow plasmons are demonstrated in atomically thin crystalline silver nanostructures fabricated by prepatterning silicon substrates and epitaxially depositing silver films of just a few atomic layers in thickness. Specifically, a silicon wafer is lithographically patterned to introduce on-demand lateral shapes, chemically process the sample to obtain an atomically flat silicon surface, and epitaxially deposit silver to obtain ultrathin crystalline metal films with the designated morphologies. Structures fabricated by following this procedure allow for an unprecedented control over optical field confinement in the near-infrared spectral region, which is here illustrated by the observation of fundamental and higher-order plasmons featuring extreme spatial confinement and high-quality factors that reflect the crystallinity of the metal. The present study constitutes a substantial improvement in the degree of spatial confinement and quality factor that should facilitate the design and exploitation of atomic-scale nanoplasmonic devices for optoelectronics, sensing, and quantum-physics applications.

Nano Lett ; 23(13): 6249-6258, 2023 Jul 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37156508


Magnetic topological insulators constitute a novel class of materials whose topological surface states (TSSs) coexist with long-range ferromagnetic order, eventually breaking time-reversal symmetry. The subsequent bandgap opening is predicted to co-occur with a distortion of the TSS warped shape from hexagonal to trigonal. We demonstrate such a transition by means of angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy on the magnetically rare-earth (Er and Dy) surface-doped topological insulator Bi2Se2Te. Signatures of the gap opening are also observed. Moreover, increasing the dopant coverage results in a tunable p-type doping of the TSS, thereby allowing for a gradual tuning of the Fermi level toward the magnetically induced bandgap. A theoretical model where a magnetic Zeeman out-of-plane term is introduced in the Hamiltonian governing the TSS rationalizes these experimental results. Our findings offer new strategies to control magnetic interactions with TSSs and open up viable routes for the realization of the quantum anomalous Hall effect.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 20(32): 21163-21176, 2018 Aug 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30079921


Adsorption and dissociation of molecular hydrogen on transition metal clusters are basic processes of broad technological application in fields such as catalysis, hydrogenation reactions, hydrogen fuel cells, hydrogen storage, etc. Here we focus on two cobalt clusters, Co6 and Co13, and use the density functional formalism to investigate: (i) the mechanisms for adsorption and dissociation of hydrogen, and (ii) the competition between the two processes as the amount of hydrogen increases towards cluster saturation. The dissociative adsorption of hydrogen is the preferred adsorption channel for low coverage. Each individual H atom binds to the cluster with an ionic type of bonding, similar to that in metal hydrides. The electronic levels of the H atoms hybridize with the deepest levels of the Co cluster, leading to the stabilization of the system. In contrast H2 binds to the cluster with a weak covalent type of bond and the electronic density of the molecule becomes polarized. The electronic levels of the molecule are deeper than those of the Co cluster and do not hybridize with them, which explains the weak bonding of the molecule to the cluster. Interestingly, the high magnetic moments of the Co clusters do not change when H2 is adsorbed in molecular form, but the magnetic moments decrease by two Bohr magnetons upon dissociative adsorption of the molecule. Adsorption and dissociation of H2 on Co6 and Co13 exhibit similar features, although the adsorption energies on Co13 are stronger. Saturation of Co6 with hydrogen has been also investigated. Co6 can adsorb up to four H2 molecules in the dissociated form. Additional hydrogen is adsorbed in molecular form leading to a saturated cluster with sixteen hydrogen molecules, four dissociated and twelve molecular. This limit corresponds to a content of 8.4 wt% of hydrogen in the Co cluster, which is promising for the purpose of hydrogen storage.