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Heliyon ; 10(9): e29908, 2024 May 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38699023


This study analyzes floristic and vegetation structure changes during forest succession after disturbances caused by small-scale gold mining in Madre de Dios (Peru). We compared the floristic and vegetation structure of a reference forest against three sites with different periods of abandonment after mining (5, 11 and 23-years). Three 20 × 60 m plots were defined on each site, and all tree species with a DBH >1 cm within the plots were inventoried. To evaluate species diversity and similarity, the Importance Value, effective numbers of species (0D, 1D, and 2D), and Chao-Jaccard similarity index were calculated. We used the Nonmetric multidimensional scaling for similarity ordination and the PERMANOVA test to evaluate differences in floristic composition. We recorded 129 tree species in the study areas and statistically significant differences between initial and intermediate stages were observed regarding floristic composition, basal area, height, and DBH. The transition from the initial successional stage to the reference forest produces an increase in basal area, species diversity, and floristic similarity. The 23-year-old stand had more species in common with the 11-year-old stand than the reference forest. Our results showed a high proportion of pioneer species and anemochory dispersal syndrome in the initial successional stages, but they decreased in later stages of the chronosequence. The floristic and structural attributes of forests throughout the chronosequence showed a fast recovery during secondary succession. After 23 years, the recovery of tree species density was 77 % of reference forest, while the relative recovery of species composition was much slower, on average 23 %. These results provide essential information to guide the selection of suitable species in ecological restoration projects after abandonment. Implementing forest restoration strategies based on reliable information to accelerate the process of vegetation succession is critical for recuperating areas degraded by gold mining at the Peruvian Amazon.

Environ Res ; 245: 118073, 2024 Mar 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38159662


Artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM) in the Amazon has degraded tropical forests and escalated mercury (Hg) pollution, affecting biodiversity, ecological processes and rural livelihoods. In the Peruvian Amazon, ASGM annually releases some 181 tons of Hg into the environment. Despite some recent advances in understanding the spatial distribution of Hg within gold mine spoils and the surrounding landscape, temporal dynamics in Hg movement are not well understood. We aimed to reveal spatio-temporal trends of soil Hg in areas degraded by ASGM.,. We analyzed soil and sediment samples during the dry and rainy seasons across 14 ha of potentially contaminated sites and natural forests, in the vicinities of the Native community of San Jacinto in Madre de Dios, Peru. Soil Hg levels of areas impacted by ASGM (0.02 ± 0.02 mg kg-1) were generally below soil environmental quality standards (6.60 mg kg-1). However, they showed high variability, mainly explained by the type of natural cover vegetation, soil organic matter (SOM), clay and sand particles. Temporal trends in Hg levels in soils between seasons differed between landscape units distinguished in the mine spoils. During the rainy season, Hg levels decreased up to 45.5% in uncovered soils, while in artificial pond sediments Hg increased by up to 961%. During the dry season, uncovered degraded soils were more prone to lose Hg than sites covered by vegetation, mainly due to higher soil temperatures and concomitantly increasing volatilization. Soils from natural forests and degraded soil covered by regenerating vegetation showed a high capacity to retain Hg mainly due to the higher plant biomass, higher SOM, and increasing concentrations of clay particles. Disturbingly, our findings suggest high Hg mobility from gold mine spoil to close by sedimentary materials, mainly in artificial ponds through alluvial deposition and pluvial lixiviation. Thus, further research is needed on monitoring, and remediation of sediments in artificial to design sustainable land use strategies.

Monitoreo del Ambiente , Mercurio , Estaciones del Año , Perú , Oro , Arcilla , Mercurio/análisis , Minería , Suelo